Hi everyone,
I am a beginner using Rstan package and loo package. I have a quick question for using loo package. I want to get loo and waic for the purpose of model comparison. In my stan code, I define a variable called log_lik for Loo computation in the generated quantities block. (although it is not a parameter) I made it as a vector because I use long format data to delete missing responses.
generated quantities {
vector[N] log_lik;
real deviance;
for (n in 1:N)
log_lik[n] = pcm(y[n], theta[pp[n]], to_vector(delta[ii[n]]));
deviance = sum(-2*log_lik);
In my current model (crossed random effects in IRT model), I simulated the data for 500 persons and 60 items (N=30,000 data points in total) and fit the model with 1000 iterations and 4 chains. And then, I got large size stanfit output (482.2 Mb). Due to define ‘log_lik’ variable in stan code, my stanfit output size was much larger than expected.
The log_lik array in the output looks like 500 (sampling draw after warmup) X 4 (chains) X 30,000(data points), which is very huge. I tried to extract pointwise log-likelihood values from the stan output, but I failed to extract them with an error message below (neither merge_chains = FALSE nor TRUE).
log_lik ← loo::extract_log_lik(stanfit, “log_lik”)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 457.8 Mb
Is there any solution to deal with large stanfit size for computing loo and waic?
Is it okay to compute loo and waic based on the log-likelihood values from just 1 or 2 chains rather than all 4 chains?
If okay, how can I extract 1 or 2 chains’s values from the stan ouput and get loo?
After calculating loo and waic, I want to remove log-likelihood draws from the output object to reduce the file size. Is there any simple way to remove them?
Thanks for any help in advance! Have a great weekend.