Example von Bertalanffy model (and hierarchical logistic regression and linear regression)

In previous post, I asked for helped with a hierarchical von Bertalanffy growth model.

I’ve turned example into an R package, available on the USGS git repository https://code.usgs.gov/umesc/fishStan. My R package currently includes a hierarchical von Bertalanffy growth model, a hierarchical logistic regression, and a hierarchical linear regression. All three models are adapted from Section 1.13 Multivariate Hierarchical Priors in the Stan user manual (the linear regression is almost an exact copy-and-paste). I’ve also include generated quantities that calculates the curves/lines estimated by the model and the growth model also uses the estimated parameters to calculate natural mortality.

As a long term plan/hope, I would like to add helper functions and polish this package enough to get it on CRAN. Pull requests are welcome.

Edit: June 2022 A second version of this package has been released and now lives at UMESC / quant-ecology / fishStan · GitLab (usgs.gov).


Thanks for sharing! Glad the user’s guide as helpful.

P.S. CRAN is less about polish and more about not breaking their rules.

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You’re welcome Bob. Stan’s user resources are amazing. That’s one reason I switched over from JAGS.

I’ve never done a CRAN release before, so I am somewhat intimidated by their rules. But, I also have my own personal standards of wanting to release a minimum level of polish before I go “live”.

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