Estimation of time-varying infection parameter for a simple SEIR model

Dear all,

I have been stuck on this topic for some time now. I am trying to estimate time-varying infection (with other time-independent epidemiological) parameters for a complex multi-patch SEIRS model. But I decided to first implement the idea for a simple single-patch SEIRS model. I am not quite sure how to achieve this, but I imagine that I need to use a for loop at the transformed parameters block, to evaluate the ODE integrator at each time point. I tried implementing this, but on compiling, I got the following error:

   123:  	//params[4] = nu;
   125:  	y[1,] = ode_rk45(SEIRS, y0, -0.000001, dt[1],beta, kappa, gama, Lambda, mu, tau, phi); //integrate_ode_bdf when stiff

Ill-typed arguments supplied to function 'ode_rk45':
(<F1>, vector, real, real, vector, real, real, real, real, real, real)
where F1 = (real, vector, real, real, real, real, real, real, real) => vector
Available signatures:
(<F1>, vector, real, array[] real, real, real, real, real, real, real, real) => vector
  The fourth argument must be array[] real but got real

I am using the new ODE interface, which requires that the times be given as array real. How to provide a single real time at each iteration is not very clear for me. I will appreciate it if you could help me debug the following Stan code, which I use cmstanpy to run.

functions {
 array[] real diff(array[] real x){
   int N = num_elements(x);
   array[N-1] real result;
   for (i in 1:(N-1)){
     result[i] = x[i+1] - x[i];
   return result;
  vector SEIRS( real t,        // time
				vector y,      // State S, E, I, R, N 
				real beta, // infection parameter beta
				real kappa, 
				real gama, 
				real Lambda, 
				real mu, 
				real tau, 
				real phi 
				//vector n_obs
				//vector n_fake
				//real[] x_r,    // real ODE argument that depend only on data
				//int[] x_i  
				){  // integer ODE argument that depend only on data
	vector[6] dydt;

    dydt[1] = Lambda*y[6] - beta*y[1]*y[3]/y[6] - mu*y[1] + tau*y[4];
    dydt[2] = beta*y[1]*y[3]/y[6] - (kappa + mu) * y[2];
    dydt[3] = kappa * y[2] - (gama + phi + mu) * y[3];
    dydt[4] = gama * y[3] - (tau + mu) * y[4];
    dydt[5] = kappa * y[2];
    dydt[6] = Lambda*y[6] - (mu * y[6] + phi * y[3]);
    return dydt;

  int<lower = 1> n_obs;              // Number of days sampled
  int<lower = 1> n_fake;             // number of fake days sampled for prediction
  array[n_obs] int<lower = 0> cases; // The observed data  (daily incidence)
  vector<lower = 0>[6] y0;       //initial conditions 
  real<lower = 0> t0;                // Initial time point (zero)
  array[n_obs+1] real<lower = t0> dt;    // Time points that were sampled
  array[n_fake] real<lower = t0> fake_ts; // Fake prediction time points that were sampled
  array[n_obs]  real<lower = 0> mob_data; //mobility data
  real<lower = 0> N0;          // Initial pop size 
  real<lower = 0> R0;          // 
  real<lower = 0> Lambda;      // We considere known
  real<lower = 0> mu;          // We considere known
  real<lower = 0> tau;         // We considere known
  real<lower = 0> phi;         // We considere known

//transformed data {
//  real x_r[4] = {Lambda, mu, tau, phi};
//  int x_i[0];

  //Support of parameters
  //real<lower =  0.5, upper = 2.0> beta_t;
  vector<lower = 0.8, upper = 1.60>[n_obs] beta; 
  //vector<lower = 0.5, upper=1.6>[n_obs] beta0;
  //real<lower = 0.5, upper=1.6> beta0;
  //real<lower = 0.5, upper=1.6> beta1;  
  real<lower =  0.5, upper = 1.5> kappa;
  real<lower =  0.5, upper = 1.5> gama;
  //real<lower =  0.1> nu_inv;
  real<lower =  0.1> nu_inv;
  //real<lower =  0, upper = 15> E0;
  //real<lower =  0, upper = 30> I0;
  //real<lower = 5e-7> nu; 

transformed parameters{
  array[n_obs+1] vector<lower = 0.>[6] y;    // Output from the ODE solver
  array[n_fake] vector<lower = 0.>[6] y_pred_Inc; // Output from the ODE solver for prediction
  real nu = 1./nu_inv;

  //vector[n_obs+1] beta = 
  //  vector[6] y0;                 // initial conditions 
  //  y0[1]   = N0 - ( E0 + I0 + R0);
  //  y0[2]   = E0;
   // y0[3]   = I0;
  //  y0[4]   = R0; 
	//y0[5]   = E0 + I0 + R0;
	//y0[6]   = N0;

  //real params[3]; 
	//params[1] = beta;
	//params[2] = kappa;
	//params[3] = gama;
	//params[4] = nu;
	y[1,] = ode_rk45(SEIRS, y0, -0.000001, dt[1],beta, kappa, gama, Lambda, mu, tau, phi); //integrate_ode_bdf when stiff
    y_pred_Inc[1,] = ode_rk45(SEIRS, y0, -0.000001, fake_ts[1], beta, kappa, gama, Lambda, mu, tau, phi); //integrate_ode_bdf when stiff (for predictions)
  for (t in 2:n_fake){ 
  //real beta_t = exp(beta0[t] + beta1[t]*mob_data[t]); 
  real beta_t = beta[t]; //+ beta1*mob_data[t]; 
  //real dt[1] = t - 1; 
  //real fake_ts[1] = t - 1;
    y[t,] = ode_rk45(SEIRS, y[t-1,], -0.000001, dt[t],beta_t, kappa, gama, Lambda, mu, tau, phi); //integrate_ode_bdf when stiff
   // y0 = y[t];
    y_pred_Inc[t,] = ode_rk45(SEIRS, y_pred_Inc[t-1,], -0.000001, fake_ts[t], beta_t, kappa, gama, Lambda, mu, tau, phi); //integrate_ode_bdf when stiff (for predictions)
   // y0 = y_pred_Inc[t];
 // }

  real epsilon = 1e-4;     
  // Prior distributions
  for (t in 1:n_obs){
  beta[t]    ~ normal(-0.1115975, 0.2966405); 
  //beta0    ~ lognormal(-0.1115975, 0.2966405); 
  //beta1    ~ lognormal(-0.1115975, 0.2966405); 
  kappa   ~ gamma(4.25173, 6.09586);
  gama    ~ gamma(4.25173, 6.09586);
  //nu_inv ~ gamma(9.0045, 2.2508);
  nu ~ gamma(0.64906, 0.28971);
  //E0      ~ uniform(3.1699, 11.8301);
  //I0      ~ uniform(6.3397, 23.6603);
  // Likelihood
  cases ~ neg_binomial_2(diff(y[ ,5]), nu+epsilon);
generated quantities {
  real epsilon = 1e-4; 
  array[n_fake-1] real pred_Inc_cases;
  pred_Inc_cases = neg_binomial_2_rng(diff(y_pred_Inc[ ,5]), nu+epsilon);