I would like to evaluate the latent variables in real time in the out-sample for a model with fixed parameters.
For example, I will use the following case from the Stan User’s Guide to explain.
In this case, we estimate Stochastic volatility models.
data {
int<lower=0> T; // # time points (equally spaced)
vector[T] y; // mean corrected return at time t
parameters {
real mu; // mean log volatility
real<lower=-1,upper=1> phi; // persistence of volatility
real<lower=0> sigma; // white noise shock scale
vector[T] h; // log volatility at time t
model {
phi ~ uniform(-1, 1);
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 5);
mu ~ cauchy(0, 10);
h[1] ~ normal(mu, sigma / sqrt(1 - phi * phi));
for (t in 2:T)
h[t] ~ normal(mu + phi * (h[t - 1] - mu), sigma);
for (t in 1:T)
y[t] ~ normal(0, exp(h[t] / 2));
After estimating parameters such as phi, sigma and mu, I want to fix those parameters and then evaluate h[T+1],h[T+2],… h[T+N]using y[T+1],y[T+2],…,y[T+N].
data {
int<lower=0> N; // # time points (equally spaced)
vector[N] y; //new return after time T
real mu; // estimated mean log volatility
real<lower=-1,upper=1> phi; //estimated persistence of volatility
real<lower=0> sigma; //estimated white noise shock scale
parameters {
vector[N] h; // log volatility at time t
model {
h[1] ~ normal(mu, sigma / sqrt(1 - phi * phi));
for (t in 2:N)
h[t] ~ normal(mu + phi * (h[t - 1] - mu), sigma);
for (t in 1:N)
y[t] ~ normal(0, exp(h[t] / 2));
However, here I want to estimate it as if it were done in real time. In other words, I should not use the data of y[T+2] to estimate h[T+1].
However, in the usual way I would use y[T+1]… …y[T+N] to estimate the past h.
It seems too inefficient to loop and collect the last value, increasing by one point each time.
Is there any way to solve this kind of problem?