I assumed that you wanted factor scores for each ID, split by wave.
Here is what I meant in more detail.
(sorry, I am a data.table
person and don’t use the tidyverse much, hope this can still be understood)
First transpose the results from posterior_linpred
, make a data.table, and rename columns, and merge with myData_long.
tmp = data.table(t(mixedEffectsGRM_posterior1))
setnames(tmp,names(tmp), paste0("iter.",1:50))
complete.myData_long = data.table(myData_long)[complete.cases(myData_long)]
plp_wide = cbind(complete.myData_long, tmp)
Next make really long format, that has also iterations in long format.
plp_long =
id.vars = names(myData_long),
variable.name = "iter")
Now we can aggregate by ID
, wave
and iteration
plp_long.ID.wave.iter =
plp_long[,list(latent = mean(value)),
by = c("ID","wave","iter")]
With this in hand, we can for example calculate means, and CIs by wave
and ID
plp.long.ID.wave =
plp_long_ID_wave_iter[,list(m = mean(latent),
CI05 = quantile(latent,.05),
CI95 = quantile(latent,.95)),
by = c("ID","wave")]