Hi all,
I’m trying to fit a slightly fiddly regression model, and am coming up against a couple of error messages as described below. Briefly, the data I’m trying to model is the angular distance between the true orientation of an arrow and the orientation recalled by subjects from memory. This error should be roughly von mises distributed, centered on 0, and I’m interested in whether the precision changes across the different experimental conditions; so, I’ve put a linear model on kappa, containing an average effect of each condition (alpha) plus varying effects for each subject in each condition (beta). The link is a softplus function (log(1 + exp(x)
When I try to fit this I get two error messages, each printed lots of times:
Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue: Exception: Error in function boost::math::cyl_bessel_i<double>(double,double): numeric overflow (in 'C:/Users/hfleming/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpCij6ml/model-6f804b2043c7.stan', line 81, column 4 to column 64)
Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
Exception: kappa_regression_model_namespace::log_prob: kappa[sym1__, sym2__] is nan, but must be greater than or equal to 0 (in 'C:/Users/hfleming/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpCij6ml/model-6f804b2043c7.stan', line 54, column 2 to column 39)
I don’t really understand why I’m getting these messages - there’s obviously something wrong with the way it’s sampling kappa, but as far as I can tell, all the constraints are there that should be there and all the priors are proper. Fiddling with the priors doesn’t seem to help, nor does specifying initial values in cmdstan. If I leave the model for long enough eventually it starts sampling with no errors from that point on, but I still feel very uneasy about trusting the model fit if I don’t understand the errors!
Would anyone be able to explain what’s causing these messages, and what I can do to fix this? Happy to add some sample data if it helps.
Thanks very much in advance,
functions {
/* Scale_r_cor
* (from brms)
* compute correlated group-level effects
* Args:
* z: matrix of unscaled group-level effects
* SD: vector of standard deviation parameters
* L: cholesky factor correlation matrix
* Returns:
* matrix of scaled group-level effects
matrix scale_r_cor(matrix z, vector SD, matrix L) {
// returns effects in another dimension order than z
return transpose(diag_pre_multiply(SD, L) * z);
data {
int<lower=1> N; //Number of trials
int<lower=1> Nsubs; //Number of subjects
int<lower=1, upper=6> Ntreats; //Number of treatments to model
int<lower=1, upper=Nsubs> subjn[N]; //Index of subject numbers on each trial
int<lower=1, upper=6> treatment[N]; //Index of treatment on each trial
vector<lower=-pi(), upper=pi()>[N] y; //Outcome to model (response errors)
parameters {
real<lower=-pi(),upper=pi()> I_bar; //population of mean error from which subs are drawn
real<lower=0> I_kappa; //population of mean error from which subs are drawn
vector<lower=-pi(),upper=pi()>[Nsubs] I;
vector[Ntreats] alpha; //average treatment effect (intercept)
matrix[Ntreats,Nsubs] z_sub; //standardised group-level effects
vector<lower=0>[Ntreats] sigma_sub; //sd of each treatment effect across subjects
cholesky_factor_corr[Ntreats] L; //cholesky factor of correlation matrix
transformed parameters {
matrix[Nsubs,Ntreats] beta; //actual group level effects (deviation from average effect)
matrix<lower=0>[Nsubs,Ntreats] kappa;
//recentre the matrix of correlated effects
beta = scale_r_cor(z_sub, sigma_sub, L);
for (sub in 1:Nsubs){
for (treat in 1:Ntreats){
kappa[sub,treat] = log1p_exp(alpha[treat] + beta[sub,treat]);
model {
//Mean error part
I_bar ~ von_mises(0,0.5);
I_kappa ~ exponential(1);
I ~ von_mises(I_bar,I_kappa);
// Precision part
alpha ~ normal(7,5);
to_vector(z_sub) ~ std_normal();
sigma_sub ~ exponential(1);
L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
// Data
for (n in 1:N){
y[n] ~ von_mises(I[subjn[n]], kappa[subjn[n],treatment[n]]);
generated quantities {
vector[N] log_lik;
for (n in 1:N){
log_lik[n] = von_mises_lpdf(y[n] | I[subjn[n]], kappa[subjn[n],treatment[n]]);