I am trying to make a heirarchical model using a spatial autocorrelation term (CAR). I have been having an issue with actually running the model. I get the errors: “Error: Row names of ‘M’ for CAR terms do not match the names of the grouping levels.” when I run the code (below). Any insight on to how to fix this would be amazing. The row names match up with the data and data2 arguments.
Thank you so much,
dist.mat <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(barley.final$Latitude, barley.final$Longitude)))
W <- matrix(dist.mat, nrow = nrow(dist.mat), ncol = ncol(dist.mat))
W[W < 100] <- 1 #Distances over 100
W[W > 100] <- 0 #Distances under 100
rownames(W) <- barley.final$FISHNET_ID
barley.icar<-brm(mean_barle ~ Barley_Fertilizer +car(type="icar", M=W,gr = FISHNET_ID ),data = barley.final@data, data2 =list(W=distance),family="gaussian", warmup = 1000, iter = 5000,thin = 5,cores = 4, chains = 4, seed = 10,control = list(max_treedepth = 12))
OS: Linus
- Operating System:
- brms Version: 2.16