Error while loading the package

I changed my file to be like this:
CXX14FLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native
CXX11FLAGS=-O3 -march=corei7 -mtune=corei7
Then This is what I get again:
Restarting R session…

> remove.packages("rstan")
Removing package from ‘C:/Users/Samira/Anaconda3/envs/rstudio/lib/R/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Error in remove.packages : there is no package called ‘rstan’
> if (file.exists(".RData")) file.remove(".RData")
> #install.packages("rstan", repos = "", dependencies = TRUE) pkgbuild::has_build_tools(debug = TRUE)
> install.packages(
+   "",
+   repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 2358086 bytes (2.2 MB)
downloaded 2.2 MB

package ‘StanHeaders’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
> install.packages(
+   "",
+   repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 5877062 bytes (5.6 MB)
downloaded 5.6 MB

package ‘rstan’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
> library("rstan") # observe startup messages
Loading required package: StanHeaders
Loading required package: ggplot2
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rstan’ in .doLoadActions(where, attach):
 error in load action .__A__.1 for package rstan: Rcpp::loadModule(module = "class_model_base", what = TRUE, env = ns, : Unable to load module "class_model_base": cannot allocate vector of size 9348.7 Gb
In addition: Warning messages:
1: package ‘rstan’ was built under R version 3.6.3 
2: package ‘StanHeaders’ was built under R version 3.6.3