I’m getting started with brms
, trying to fit a count model with zeros truncated out (as opposed to zero-inflating them). I noticed that running pp_check
(of type rootogram) doesn’t work on the fitted model in this case.
Example code:
fishdata <- read.csv("https://paul-buerkner.github.io/data/fish.csv")
fishdata_filt = fishdata[fishdata$count > 0, ]
fit_pois <- brm(count | trunc(lb=1) ~ persons + child + camper,
data = fishdata_filt, family = poisson())
pp_check(fit_pois, type = "rootogram", style="hanging")
Returns the error message:
Error in .fun(.x1, .x2, style = .x3): ppc_rootogram expects counts as inputs to 'yrep'.
1. pp_check(fit_pois, type = "rootogram", style = "hanging")
2. pp_check.brmsfit(fit_pois, type = "rootogram", style = "hanging")
3. run(ppc_fun, ppc_args)
4. eval2(call, envir = args, enclos = parent.frame())
5. eval(expr, envir, ...)
6. eval(expr, envir, ...)
7. .fun(.x1, .x2, style = .x3)
8. stop("ppc_rootogram expects counts as inputs to 'yrep'.")
If I remove the | trunc(lb=1)
part of the formula, everything works fine (although the model fits poorly).
Unfortunately I don’t understand R well enough to parse the error message. Is pp_check
expected to work under circumstances like these?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Version information:
- Operating System: macOS 10.12.6
- brms Version: 2.7.0