Error transforming variable L: lub_free: Correlation variable is nan, but must be in the interval [-1, 1]

I am trying to sample from the posterior of Gaussian copula model with Bernoulli marginals, the dimension of the multivariate Gaussian in this model is 542, and I want to sample from the posterior of the correlation matrices.

I have the following error messages:

    SAMPLING FOR MODEL '92fbbf86083410150a497cd7bdd2db93' NOW (CHAIN 1).
    Chain 1: Unrecoverable error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
    Chain 1: Error transforming variable L: lub_free: Correlation variable is nan, but must be in the 
    interval [-1, 1]

The stan model is:

     vector [] fFindBounds(row_vector vU, matrix L, int[] vY, vector vProb){
   int K = cols(vU);
   vector[K] mBounds;
   vector[K] lLogProbU;
   vector[K] u_star_lower;
   vector[K] u_star_upper;
   // real z_star_lower;
   real z_star;
   real z_star_L;
   real z_star_L_sign;
   vector[K] z;
   vector[K] v;
   vector[K] out[2];
   for(k in 1:K){
   int km1 = k - 1;

   // upper bound only
   mBounds[k] = inv_Phi(vProb[k]);
   z_star_L = (mBounds[k] - ((k > 1) ? L[k,1:km1] * head(z,km1) : 0));
   z_star_L_sign = (z_star_L < 0) ? -1 : 1 ;
   if (is_inf(z_star_L) || is_nan(z_star_L)){
   z_star_L = 1e8;
   // print(z_star_L_sign, \" \", z_star_L, \" \",L[k,k]);
           z_star = (z_star_L * z_star_L_sign) / ((L[k,k] < 1e-8) ? 1e-8 : L[k,k]);
         if(vY[k] == 0){
           u_star_lower[k] = 0;
           u_star_upper[k] = Phi(z_star);
           // lower bound only
           u_star_lower[k] = Phi(z_star);
           u_star_upper[k] = 1;
         v[k] = u_star_lower[k] + (u_star_upper[k]-u_star_lower[k]) * vU[k];
         z[k] = inv_Phi(v[k]);
         lLogProbU[k] = u_star_upper[k] - u_star_lower[k];

       for (k in 1:K){
       lLogProbU[k] = (lLogProbU[k] < 1e-6) ? 1e-6 : lLogProbU[k];
       out[1] = lLogProbU;
   //    print(log(lLogProbU));
       out[2] = v;

   int N;
   int K;
   int Y[N,K];

   //transformed data{
   //vector[K] vZeros;
   //for(i in 1:K)
   //vZeros[i] = 0;

   cholesky_factor_corr[K] L; // correlation between Xs
   vector<lower=1e-6,upper=1 - 1e-6>[K] probs; // probability of 0 of marginal bernolli distributions

   // augmented likelihood parameters
   matrix<lower=1e-6,upper=1-1e-6>[N,K] u;

   transformed parameters{
   //matrix[N,K] x;
   //vector[N] lLogProb;
   matrix[N,K] mLogProbU;
   //matrix[N,K] z;
   //vector[K] lOut[N,2];
   //matrix[N,K] mv;

   for(i in 1:N){
   mLogProbU[i] = to_row_vector(fFindBounds(u[i],L,Y[i],probs)[1]);

   //for(i in 1:N){
   //lLogProb[i] = multi_normal_cholesky_lpdf(to_vector(x[i])|vZeros,L);

   L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1.0);

   for(i in 1:N){
   for(j in 1:K)
   target += log(mLogProbU[i,j]);

   // probs ~ normal(5,10);

   generated quantities{
   corr_matrix[K] Sigma;
   matrix[N,K] x;
   matrix[N,K] z;
   matrix[N,K] mv;

   for(i in 1:N){
   mv[i] = to_row_vector(fFindBounds(u[i],L,Y[i],probs)[2]);
       for(j in 1:K){
   z[i,j] = inv_Phi(mv[i,j]);

   for(i in 1:N){
   x[i] =  to_row_vector(L * to_vector(z[i]));

   Sigma = L * L';

The r codes for sampling:

    biPCAmodel <- stan_model(model_code = model_discrete_Gaussian_copula_family)
    # data preprocessing

    senators.names<-names(senators)[-c(1,2)]<-lapply(X=strsplit(gsub(pattern="[.]",replacement="",x=senators.names),split=" "),FUN = rev) <- lapply(X =, FUN = function(x)(unlist(x)[1])) <- unlist(

    senators.last.names <- lapply(X =, FUN = function(x)(unlist(x)[4]))
    senators.last.names <- unlist(senators.last.names) <- paste(senators.last.names,, sep = '-')
    senators_new <-[,-c(1,2)]))

    colnames(senators_new) <- NULL
    rownames(senators_new) <- NULL

    senators_bin <- senators_new
    senators_bin[as.matrix(senators_new) == -1] <- 0

    probs_init <- apply(senators_bin, MARGIN = 2, function(x) sum(x)/length(x))

    res <- sampling(biPCAmodel, list(N = nrow(senators_bin), K = ncol(senators_bin), Y = senators_bin), verbose = T, pars = c("Sigma", "x", "probs"), init = list(
      list(probs = probs_init), list(probs = probs_init), list(probs = probs_init), list(probs = probs_init) 

It is like this is the problem of the high dimension of correlation matrix. I’ve also added some checking in the fFindBounds function to avoid producing inf and nan, but I cannot figure out why there is error with the Cholesky factor martix L. Can anyone help to find any mistakes in the model? Thanks!

When something is declared as a Cholesky factor in the parameters block and you get messages like this, it is usually the case that the gradient evaluated to NaN due to numerical problems.

Thanks Ben. So is there any way to avoid this? I cannot get any samples now because of this error.

I would first try setting init_r to some value less than its default of 2 but ultimately you may have to write a more numerically stable function.