Error message : "no more storage available to write"


I am diving now in a project I have not touched for months. I have been quite surprised to receive an error message I have never seen before :

“Chain 1 Exception: no more storage available to write”

Referring to the corresponding code of the stan programm :

  cholesky_factor_cov[SV] chol_Phylo = cholesky_decompose(
    rho_phylo * A_phylo + diag_matrix(rep_vector(1-rho_phylo,SV))

Where rho_phylo is a real bounded between 0 and 1 and A_phylo a square matrix of dimension SV.

My RAM was almost empty. I use cmdstan v.2.28.2 through cmdstanr v.0.4.0 on ubuntu mate 20.04.3.

Do you have any idea about what happens and how to solve that?

Thank you very much!

EDIT : made title clearer.

That refers to disk space rather than RAM, how much do you have available?

I have 56.7 GB available on my SSD. SV = 16, so I do not think there should be a problem, isn’t it?

EDIT : corrected SV.

Hi sorry I think this may actually be an internal error, are you able to post your full model? Does this happen during initialization? I believe the error comes from here where the serializer for the model has run out of space


Unfortunatly, the full model is really complicated to read because I tried to optimize it as much as I can. I remember it ran without this error, though.

I do not think it happens during initialization, because I see “iter 1/2000” appears and the first draws to be rejected before the error appears.

// This Stan program defines a latent factor model with
// environmental  and CWM covariates,
// hierarchical trait effect on species responses and
// an error model on predictors
functions {
  // Function to fill loading matrices
  matrix fill_loadings(int D, int S, vector L_lower, vector L_diag){
    matrix[S,D] L;
    int idx2; //Index for the lower diagonal loadings
    idx2 = 0;
    for(i in 1:(D-1)) { for(j in (i+1):(D)){ L[i,j] = 0; } } //0 on upper diagonal
    for(i in 1:D) L[i,i] = L_diag[i]; //Positive values on diagonal
    for(j in 1:D) {
     for(i in (j+1):S) {
       idx2 = idx2+1;
       L[i,j] = L_lower[idx2]; //Insert lower diagonal values in loadings matrix
data {
  // Flags
  int<lower=0,upper=1> prior_only; //number of data points
  // Integers
  int<lower=0> N; //number of unique clods
  int<lower=0> P; //number of unique plots
  int<lower=0> K; //number of covariates (including intercept)
  int<lower=0> TV; //number of traits for Vascular Plants (including intercept)
  // int<lower=0> TM; //number of traits for Vascular Plants (including intercept)
  int<lower=0> NV; //number of vascular plants data points
  int<lower=0> NV_nz; //number of non-zero vascular plants data points
  // int<lower=0> NM; //number of moss data points
  int<lower=0> SV; //number of vascular species
  // int<lower=0> SM; //number of moss species
  int<lower=0> DV; //number of factors for vascular species
  int<lower=0> DM; //number of factors for moss species
  // Abundances
  int VP_bin[NV]; //presence/absence of vascular plants
  int VP_bin_rev[NV]; //presence/absence of vascular plants
  int VP_nz[NV_nz]; //presence/absence of vascular plants
  // int Moss_bin[NM]; //presence/absence of mosses
  // int Moss_bin_rev[NM]; //presence/absence of mosses
  // Species identities
  int sp_idx_VP_bin[NV];
  int sp_idx_VP_nz[NV_nz];
  // int sp_idx_Moss_bin[NM];
  // Clods identities
  int clod_idx_VP_bin[NV];
  int clod_idx_VP_nz[NV_nz];
  // int clod_idx_Moss_bin[NM];
  // Plots identities
  int plot_idx_VP_bin[NV];
  // int plot_idx_Moss_bin[NM];
  // Covariates
  matrix[N,K] X;
  // Traits
  matrix[SV,TV] Tr_VP;
  matrix[SV,SV] A_phylo;
  // Prior parameters
  real lam_sigma_FS; //sd of factor scores
  real lam_sigma_b_VP; //sd of species-specific slopes
  real eta_rho; //correlation between scores
  real sigma_g0;
  real a_phylo; real b_phylo;
  real mean_a_bin; real sd_a_bin; //common intercepts
transformed data {
  int<lower=1> MV = DV*(SV-DV)+ DV*(DV-1)/2;  // number of lower-triangular, non-zero loadings
parameters {
  // Hyperparameters
  vector<lower=0>[DV] sigma_FS_VP; //sd of vascular plants factor scores
  vector<lower=0>[K+1] sigma_b_VP; //sd of vascular plants factor scores
  cholesky_factor_corr[DV] chol_Rho_FS_VP_Unc; //correlation between scores
  cholesky_factor_corr[K+1] chol_Rho_b_VP; //correlation between scores
  matrix[TV,K+1] g_VP_raw; //traits slopes of species-response to environment
  real<lower=0,upper=1> rho_phylo;
  // Parameters
  /// Raw factor scores
  matrix[N,DV] FS_VP_raw; //Un-centered factor scores of vascular plants
  /// Loadings
  //// Vascular plants
  vector[MV] L_lower_VP_Unc; //Lower diagonal loadings of vascular plants
  vector[DV] L_diag_VP_Unc; //Diagonal loadings of vascular plants
  /// Raw species-specific slopes
  matrix[SV,K+1] b_theta_VP_raw;
transformed parameters {
  matrix[TV,K+1] g_VP = g_VP_raw; //traits slopes of species-response to environment
  /// Raw species-specific slopes
  matrix[SV,K+1] b_theta_VP;
  // Final species-specific slopes
  matrix[SV,K] b_VP;
  /// Species specific zero-inflation parameter
  vector[SV] logit_theta;
  // Unconstrained factor scores
  matrix[N,DV] FS_VP_Unc = FS_VP_raw * diag_post_multiply(chol_Rho_FS_VP_Unc, sigma_FS_VP);
  // Unconstrained loading matrices
  matrix[SV,DV] L_VP_Unc = fill_loadings(DV, SV, L_lower_VP_Unc, L_diag_VP_Unc);
  // Final covariances among species parameters
  cholesky_factor_cov[K] chol_V = diag_post_multiply(chol_Rho_b_VP, sigma_b_VP);
  cholesky_factor_cov[SV] chol_Phylo = cholesky_decompose(
    rho_phylo * A_phylo + diag_matrix(rep_vector(1-rho_phylo,SV))
  // Linear predictors
  matrix[N,SV] log_mu_VP_Unc;
  vector[NV] log_mu_VP_long_Unc;
  vector[NV_nz] log_mu_VP_long_nz_Unc;
  // Change the prior for the intercept of the abundances and zero inflation hyperparameters
  g_VP[1,1] = 5 + g_VP_raw[1,1];
  g_VP[1,K+1] = 2 + g_VP_raw[1,K+1];
  // Compute final species-specific slopes
  b_theta_VP = Tr_VP * g_VP + chol_Phylo * b_theta_VP_raw * chol_V;
  b_VP = block(b_theta_VP, 1, 1, SV, K);
  logit_theta = b_theta_VP[,K+1];
  // Add regression of environmental predictors
  for(s in 1:SV) log_mu_VP_Unc[,s] = X * b_VP[s,]';
  // Add latent variable contributions
  /// Vascular plants
  log_mu_VP_Unc += FS_VP_Unc * L_VP_Unc';
  // Transform everyhting into long format
  for(n in 1:NV) log_mu_VP_long_Unc[n] = log_mu_VP_Unc[clod_idx_VP_bin[n],sp_idx_VP_bin[n]];
  for(n in 1:NV_nz) log_mu_VP_long_nz_Unc[n] = log_mu_VP_Unc[clod_idx_VP_nz[n],sp_idx_VP_nz[n]];
model {
  // Hyperparameters
  target += exponential_lpdf(sigma_FS_VP | lam_sigma_FS); //sd of factor scores
  target += exponential_lpdf(sigma_b_VP| lam_sigma_b_VP); //sd of vascular plants factor scores
  target += lkj_corr_cholesky_lpdf(chol_Rho_FS_VP_Unc | eta_rho); //correlation between scores
  target += lkj_corr_cholesky_lpdf(chol_Rho_b_VP | eta_rho); //correlation between scores
  target += std_normal_lpdf(to_vector(g_VP_raw));
  target += beta_lpdf(rho_phylo | a_phylo, b_phylo);
  // Parameters
  /// Raw factor scores
  target += std_normal_lpdf(to_vector(FS_VP_raw)); //Un-centered factor scores of vascular plants
  /// Loadings
  //// Vascular plants
  target += std_normal_lpdf(L_lower_VP_Unc); //Lower diagonal loadings of vascular plants
  target += std_normal_lpdf(L_diag_VP_Unc); //Diagonal loadings of vascular plants
  /// Raw species-specific slopes
  target += std_normal_lpdf(to_vector(b_theta_VP_raw));
  // likelihood including all constants
  if (!prior_only) {
    real log_of_theta[SV];
    real log1m_of_theta[SV];
    for(s in 1:SV){
      log_of_theta[s] = bernoulli_logit_lpmf(1 | logit_theta[s]);
      log1m_of_theta[s]  = bernoulli_logit_lpmf(0 | logit_theta[s]);
    // Vascular plants
    for(n in 1:NV){
      if (VP_bin[n] == 0){
        target += log_sum_exp(log_of_theta[sp_idx_VP_bin[n]], 
          log1m_of_theta[sp_idx_VP_bin[n]] + poisson_log_lpmf(VP_bin[n] | log_mu_VP_long_Unc[n]) );
      } else
        target += log1m_of_theta[sp_idx_VP_bin[n]];
    target += poisson_log_lpmf(VP_nz | log_mu_VP_long_nz_Unc);

EDIT : is there something I can try to solve this? Or is that a bug? I would be surprise the cholesky factorization of the 16*16 matrix would fill either my ram or disk space, but I do not know how the serializer works :)

Should I try to create intermediate objects to realize the different operations happening in these lines (diag matrix, matrix multiplication, cholesky factorization)?

Tomorrow, I will try to reproduce the error with a simplistic model.

Thank you very much!

Okay, forget it!

At the line

// Final covariances among species parameters
  cholesky_factor_cov[K] chol_V = diag_post_multiply(chol_Rho_b_VP, sigma_b_VP);

The dimension should have been K+1 instead of K!

Correcting this removed the error! It is quite strange the error message is not more informative, since it was about an mismatch in dimensions…

Thank you for your time!

Yes the error message is really bad here I’m planning to fix this in another PR soon.