I am trying to fit an ODE system to synthetic data using the following stan code and getting an error for generated quantities block when i fit the model. I am not sure why the error is given although the syntax i believe is correct for normal random number generation. Please help
The error says:
No matches for:
normal_rng(real, int)
Available argument signatures for normal_rng:
normal_rng(real, real)
error in ‘modelc848432fff_myModel_fit’ at line 93, column 56
92: for (t in 1:T)
93: y_ppc[t] = normal_rng(y[t], 1);
94: // y_ppc[t,2] = normal_rng(y[t,2], 1);//this is incorrect
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, :
failed to parse Stan model ‘myModel-fit’ due to the above error.
//This is stan code for fitting the model to fake data. The file is called "myModel-fit.stan"
functions {
real[] ode(real t,
real[] y,
real[] params,
real[] x_r, // x_r:real data, x_i: integer data
int[] x_i) {
real dydt[6];
real A;
real beta;
real delta;
real gamma;
real omega;
real sigma;
real kappa;
real eta;
delta =params[1]; // death rate of cells infected with virus(this is estimated first)
A = x_r[1];
beta = x_r[2];
gamma = x_r[3];
omega = x_r[4];
sigma = x_r[5];
kappa = x_r[6];
eta = x_r[7];
dydt[1] = A - beta * y[5] * y[1] - beta * y[6] * y[1];
dydt[2] = beta * y[1] * y[5] - beta * y[6] * y[2]- delta * y[2];
dydt[3] = beta * y[6] * y[1] - beta * y[5] * y[3] ;
dydt[4]= beta * y[6] * y[2] + beta * y[5] * y[3] - gamma * y[4];
dydt[5] = omega * y[2] + omega * (1-sigma) * y[4] - kappa * y[5];
dydt[6] = eta * sigma* y[4] - kappa * y[6];
return dydt;
data {
int<lower=1> T; //max time
real y0[6]; //initial condition of ode
real t0; //initial time
real ts[T]; //time span
real A;
real beta;
real gamma;
real omega;
real sigma;
real kappa;
real eta;
real y_hat[T,6];
// real s; //standatd deviation used in the generated quantities
transformed data {
real x_r[7];
int x_i[0];
x_r[1] = A;
x_r[2] = beta;
x_r[3] = gamma;
x_r[4]= omega;
x_r[5]= sigma;
x_r[6] = kappa;
x_r[7] = eta;
//the following parameters are to be estimated
real<lower =0> delta;
transformed parameters {
real y[T, 6];
real params[1];
params[1] = delta;
y = integrate_ode_bdf(ode, y0, t0, ts, params, x_r, x_i);
model {
delta ~ normal(0, 10);//prior for delta (this gives delta a half-normal prior as it is declared as lower=0)
for (t in 1:T)
y_hat[t] ~ normal(y[t], 1);
generated quantities {
real y_ppc[T, 6];
for (t in 1:T)
y_ppc[t] = normal_rng(y[t], 1);
The data I used is generated from the ODE with some noise as follows
//This is stan code for simulating fake data. The file is called "myModel-sim.stan"
functions {
real[] ode(real t,
real[] y,
real[] params,
real[] x_r, // x_r:real data, x_i: integer data
int[] x_i) {
real dydt[6];
real A;
real beta;
real delta;
real gamma;
real omega;
real sigma;
real kappa;
real eta;
delta =params[1]; // death rate of cells infected with virus(this is estimated first)
A = x_r[1];
beta = x_r[2];
gamma = x_r[3];
omega = x_r[4];
sigma = x_r[5];
kappa = x_r[6];
eta = x_r[7];
dydt[1] = A - beta * y[5] * y[1] - beta * y[6] * y[1]; //Susceptible cells ;
dydt[2] = beta * y[1] * y[5] - beta * y[6] * y[2]- delta * y[2]; //virus infected cells
dydt[3] = beta * y[6] * y[1] - beta * y[5] * y[3] ; //TIP infected cells
dydt[4]= beta * y[6] * y[2] + beta * y[5] * y[3] - gamma * y[4]; //Co-infected cells
dydt[5] = omega * y[2] + omega * (1-sigma) * y[4] - kappa * y[5]; //free Virus
dydt[6] = eta * sigma* y[4] - kappa * y[6]; //free TIPs
return dydt;
data {
int<lower=1> T; //max time
real y0[6]; //initial condition of ode
real t0; //initial time
real ts[T]; //time span
real A;
real beta;
real delta;
real gamma;
real omega;
real sigma;
real kappa;
real eta;
transformed data {
real params[1];
real x_r[7];
int x_i[0];
params[1] = delta;
x_r[1] = A;
x_r[2] = beta;
x_r[3] = gamma;
x_r[4]= omega;
x_r[5]= sigma;
x_r[6] = kappa;
x_r[7] = eta;
model {
generated quantities {
real y_hat[T,6];
y_hat = integrate_ode_bdf(ode, y0, t0, ts, params, x_r, x_i);
// generate fake data and add measurement error
for (t in 1:T) {
y_hat[t,1] = y_hat[t,1] + normal_rng(0, 0.1);
y_hat[t,2] = y_hat[t,2] + normal_rng(0, 0.1);
y_hat[t,3] = y_hat[t,3] + normal_rng(0, 0.1);
y_hat[t,4] = y_hat[t,4] + normal_rng(0, 0.1);
y_hat[t,5] = y_hat[t,5] + normal_rng(0, 0.1);
y_hat[t,6] = y_hat[t,6] + normal_rng(0, 0.1);
And the R code used to generate synthetic data is
sim_data <- list(T = 10, y0 = c(1e8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), t0 = 0,
ts = 1:10,
A= 1.4e6, beta = 3.8e-11, delta =3.3, gamma = 0.14, omega = 1e4, sigma = 0.5, kappa = 3.5, eta = 20000)
#simulate fake data using the system of ODEs
fit1 <- stan("myModel-sim.stan", data = sim_data,
chains = 1, iter = 1,
algorithm = "Fixed_param")
#extract data
y <- extract(fit1, pars = "y_hat")$y_hat[1,,]
The data used to fit the model is
stan_data <- list(T = 10, y0 = c(1e8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), t0 = 0, ts = 1:10,
A= 1.4e6, beta = 3.8e-11, gamma = 0.14, omega = 1e4,
sigma = 0.5, kappa = 3.5, eta = 20000, y_hat = y)
fit2 <- stan("myModel-fit.stan", data = stan_data) #this works fine