Error in compileCode


I just starting using Rstan and I tried to run simple ODE models. I found an example for the Lotka-Volterra that run perfectly so I took the code and adjusted it to my own example of simple exponential growth. The code is as follows:

  "functions {
  real dz_dt(real t,
                real[] z,
                real[] theta,
                real[] x_r,
                int[] x_i ){
    real V = z[1];
    real K = theta[1];
    real dV_dt = K*V;
    return dV_dt;

data {
  int<lower = 0> N;
  real ts[N]; // Time points that were sampled
  real y_init[1];
  real<lower = 0> y[N,1];

parameters {
  real <lower=0> theta[1];
  real<lower=0> z_init[1];
  real<lower=0> sigma[1];

transformed parameters {
  real z[N, 1]
  = integrate_ode_bdf(dz_dt, z_init, 0, ts, theta,
                       rep_array(0.0, 0), rep_array(0, 0),
                       1e-5, 1e-3, 5e2);

model {
  theta[1] ~ lognormal(-2, 0.5);
  sigma ~ lognormal(-1, 1);
  z_init[1] ~ lognormal(-1.4, 0.5);
  y_init[1] ~ lognormal(log(z_init[1]), sigma[1]);
  y[ , 1] ~ lognormal(log(z[, 1]), sigma[1]);

generated quantities {
  real y_init_rep[1];
  real y_rep[N, 1];

  y_init_rep[1] = lognormal_rng(log(z_init[1]), sigma[1]);
    for (n in 1:N)
      y_rep[n, 1] = lognormal_rng(log(z[n, 1]), sigma[1]);

dat<-list(19,c(4,7,11,14,18,21,25,31,35,39,42,46,49,52,56,59,62,67,70),0.215,c(0.2484 ,0.2636, 0.3042 ,0.3678, 0.3767 ,0.3880 ,0.3937 ,0.4087, 0.4282, 0.4599 ,0.4730, 0.5415 ,0.5848, 0.6096, 0.6427, 0.6817 ,0.7308 ,0.7762 ,0.8077))

fit = stan(model_code=expon.stan, data = dat)

But i get the following error;

Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) :
Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created! In file included from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/Core:388:0,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/Dense:1,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/prim/mat/fun/Eigen.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/mat/fun/Eigen_NumTraits.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/core/matrix_vari.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/core.hpp:14,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/mat.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math.hpp:4,
In addition: Warning message:
In system(cmd, intern = !verbose) :
running command ‘/opt/scp/software/mro/3.5.1-foss-2017a/lib64/R/bin/R CMD SHLIB filefd4a3eef7773.cpp 2> filefd4a3eef7773.cpp.err.txt’ had status 1

In a clean R session, do

install.packages("rstan", dependencies = TRUE)
example(stan_model, run.dontrun = TRUE)

and if there is still an error, tell us the line that has error: (with the colon) in it.

Thank you for the prompt reply. I followed the steps and the

example(stan_model, run.dontrun = TRUE)

runs smoothly. There was no error there but there is exactly the same error when I try to run my code.

Can you run your code with verbose = TRUE and paste the whole compiler error?

I did and I get the same error text as before:

Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) :
Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created! In file included from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/Core:388:0,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/Dense:1,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/prim/mat/fun/Eigen.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/mat/fun/Eigen_NumTraits.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/core/matrix_vari.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/core.hpp:14,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/mat.hpp:4,
from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math.hpp:4,

That is not the whole message. The whole message is something like

TRANSLATING MODEL '16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9' FROM Stan CODE TO C++ CODE NOW.
successful in parsing the Stan model '16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9'.
COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL '16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9' NOW.
OS: x86_64, linux-gnu; rstan: 2.19.2; Rcpp: 1.0.1; inline: 0.3.15 
 >> setting environment variables: 
PKG_LIBS =  -L'/home/ben/r-devel/library/StanHeaders/lib/' -lStanHeaders
PKG_CPPFLAGS =   -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/Rcpp/include/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/RcppEigen/include/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/RcppEigen/include/unsupported"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/BH/include" -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/StanHeaders/include/src/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/StanHeaders/include/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/rstan/include" -DEIGEN_NO_DEBUG  -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS
 >> Program source :

   1 : 
   2 : // includes from the plugin
   3 : // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp14)]]
   4 : 
   5 : // user includes
   6 : #define STAN__SERVICES__COMMAND_HPP// Code generated by Stan version 2.19.1
   7 : 
   8 : #include <stan/model/model_header.hpp>
   9 : 
  10 : namespace modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace {
  11 : 
  12 : using std::istream;
  13 : using std::string;
  14 : using std::stringstream;
  15 : using std::vector;
  16 : using stan::io::dump;
  17 : using stan::math::lgamma;
  18 : using stan::model::prob_grad;
  19 : using namespace stan::math;
  20 : 
  21 : static int current_statement_begin__;
  22 : 
  23 : stan::io::program_reader prog_reader__() {
  24 :     stan::io::program_reader reader;
  25 :     reader.add_event(0, 0, "start", "modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9");
  26 :     reader.add_event(3, 1, "end", "modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9");
  27 :     return reader;
  28 : }
  29 : 
  30 : class modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9 : public prob_grad {
  31 : private:
  32 :         double y_mean;
  33 : public:
  34 :     modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9(stan::io::var_context& context__,
  35 :         std::ostream* pstream__ = 0)
  36 :         : prob_grad(0) {
  37 :         ctor_body(context__, 0, pstream__);
  38 :     }
  39 : 
  40 :     modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9(stan::io::var_context& context__,
  41 :         unsigned int random_seed__,
  42 :         std::ostream* pstream__ = 0)
  43 :         : prob_grad(0) {
  44 :         ctor_body(context__, random_seed__, pstream__);
  45 :     }
  46 : 
  47 :     void ctor_body(stan::io::var_context& context__,
  48 :                    unsigned int random_seed__,
  49 :                    std::ostream* pstream__) {
  50 :         typedef double local_scalar_t__;
  51 : 
  52 :         boost::ecuyer1988 base_rng__ =
  53 :           stan::services::util::create_rng(random_seed__, 0);
  54 :         (void) base_rng__;  // suppress unused var warning
  55 : 
  56 :         current_statement_begin__ = -1;
  57 : 
  58 :         static const char* function__ = "modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9";
  59 :         (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
  60 :         size_t pos__;
  61 :         (void) pos__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
  62 :         std::vector<int> vals_i__;
  63 :         std::vector<double> vals_r__;
  64 :         local_scalar_t__ DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
  65 :         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
  66 : 
  67 :         try {
  68 :             // initialize data block variables from context__
  69 :             current_statement_begin__ = 1;
  70 :             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "y_mean", "double", context__.to_vec());
  71 :             y_mean = double(0);
  72 :             vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("y_mean");
  73 :             pos__ = 0;
  74 :             y_mean = vals_r__[pos__++];
  75 : 
  76 : 
  77 :             // initialize transformed data variables
  78 :             // execute transformed data statements
  79 : 
  80 :             // validate transformed data
  81 : 
  82 :             // validate, set parameter ranges
  83 :             num_params_r__ = 0U;
  84 :             param_ranges_i__.clear();
  85 :             current_statement_begin__ = 1;
  86 :             num_params_r__ += 1;
  87 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
  88 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
  89 :             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
  90 :             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
  91 :         }
  92 :     }
  93 : 
  94 :     ~modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9() { }
  95 : 
  96 : 
  97 :     void transform_inits(const stan::io::var_context& context__,
  98 :                          std::vector<int>& params_i__,
  99 :                          std::vector<double>& params_r__,
 100 :                          std::ostream* pstream__) const {
 101 :         typedef double local_scalar_t__;
 102 :         stan::io::writer<double> writer__(params_r__, params_i__);
 103 :         size_t pos__;
 104 :         (void) pos__; // dummy call to supress warning
 105 :         std::vector<double> vals_r__;
 106 :         std::vector<int> vals_i__;
 107 : 
 108 :         current_statement_begin__ = 1;
 109 :         if (!(context__.contains_r("y")))
 110 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(std::runtime_error(std::string("Variable y missing")), current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 111 :         vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("y");
 112 :         pos__ = 0U;
 113 :         context__.validate_dims("parameter initialization", "y", "double", context__.to_vec());
 114 :         double y(0);
 115 :         y = vals_r__[pos__++];
 116 :         try {
 117 :             writer__.scalar_unconstrain(y);
 118 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
 119 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(std::runtime_error(std::string("Error transforming variable y: ") + e.what()), current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 120 :         }
 121 : 
 122 :         params_r__ = writer__.data_r();
 123 :         params_i__ = writer__.data_i();
 124 :     }
 125 : 
 126 :     void transform_inits(const stan::io::var_context& context,
 127 :                          Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& params_r,
 128 :                          std::ostream* pstream__) const {
 129 :       std::vector<double> params_r_vec;
 130 :       std::vector<int> params_i_vec;
 131 :       transform_inits(context, params_i_vec, params_r_vec, pstream__);
 132 :       params_r.resize(params_r_vec.size());
 133 :       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
 134 :         params_r(i) = params_r_vec[i];
 135 :     }
 136 : 
 137 : 
 138 :     template <bool propto__, bool jacobian__, typename T__>
 139 :     T__ log_prob(std::vector<T__>& params_r__,
 140 :                  std::vector<int>& params_i__,
 141 :                  std::ostream* pstream__ = 0) const {
 142 : 
 143 :         typedef T__ local_scalar_t__;
 144 : 
 145 :         local_scalar_t__ DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 146 :         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 147 : 
 148 :         T__ lp__(0.0);
 149 :         stan::math::accumulator<T__> lp_accum__;
 150 :         try {
 151 :             stan::io::reader<local_scalar_t__> in__(params_r__, params_i__);
 152 : 
 153 :             // model parameters
 154 :             current_statement_begin__ = 1;
 155 :             local_scalar_t__ y;
 156 :             (void) y;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 157 :             if (jacobian__)
 158 :                 y = in__.scalar_constrain(lp__);
 159 :             else
 160 :                 y = in__.scalar_constrain();
 161 : 
 162 :             // model body
 163 : 
 164 :             current_statement_begin__ = 1;
 165 :             lp_accum__.add(normal_log<propto__>(y, y_mean, 1));
 166 : 
 167 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
 168 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 169 :             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
 170 :             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
 171 :         }
 172 : 
 173 :         lp_accum__.add(lp__);
 174 :         return lp_accum__.sum();
 175 : 
 176 :     } // log_prob()
 177 : 
 178 :     template <bool propto, bool jacobian, typename T_>
 179 :     T_ log_prob(Eigen::Matrix<T_,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
 180 :                std::ostream* pstream = 0) const {
 181 :       std::vector<T_> vec_params_r;
 182 :       vec_params_r.reserve(params_r.size());
 183 :       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
 184 :         vec_params_r.push_back(params_r(i));
 185 :       std::vector<int> vec_params_i;
 186 :       return log_prob<propto,jacobian,T_>(vec_params_r, vec_params_i, pstream);
 187 :     }
 188 : 
 189 : 
 190 :     void get_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& names__) const {
 191 :         names__.resize(0);
 192 :         names__.push_back("y");
 193 :     }
 194 : 
 195 : 
 196 :     void get_dims(std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& dimss__) const {
 197 :         dimss__.resize(0);
 198 :         std::vector<size_t> dims__;
 199 :         dims__.resize(0);
 200 :         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
 201 :     }
 202 : 
 203 :     template <typename RNG>
 204 :     void write_array(RNG& base_rng__,
 205 :                      std::vector<double>& params_r__,
 206 :                      std::vector<int>& params_i__,
 207 :                      std::vector<double>& vars__,
 208 :                      bool include_tparams__ = true,
 209 :                      bool include_gqs__ = true,
 210 :                      std::ostream* pstream__ = 0) const {
 211 :         typedef double local_scalar_t__;
 212 : 
 213 :         vars__.resize(0);
 214 :         stan::io::reader<local_scalar_t__> in__(params_r__, params_i__);
 215 :         static const char* function__ = "modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::write_array";
 216 :         (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 217 : 
 218 :         // read-transform, write parameters
 219 :         double y = in__.scalar_constrain();
 220 :         vars__.push_back(y);
 221 : 
 222 :         double lp__ = 0.0;
 223 :         (void) lp__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 224 :         stan::math::accumulator<double> lp_accum__;
 225 : 
 226 :         local_scalar_t__ DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 227 :         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
 228 : 
 229 :         if (!include_tparams__ && !include_gqs__) return;
 230 : 
 231 :         try {
 232 :             if (!include_gqs__ && !include_tparams__) return;
 233 :             if (!include_gqs__) return;
 234 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
 235 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 236 :             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
 237 :             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
 238 :         }
 239 :     }
 240 : 
 241 :     template <typename RNG>
 242 :     void write_array(RNG& base_rng,
 243 :                      Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
 244 :                      Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& vars,
 245 :                      bool include_tparams = true,
 246 :                      bool include_gqs = true,
 247 :                      std::ostream* pstream = 0) const {
 248 :       std::vector<double> params_r_vec(params_r.size());
 249 :       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
 250 :         params_r_vec[i] = params_r(i);
 251 :       std::vector<double> vars_vec;
 252 :       std::vector<int> params_i_vec;
 253 :       write_array(base_rng, params_r_vec, params_i_vec, vars_vec, include_tparams, include_gqs, pstream);
 254 :       vars.resize(vars_vec.size());
 255 :       for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i)
 256 :         vars(i) = vars_vec[i];
 257 :     }
 258 : 
 259 :     static std::string model_name() {
 260 :         return "modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9";
 261 :     }
 262 : 
 263 : 
 264 :     void constrained_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& param_names__,
 265 :                                  bool include_tparams__ = true,
 266 :                                  bool include_gqs__ = true) const {
 267 :         std::stringstream param_name_stream__;
 268 :         param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 269 :         param_name_stream__ << "y";
 270 :         param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 271 : 
 272 :         if (!include_gqs__ && !include_tparams__) return;
 273 : 
 274 :         if (include_tparams__) {
 275 :         }
 276 : 
 277 :         if (!include_gqs__) return;
 278 :     }
 279 : 
 280 : 
 281 :     void unconstrained_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& param_names__,
 282 :                                    bool include_tparams__ = true,
 283 :                                    bool include_gqs__ = true) const {
 284 :         std::stringstream param_name_stream__;
 285 :         param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 286 :         param_name_stream__ << "y";
 287 :         param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 288 : 
 289 :         if (!include_gqs__ && !include_tparams__) return;
 290 : 
 291 :         if (include_tparams__) {
 292 :         }
 293 : 
 294 :         if (!include_gqs__) return;
 295 :     }
 296 : 
 297 : }; // model
 298 : 
 299 : }  // namespace
 300 : 
 301 : typedef modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9 stan_model;
 302 : 
 303 : #include <rstan/rstaninc.hpp>
 304 : /**
 305 :  * Define Rcpp Module to expose stan_fit's functions to R.
 306 :  */
 307 : RCPP_MODULE(stan_fit4modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_mod){
 308 :   Rcpp::class_<rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9,
 309 :                boost::random::ecuyer1988> >("stan_fit4modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9")
 310 :     // .constructor<Rcpp::List>()
 311 :     .constructor<SEXP, SEXP, SEXP>()
 312 :     // .constructor<SEXP, SEXP>()
 313 :     .method("call_sampler",
 314 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::call_sampler)
 315 :     .method("param_names",
 316 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_names)
 317 :     .method("param_names_oi",
 318 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_names_oi)
 319 :     .method("param_fnames_oi",
 320 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_fnames_oi)
 321 :     .method("param_dims",
 322 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_dims)
 323 :     .method("param_dims_oi",
 324 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_dims_oi)
 325 :     .method("update_param_oi",
 326 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::update_param_oi)
 327 :     .method("param_oi_tidx",
 328 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_oi_tidx)
 329 :     .method("grad_log_prob",
 330 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::grad_log_prob)
 331 :     .method("log_prob",
 332 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::log_prob)
 333 :     .method("unconstrain_pars",
 334 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::unconstrain_pars)
 335 :     .method("constrain_pars",
 336 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::constrain_pars)
 337 :     .method("num_pars_unconstrained",
 338 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::num_pars_unconstrained)
 339 :     .method("unconstrained_param_names",
 340 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::unconstrained_param_names)
 341 :     .method("constrained_param_names",
 342 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::constrained_param_names)
 343 :     .method("standalone_gqs",
 344 :             &rstan::stan_fit<modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9_namespace::modelc8b1bb6f8d0_16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::standalone_gqs)
 345 :   ;
 346 : }
 347 : 
 348 : // declarations
 349 : extern "C" {
 350 : SEXP filec8b15afd9ad( ) ;
 351 : }
 352 : 
 353 : // definition
 354 : 
 355 : SEXP filec8b15afd9ad(  ){
 356 :  return Rcpp::wrap("16a540c6086086816528e4524def24d9");
 357 : }
 358 : 
 359 : 
Compilation argument:
 /home/ben/r-devel/bin/R CMD SHLIB filec8b15afd9ad.cpp 2> filec8b15afd9ad.cpp.err.txt 
g++ -Wno-ignored-attributes -std=gnu++14 -I"/home/ben/r-devel/include" -DNDEBUG   -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/Rcpp/include/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/RcppEigen/include/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/RcppEigen/include/unsupported"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/BH/include" -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/StanHeaders/include/src/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/StanHeaders/include/"  -I"/home/ben/r-devel/library/rstan/include" -DEIGEN_NO_DEBUG  -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS  -I/usr/local/include   -fpic  -mtune=native -march=native -O3 -g0 -c filec8b15afd9ad.cpp -o filec8b15afd9ad.o

Sorry for the late reply. I was away for the weekend. I am now including the whole compilation message:

TRANSLATING MODEL '102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c' FROM Stan CODE TO C++ CODE NOW.
successful in parsing the Stan model '102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c'.
COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL '102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c' NOW.
OS: x86_64, linux-gnu; rstan: 2.17.3; Rcpp: 1.0.1; inline: 0.3.14 
 >> setting environment variables: 
PKG_LIBS =  -L'/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/lib' -lStanHeaders
PKG_CPPFLAGS =   -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/Rcpp/include/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/unsupported"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rstan/include/boost_not_in_BH" -I"/opt/scp/software/mro/3.5.1-foss-2017a/lib64/R/site-library/BH/include" -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/src/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rstan/include" -DEIGEN_NO_DEBUG  -DBOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_TR1 -DBOOST_NO_DECLTYPE -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS -DBOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES
 >> Program source :

   1 : 
   2 : // includes from the plugin
   3 : 
   4 : 
   5 : // user includes
   6 : #define STAN__SERVICES__COMMAND_HPP// Code generated by Stan version 2.17.0
   7 : 
   8 : #include <stan/model/model_header.hpp>
   9 : 
  10 : namespace model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace {
  11 : 
  12 : using std::istream;
  13 : using std::string;
  14 : using std::stringstream;
  15 : using std::vector;
  16 : using stan::io::dump;
  17 : using stan::math::lgamma;
  18 : using stan::model::prob_grad;
  19 : using namespace stan::math;
  20 : 
  21 : typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1> vector_d;
  22 : typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> row_vector_d;
  23 : typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_d;
  24 : 
  25 : static int current_statement_begin__;
  26 : 
  27 : stan::io::program_reader prog_reader__() {
  28 :     stan::io::program_reader reader;
  29 :     reader.add_event(0, 0, "start", "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c");
  30 :     reader.add_event(52, 52, "end", "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c");
  31 :     return reader;
  32 : }
  33 : 
  34 : template <typename T0__, typename T1__, typename T2__, typename T3__>
  35 : typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T0__, T1__, T2__, T3__>::type
  36 : dz_dt(const T0__& t,
  37 :           const std::vector<T1__>& z,
  38 :           const std::vector<T2__>& theta,
  39 :           const std::vector<T3__>& x_r,
  40 :           const std::vector<int>& x_i, std::ostream* pstream__) {
  41 :     typedef typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T0__, T1__, T2__, T3__>::type fun_scalar_t__;
  42 :     typedef fun_scalar_t__ fun_return_scalar_t__;
  43 :     const static bool propto__ = true;
  44 :     (void) propto__;
  45 :         fun_scalar_t__ DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
  46 :         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
  47 : 
  48 :     int current_statement_begin__ = -1;
  49 :     try {
  50 :         {
  51 :         current_statement_begin__ = 8;
  52 :         fun_scalar_t__ V;
  53 :         (void) V;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
  54 : 
  55 :         stan::math::initialize(V, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
  56 :         stan::math::fill(V,DUMMY_VAR__);
  57 :         stan::math::assign(V,get_base1(z,1,"z",1));
  58 :         current_statement_begin__ = 9;
  59 :         fun_scalar_t__ K;
  60 :         (void) K;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
  61 : 
  62 :         stan::math::initialize(K, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
  63 :         stan::math::fill(K,DUMMY_VAR__);
  64 :         stan::math::assign(K,get_base1(theta,1,"theta",1));
  65 :         current_statement_begin__ = 11;
  66 :         fun_scalar_t__ dV_dt;
  67 :         (void) dV_dt;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
  68 : 
  69 :         stan::math::initialize(dV_dt, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
  70 :         stan::math::fill(dV_dt,DUMMY_VAR__);
  71 :         stan::math::assign(dV_dt,(K * V));
  72 : 
  73 : 
  74 :         current_statement_begin__ = 13;
  75 :         return stan::math::promote_scalar<fun_return_scalar_t__>(dV_dt);
  76 :         }
  77 :     } catch (const std::exception& e) {
  78 :         stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
  79 :         // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
  80 :         throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
  81 :     }
  82 : }
  83 : 
  84 : 
  85 : struct dz_dt_functor__ {
  86 :     template <typename T0__, typename T1__, typename T2__, typename T3__>
  87 :         typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T0__, T1__, T2__, T3__>::type
  88 :     operator()(const T0__& t,
  89 :           const std::vector<T1__>& z,
  90 :           const std::vector<T2__>& theta,
  91 :           const std::vector<T3__>& x_r,
  92 :           const std::vector<int>& x_i, std::ostream* pstream__) const {
  93 :         return dz_dt(t, z, theta, x_r, x_i, pstream__);
  94 :     }
  95 : };
  96 : 
  97 : class model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c : public prob_grad {
  98 : private:
  99 :     int N;
 100 :     vector<double> ts;
 101 :     vector<double> y_init;
 102 :     vector<vector<double> > y;
 103 : public:
 104 :     model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c(stan::io::var_context& context__,
 105 :         std::ostream* pstream__ = 0)
 106 :         : prob_grad(0) {
 107 :         ctor_body(context__, 0, pstream__);
 108 :     }
 109 : 
 110 :     model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c(stan::io::var_context& context__,
 111 :         unsigned int random_seed__,
 112 :         std::ostream* pstream__ = 0)
 113 :         : prob_grad(0) {
 114 :         ctor_body(context__, random_seed__, pstream__);
 115 :     }
 116 : 
 117 :     void ctor_body(stan::io::var_context& context__,
 118 :                    unsigned int random_seed__,
 119 :                    std::ostream* pstream__) {
 120 :         boost::ecuyer1988 base_rng__ =
 121 :           stan::services::util::create_rng(random_seed__, 0);
 122 :         (void) base_rng__;  // suppress unused var warning
 123 : 
 124 :         current_statement_begin__ = -1;
 125 : 
 126 :         static const char* function__ = "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c";
 127 :         (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 128 :         size_t pos__;
 129 :         (void) pos__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 130 :         std::vector<int> vals_i__;
 131 :         std::vector<double> vals_r__;
 132 :         double DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 133 :         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
 134 : 
 135 :         // initialize member variables
 136 :         try {
 137 :             current_statement_begin__ = 18;
 138 :             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "N", "int", context__.to_vec());
 139 :             N = int(0);
 140 :             vals_i__ = context__.vals_i("N");
 141 :             pos__ = 0;
 142 :             N = vals_i__[pos__++];
 143 :             current_statement_begin__ = 19;
 144 :             validate_non_negative_index("ts", "N", N);
 145 :             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "ts", "double", context__.to_vec(N));
 146 :             validate_non_negative_index("ts", "N", N);
 147 :             ts = std::vector<double>(N,double(0));
 148 :             vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("ts");
 149 :             pos__ = 0;
 150 :             size_t ts_limit_0__ = N;
 151 :             for (size_t i_0__ = 0; i_0__ < ts_limit_0__; ++i_0__) {
 152 :                 ts[i_0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
 153 :             }
 154 :             current_statement_begin__ = 20;
 155 :             validate_non_negative_index("y_init", "1", 1);
 156 :             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "y_init", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
 157 :             validate_non_negative_index("y_init", "1", 1);
 158 :             y_init = std::vector<double>(1,double(0));
 159 :             vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("y_init");
 160 :             pos__ = 0;
 161 :             size_t y_init_limit_0__ = 1;
 162 :             for (size_t i_0__ = 0; i_0__ < y_init_limit_0__; ++i_0__) {
 163 :                 y_init[i_0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
 164 :             }
 165 :             current_statement_begin__ = 21;
 166 :             validate_non_negative_index("y", "N", N);
 167 :             validate_non_negative_index("y", "1", 1);
 168 :             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "y", "double", context__.to_vec(N,1));
 169 :             validate_non_negative_index("y", "N", N);
 170 :             validate_non_negative_index("y", "1", 1);
 171 :             y = std::vector<std::vector<double> >(N,std::vector<double>(1,double(0)));
 172 :             vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("y");
 173 :             pos__ = 0;
 174 :             size_t y_limit_1__ = 1;
 175 :             for (size_t i_1__ = 0; i_1__ < y_limit_1__; ++i_1__) {
 176 :                 size_t y_limit_0__ = N;
 177 :                 for (size_t i_0__ = 0; i_0__ < y_limit_0__; ++i_0__) {
 178 :                     y[i_0__][i_1__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
 179 :                 }
 180 :             }
 181 : 
 182 :             // validate, data variables
 183 :             current_statement_begin__ = 18;
 184 :             check_greater_or_equal(function__,"N",N,0);
 185 :             current_statement_begin__ = 19;
 186 :             current_statement_begin__ = 20;
 187 :             current_statement_begin__ = 21;
 188 :             for (int k0__ = 0; k0__ < N; ++k0__) {
 189 :                 for (int k1__ = 0; k1__ < 1; ++k1__) {
 190 :                     check_greater_or_equal(function__,"y[k0__][k1__]",y[k0__][k1__],0);
 191 :                 }
 192 :             }
 193 :             // initialize data variables
 194 : 
 195 : 
 196 :             // validate transformed data
 197 : 
 198 :             // validate, set parameter ranges
 199 :             num_params_r__ = 0U;
 200 :             param_ranges_i__.clear();
 201 :             current_statement_begin__ = 25;
 202 :             validate_non_negative_index("theta", "1", 1);
 203 :             num_params_r__ += 1;
 204 :             current_statement_begin__ = 26;
 205 :             validate_non_negative_index("z_init", "1", 1);
 206 :             num_params_r__ += 1;
 207 :             current_statement_begin__ = 27;
 208 :             validate_non_negative_index("sigma", "1", 1);
 209 :             num_params_r__ += 1;
 210 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
 211 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 212 :             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
 213 :             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
 214 :         }
 215 :     }
 216 : 
 217 :     ~model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c() { }
 218 : 
 219 : 
 220 :     void transform_inits(const stan::io::var_context& context__,
 221 :                          std::vector<int>& params_i__,
 222 :                          std::vector<double>& params_r__,
 223 :                          std::ostream* pstream__) const {
 224 :         stan::io::writer<double> writer__(params_r__,params_i__);
 225 :         size_t pos__;
 226 :         (void) pos__; // dummy call to supress warning
 227 :         std::vector<double> vals_r__;
 228 :         std::vector<int> vals_i__;
 229 : 
 230 :         if (!(context__.contains_r("theta")))
 231 :             throw std::runtime_error("variable theta missing");
 232 :         vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("theta");
 233 :         pos__ = 0U;
 234 :         validate_non_negative_index("theta", "1", 1);
 235 :         context__.validate_dims("initialization", "theta", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
 236 :         std::vector<double> theta(1,double(0));
 237 :         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
 238 :             theta[i0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
 239 :         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
 240 :             try {
 241 :             writer__.scalar_lb_unconstrain(0,theta[i0__]);
 242 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) { 
 243 :             throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error transforming variable theta: ") + e.what());
 244 :         }
 245 : 
 246 :         if (!(context__.contains_r("z_init")))
 247 :             throw std::runtime_error("variable z_init missing");
 248 :         vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("z_init");
 249 :         pos__ = 0U;
 250 :         validate_non_negative_index("z_init", "1", 1);
 251 :         context__.validate_dims("initialization", "z_init", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
 252 :         std::vector<double> z_init(1,double(0));
 253 :         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
 254 :             z_init[i0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
 255 :         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
 256 :             try {
 257 :             writer__.scalar_lb_unconstrain(0,z_init[i0__]);
 258 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) { 
 259 :             throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error transforming variable z_init: ") + e.what());
 260 :         }
 261 : 
 262 :         if (!(context__.contains_r("sigma")))
 263 :             throw std::runtime_error("variable sigma missing");
 264 :         vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("sigma");
 265 :         pos__ = 0U;
 266 :         validate_non_negative_index("sigma", "1", 1);
 267 :         context__.validate_dims("initialization", "sigma", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
 268 :         std::vector<double> sigma(1,double(0));
 269 :         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
 270 :             sigma[i0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
 271 :         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
 272 :             try {
 273 :             writer__.scalar_lb_unconstrain(0,sigma[i0__]);
 274 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) { 
 275 :             throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error transforming variable sigma: ") + e.what());
 276 :         }
 277 : 
 278 :         params_r__ = writer__.data_r();
 279 :         params_i__ = writer__.data_i();
 280 :     }
 281 : 
 282 :     void transform_inits(const stan::io::var_context& context,
 283 :                          Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
 284 :                          std::ostream* pstream__) const {
 285 :       std::vector<double> params_r_vec;
 286 :       std::vector<int> params_i_vec;
 287 :       transform_inits(context, params_i_vec, params_r_vec, pstream__);
 288 :       params_r.resize(params_r_vec.size());
 289 :       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
 290 :         params_r(i) = params_r_vec[i];
 291 :     }
 292 : 
 293 : 
 294 :     template <bool propto__, bool jacobian__, typename T__>
 295 :     T__ log_prob(vector<T__>& params_r__,
 296 :                  vector<int>& params_i__,
 297 :                  std::ostream* pstream__ = 0) const {
 298 : 
 299 :         T__ DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 300 :         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
 301 : 
 302 :         T__ lp__(0.0);
 303 :         stan::math::accumulator<T__> lp_accum__;
 304 : 
 305 :         try {
 306 :             // model parameters
 307 :             stan::io::reader<T__> in__(params_r__,params_i__);
 308 : 
 309 :             vector<T__> theta;
 310 :             size_t dim_theta_0__ = 1;
 311 :             theta.reserve(dim_theta_0__);
 312 :             for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_theta_0__; ++k_0__) {
 313 :                 if (jacobian__)
 314 :                     theta.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0,lp__));
 315 :                 else
 316 :                     theta.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
 317 :             }
 318 : 
 319 :             vector<T__> z_init;
 320 :             size_t dim_z_init_0__ = 1;
 321 :             z_init.reserve(dim_z_init_0__);
 322 :             for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_z_init_0__; ++k_0__) {
 323 :                 if (jacobian__)
 324 :                     z_init.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0,lp__));
 325 :                 else
 326 :                     z_init.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
 327 :             }
 328 : 
 329 :             vector<T__> sigma;
 330 :             size_t dim_sigma_0__ = 1;
 331 :             sigma.reserve(dim_sigma_0__);
 332 :             for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_sigma_0__; ++k_0__) {
 333 :                 if (jacobian__)
 334 :                     sigma.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0,lp__));
 335 :                 else
 336 :                     sigma.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
 337 :             }
 338 : 
 339 : 
 340 :             // transformed parameters
 341 :             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
 342 :             validate_non_negative_index("z", "N", N);
 343 :             validate_non_negative_index("z", "1", 1);
 344 :             vector<vector<T__> > z(N, (vector<T__>(1)));
 345 :             stan::math::initialize(z, DUMMY_VAR__);
 346 :             stan::math::fill(z,DUMMY_VAR__);
 347 :             stan::math::assign(z,integrate_ode_bdf(dz_dt_functor__(), z_init, 0, ts, theta, rep_array(0.0,0), rep_array(0,0), pstream__, 1.0000000000000001e-05, 0.001, 500.0));
 348 : 
 349 : 
 350 : 
 351 :             // validate transformed parameters
 352 :             for (int i0__ = 0; i0__ < N; ++i0__) {
 353 :                 for (int i1__ = 0; i1__ < 1; ++i1__) {
 354 :                     if (stan::math::is_uninitialized(z[i0__][i1__])) {
 355 :                         std::stringstream msg__;
 356 :                         msg__ << "Undefined transformed parameter: z" << '[' << i0__ << ']' << '[' << i1__ << ']';
 357 :                         throw std::runtime_error(msg__.str());
 358 :                     }
 359 :                 }
 360 :             }
 361 : 
 362 :             const char* function__ = "validate transformed params";
 363 :             (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 364 :             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
 365 : 
 366 :             // model body
 367 : 
 368 :             current_statement_begin__ = 38;
 369 :             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(get_base1(theta,1,"theta",1), -(2), 0.5));
 370 :             current_statement_begin__ = 39;
 371 :             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(sigma, -(1), 1));
 372 :             current_statement_begin__ = 40;
 373 :             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(get_base1(z_init,1,"z_init",1), -(1.3999999999999999), 0.5));
 374 :             current_statement_begin__ = 41;
 375 :             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(get_base1(y_init,1,"y_init",1), log(get_base1(z_init,1,"z_init",1)), get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1)));
 376 :             current_statement_begin__ = 42;
 377 :             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(stan::model::rvalue(y, stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_omni(), stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_uni(1), stan::model::nil_index_list())), "y"), log(stan::model::rvalue(z, stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_omni(), stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_uni(1), stan::model::nil_index_list())), "z")), get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1)));
 378 : 
 379 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
 380 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 381 :             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
 382 :             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
 383 :         }
 384 : 
 385 :         lp_accum__.add(lp__);
 386 :         return lp_accum__.sum();
 387 : 
 388 :     } // log_prob()
 389 : 
 390 :     template <bool propto, bool jacobian, typename T_>
 391 :     T_ log_prob(Eigen::Matrix<T_,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
 392 :                std::ostream* pstream = 0) const {
 393 :       std::vector<T_> vec_params_r;
 394 :       vec_params_r.reserve(params_r.size());
 395 :       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
 396 :         vec_params_r.push_back(params_r(i));
 397 :       std::vector<int> vec_params_i;
 398 :       return log_prob<propto,jacobian,T_>(vec_params_r, vec_params_i, pstream);
 399 :     }
 400 : 
 401 : 
 402 :     void get_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& names__) const {
 403 :         names__.resize(0);
 404 :         names__.push_back("theta");
 405 :         names__.push_back("z_init");
 406 :         names__.push_back("sigma");
 407 :         names__.push_back("z");
 408 :         names__.push_back("y_init_rep");
 409 :         names__.push_back("y_rep");
 410 :     }
 411 : 
 412 : 
 413 :     void get_dims(std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& dimss__) const {
 414 :         dimss__.resize(0);
 415 :         std::vector<size_t> dims__;
 416 :         dims__.resize(0);
 417 :         dims__.push_back(1);
 418 :         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
 419 :         dims__.resize(0);
 420 :         dims__.push_back(1);
 421 :         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
 422 :         dims__.resize(0);
 423 :         dims__.push_back(1);
 424 :         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
 425 :         dims__.resize(0);
 426 :         dims__.push_back(N);
 427 :         dims__.push_back(1);
 428 :         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
 429 :         dims__.resize(0);
 430 :         dims__.push_back(1);
 431 :         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
 432 :         dims__.resize(0);
 433 :         dims__.push_back(N);
 434 :         dims__.push_back(1);
 435 :         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
 436 :     }
 437 : 
 438 :     template <typename RNG>
 439 :     void write_array(RNG& base_rng__,
 440 :                      std::vector<double>& params_r__,
 441 :                      std::vector<int>& params_i__,
 442 :                      std::vector<double>& vars__,
 443 :                      bool include_tparams__ = true,
 444 :                      bool include_gqs__ = true,
 445 :                      std::ostream* pstream__ = 0) const {
 446 :         vars__.resize(0);
 447 :         stan::io::reader<double> in__(params_r__,params_i__);
 448 :         static const char* function__ = "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::write_array";
 449 :         (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 450 :         // read-transform, write parameters
 451 :         vector<double> theta;
 452 :         size_t dim_theta_0__ = 1;
 453 :         for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_theta_0__; ++k_0__) {
 454 :             theta.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
 455 :         }
 456 :         vector<double> z_init;
 457 :         size_t dim_z_init_0__ = 1;
 458 :         for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_z_init_0__; ++k_0__) {
 459 :             z_init.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
 460 :         }
 461 :         vector<double> sigma;
 462 :         size_t dim_sigma_0__ = 1;
 463 :         for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_sigma_0__; ++k_0__) {
 464 :             sigma.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
 465 :         }
 466 :             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
 467 :             vars__.push_back(theta[k_0__]);
 468 :             }
 469 :             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
 470 :             vars__.push_back(z_init[k_0__]);
 471 :             }
 472 :             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
 473 :             vars__.push_back(sigma[k_0__]);
 474 :             }
 475 : 
 476 :         if (!include_tparams__) return;
 477 :         // declare and define transformed parameters
 478 :         double lp__ = 0.0;
 479 :         (void) lp__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 480 :         stan::math::accumulator<double> lp_accum__;
 481 : 
 482 :         double DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 483 :         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
 484 : 
 485 :         try {
 486 :             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
 487 :             validate_non_negative_index("z", "N", N);
 488 :             validate_non_negative_index("z", "1", 1);
 489 :             vector<vector<double> > z(N, (vector<double>(1, 0.0)));
 490 :             stan::math::initialize(z, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 491 :             stan::math::fill(z,DUMMY_VAR__);
 492 :             stan::math::assign(z,integrate_ode_bdf(dz_dt_functor__(), z_init, 0, ts, theta, rep_array(0.0,0), rep_array(0,0), pstream__, 1.0000000000000001e-05, 0.001, 500.0));
 493 : 
 494 : 
 495 : 
 496 :             // validate transformed parameters
 497 :             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
 498 : 
 499 :             // write transformed parameters
 500 :             for (int k_1__ = 0; k_1__ < 1; ++k_1__) {
 501 :                 for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < N; ++k_0__) {
 502 :                 vars__.push_back(z[k_0__][k_1__]);
 503 :                 }
 504 :             }
 505 : 
 506 :             if (!include_gqs__) return;
 507 :             // declare and define generated quantities
 508 :             current_statement_begin__ = 46;
 509 :             validate_non_negative_index("y_init_rep", "1", 1);
 510 :             vector<double> y_init_rep(1, 0.0);
 511 :             stan::math::initialize(y_init_rep, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 512 :             stan::math::fill(y_init_rep,DUMMY_VAR__);
 513 :             current_statement_begin__ = 47;
 514 :             validate_non_negative_index("y_rep", "N", N);
 515 :             validate_non_negative_index("y_rep", "1", 1);
 516 :             vector<vector<double> > y_rep(N, (vector<double>(1, 0.0)));
 517 :             stan::math::initialize(y_rep, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 518 :             stan::math::fill(y_rep,DUMMY_VAR__);
 519 : 
 520 : 
 521 :             current_statement_begin__ = 49;
 522 :             stan::math::assign(get_base1_lhs(y_init_rep,1,"y_init_rep",1), lognormal_rng(log(get_base1(z_init,1,"z_init",1)),get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1), base_rng__));
 523 :             current_statement_begin__ = 50;
 524 :             for (int n = 1; n <= N; ++n) {
 525 :                 current_statement_begin__ = 51;
 526 :                 stan::math::assign(get_base1_lhs(get_base1_lhs(y_rep,n,"y_rep",1),1,"y_rep",2), lognormal_rng(log(get_base1(get_base1(z,n,"z",1),1,"z",2)),get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1), base_rng__));
 527 :             }
 528 : 
 529 :             // validate generated quantities
 530 :             current_statement_begin__ = 46;
 531 :             current_statement_begin__ = 47;
 532 : 
 533 :             // write generated quantities
 534 :             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
 535 :             vars__.push_back(y_init_rep[k_0__]);
 536 :             }
 537 :             for (int k_1__ = 0; k_1__ < 1; ++k_1__) {
 538 :                 for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < N; ++k_0__) {
 539 :                 vars__.push_back(y_rep[k_0__][k_1__]);
 540 :                 }
 541 :             }
 542 : 
 543 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
 544 :             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 545 :             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
 546 :             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
 547 :         }
 548 :     }
 549 : 
 550 :     template <typename RNG>
 551 :     void write_array(RNG& base_rng,
 552 :                      Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
 553 :                      Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& vars,
 554 :                      bool include_tparams = true,
 555 :                      bool include_gqs = true,
 556 :                      std::ostream* pstream = 0) const {
 557 :       std::vector<double> params_r_vec(params_r.size());
 558 :       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
 559 :         params_r_vec[i] = params_r(i);
 560 :       std::vector<double> vars_vec;
 561 :       std::vector<int> params_i_vec;
 562 :       write_array(base_rng,params_r_vec,params_i_vec,vars_vec,include_tparams,include_gqs,pstream);
 563 :       vars.resize(vars_vec.size());
 564 :       for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i)
 565 :         vars(i) = vars_vec[i];
 566 :     }
 567 : 
 568 :     static std::string model_name() {
 569 :         return "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c";
 570 :     }
 571 : 
 572 : 
 573 :     void constrained_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& param_names__,
 574 :                                  bool include_tparams__ = true,
 575 :                                  bool include_gqs__ = true) const {
 576 :         std::stringstream param_name_stream__;
 577 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 578 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 579 :             param_name_stream__ << "theta" << '.' << k_0__;
 580 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 581 :         }
 582 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 583 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 584 :             param_name_stream__ << "z_init" << '.' << k_0__;
 585 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 586 :         }
 587 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 588 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 589 :             param_name_stream__ << "sigma" << '.' << k_0__;
 590 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 591 :         }
 592 : 
 593 :         if (!include_gqs__ && !include_tparams__) return;
 594 :         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
 595 :             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
 596 :                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 597 :                 param_name_stream__ << "z" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
 598 :                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 599 :             }
 600 :         }
 601 : 
 602 :         if (!include_gqs__) return;
 603 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 604 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 605 :             param_name_stream__ << "y_init_rep" << '.' << k_0__;
 606 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 607 :         }
 608 :         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
 609 :             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
 610 :                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 611 :                 param_name_stream__ << "y_rep" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
 612 :                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 613 :             }
 614 :         }
 615 :     }
 616 : 
 617 : 
 618 :     void unconstrained_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& param_names__,
 619 :                                    bool include_tparams__ = true,
 620 :                                    bool include_gqs__ = true) const {
 621 :         std::stringstream param_name_stream__;
 622 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 623 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 624 :             param_name_stream__ << "theta" << '.' << k_0__;
 625 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 626 :         }
 627 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 628 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 629 :             param_name_stream__ << "z_init" << '.' << k_0__;
 630 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 631 :         }
 632 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 633 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 634 :             param_name_stream__ << "sigma" << '.' << k_0__;
 635 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 636 :         }
 637 : 
 638 :         if (!include_gqs__ && !include_tparams__) return;
 639 :         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
 640 :             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
 641 :                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 642 :                 param_name_stream__ << "z" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
 643 :                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 644 :             }
 645 :         }
 646 : 
 647 :         if (!include_gqs__) return;
 648 :         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
 649 :             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 650 :             param_name_stream__ << "y_init_rep" << '.' << k_0__;
 651 :             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 652 :         }
 653 :         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
 654 :             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
 655 :                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
 656 :                 param_name_stream__ << "y_rep" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
 657 :                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
 658 :             }
 659 :         }
 660 :     }
 661 : 
 662 : }; // model
 663 : 
 664 : }
 665 : 
 666 : typedef model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c stan_model;
 667 : 
 668 : #include <rstan/rstaninc.hpp>
 669 : /**
 670 :  * Define Rcpp Module to expose stan_fit's functions to R.
 671 :  */
 672 : RCPP_MODULE(stan_fit4model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_mod){
 673 :   Rcpp::class_<rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c,
 674 :                boost::random::ecuyer1988> >("stan_fit4model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c")
 675 :     // .constructor<Rcpp::List>()
 676 :     .constructor<SEXP, SEXP, SEXP>()
 677 :     // .constructor<SEXP, SEXP>()
 678 :     .method("call_sampler",
 679 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::call_sampler)
 680 :     .method("param_names",
 681 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_names)
 682 :     .method("param_names_oi",
 683 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_names_oi)
 684 :     .method("param_fnames_oi",
 685 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_fnames_oi)
 686 :     .method("param_dims",
 687 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_dims)
 688 :     .method("param_dims_oi",
 689 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_dims_oi)
 690 :     .method("update_param_oi",
 691 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::update_param_oi)
 692 :     .method("param_oi_tidx",
 693 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_oi_tidx)
 694 :     .method("grad_log_prob",
 695 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::grad_log_prob)
 696 :     .method("log_prob",
 697 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::log_prob)
 698 :     .method("unconstrain_pars",
 699 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::unconstrain_pars)
 700 :     .method("constrain_pars",
 701 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::constrain_pars)
 702 :     .method("num_pars_unconstrained",
 703 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::num_pars_unconstrained)
 704 :     .method("unconstrained_param_names",
 705 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::unconstrained_param_names)
 706 :     .method("constrained_param_names",
 707 :             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::constrained_param_names)
 708 :     ;
 709 : }
 710 : 
 711 : // declarations
 712 : extern "C" {
 713 : SEXP file5c08635880ea( ) ;
 714 : }
 715 : 
 716 : // definition
 717 : 
 718 : SEXP file5c08635880ea(  ){
 719 :  return Rcpp::wrap("102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c");
 720 : }
 721 : 
 722 : 
Compilation argument:
 /opt/scp/software/mro/3.5.1-foss-2017a/lib64/R/bin/R CMD SHLIB file5c08635880ea.cpp 2> file5c08635880ea.cpp.err.txt 
g++  -I/opt/scp/software/mro/3.5.1-foss-2017a/lib64/R/include -DNDEBUG   -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/Rcpp/include/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/unsupported"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rstan/include/boost_not_in_BH" -I"/opt/scp/software/mro/3.5.1-foss-2017a/lib64/R/site-library/BH/include" -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/src/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/"  -I"/home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rstan/include" -DEIGEN_NO_DEBUG  -DBOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_TR1 -DBOOST_NO_DECLTYPE -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS -DBOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES  -DU_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION   -fpic  -DU_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION -O2 -g  -c file5c08635880ea.cpp -o file5c08635880ea.o
ERROR(s) during compilation: source code errors or compiler configuration errors!

Program source:
  2: // includes from the plugin
  5: // user includes
  6: #define STAN__SERVICES__COMMAND_HPP// Code generated by Stan version 2.17.0
  8: #include <stan/model/model_header.hpp>
 10: namespace model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace {
 12: using std::istream;
 13: using std::string;
 14: using std::stringstream;
 15: using std::vector;
 16: using stan::io::dump;
 17: using stan::math::lgamma;
 18: using stan::model::prob_grad;
 19: using namespace stan::math;
 21: typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1> vector_d;
 22: typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> row_vector_d;
 23: typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_d;
 25: static int current_statement_begin__;
 27: stan::io::program_reader prog_reader__() {
 28:     stan::io::program_reader reader;
 29:     reader.add_event(0, 0, "start", "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c");
 30:     reader.add_event(52, 52, "end", "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c");
 31:     return reader;
 32: }
 34: template <typename T0__, typename T1__, typename T2__, typename T3__>
 35: typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T0__, T1__, T2__, T3__>::type
 36: dz_dt(const T0__& t,
 37:           const std::vector<T1__>& z,
 38:           const std::vector<T2__>& theta,
 39:           const std::vector<T3__>& x_r,
 40:           const std::vector<int>& x_i, std::ostream* pstream__) {
 41:     typedef typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T0__, T1__, T2__, T3__>::type fun_scalar_t__;
 42:     typedef fun_scalar_t__ fun_return_scalar_t__;
 43:     const static bool propto__ = true;
 44:     (void) propto__;
 45:         fun_scalar_t__ DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 46:         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
 48:     int current_statement_begin__ = -1;
 49:     try {
 50:         {
 51:         current_statement_begin__ = 8;
 52:         fun_scalar_t__ V;
 53:         (void) V;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 55:         stan::math::initialize(V, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 56:         stan::math::fill(V,DUMMY_VAR__);
 57:         stan::math::assign(V,get_base1(z,1,"z",1));
 58:         current_statement_begin__ = 9;
 59:         fun_scalar_t__ K;
 60:         (void) K;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 62:         stan::math::initialize(K, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 63:         stan::math::fill(K,DUMMY_VAR__);
 64:         stan::math::assign(K,get_base1(theta,1,"theta",1));
 65:         current_statement_begin__ = 11;
 66:         fun_scalar_t__ dV_dt;
 67:         (void) dV_dt;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
 69:         stan::math::initialize(dV_dt, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
 70:         stan::math::fill(dV_dt,DUMMY_VAR__);
 71:         stan::math::assign(dV_dt,(K * V));
 74:         current_statement_begin__ = 13;
 75:         return stan::math::promote_scalar<fun_return_scalar_t__>(dV_dt);
 76:         }
 77:     } catch (const std::exception& e) {
 78:         stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
 79:         // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
 80:         throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
 81:     }
 82: }
 85: struct dz_dt_functor__ {
 86:     template <typename T0__, typename T1__, typename T2__, typename T3__>
 87:         typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T0__, T1__, T2__, T3__>::type
 88:     operator()(const T0__& t,
 89:           const std::vector<T1__>& z,
 90:           const std::vector<T2__>& theta,
 91:           const std::vector<T3__>& x_r,
 92:           const std::vector<int>& x_i, std::ostream* pstream__) const {
 93:         return dz_dt(t, z, theta, x_r, x_i, pstream__);
 94:     }
 95: };
 97: class model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c : public prob_grad {
 98: private:
 99:     int N;
100:     vector<double> ts;
101:     vector<double> y_init;
102:     vector<vector<double> > y;
103: public:
104:     model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c(stan::io::var_context& context__,
105:         std::ostream* pstream__ = 0)
106:         : prob_grad(0) {
107:         ctor_body(context__, 0, pstream__);
108:     }
110:     model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c(stan::io::var_context& context__,
111:         unsigned int random_seed__,
112:         std::ostream* pstream__ = 0)
113:         : prob_grad(0) {
114:         ctor_body(context__, random_seed__, pstream__);
115:     }
117:     void ctor_body(stan::io::var_context& context__,
118:                    unsigned int random_seed__,
119:                    std::ostream* pstream__) {
120:         boost::ecuyer1988 base_rng__ =
121:           stan::services::util::create_rng(random_seed__, 0);
122:         (void) base_rng__;  // suppress unused var warning
124:         current_statement_begin__ = -1;
126:         static const char* function__ = "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c";
127:         (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
128:         size_t pos__;
129:         (void) pos__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
130:         std::vector<int> vals_i__;
131:         std::vector<double> vals_r__;
132:         double DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
133:         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
135:         // initialize member variables
136:         try {
137:             current_statement_begin__ = 18;
138:             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "N", "int", context__.to_vec());
139:             N = int(0);
140:             vals_i__ = context__.vals_i("N");
141:             pos__ = 0;
142:             N = vals_i__[pos__++];
143:             current_statement_begin__ = 19;
144:             validate_non_negative_index("ts", "N", N);
145:             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "ts", "double", context__.to_vec(N));
146:             validate_non_negative_index("ts", "N", N);
147:             ts = std::vector<double>(N,double(0));
148:             vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("ts");
149:             pos__ = 0;
150:             size_t ts_limit_0__ = N;
151:             for (size_t i_0__ = 0; i_0__ < ts_limit_0__; ++i_0__) {
152:                 ts[i_0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
153:             }
154:             current_statement_begin__ = 20;
155:             validate_non_negative_index("y_init", "1", 1);
156:             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "y_init", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
157:             validate_non_negative_index("y_init", "1", 1);
158:             y_init = std::vector<double>(1,double(0));
159:             vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("y_init");
160:             pos__ = 0;
161:             size_t y_init_limit_0__ = 1;
162:             for (size_t i_0__ = 0; i_0__ < y_init_limit_0__; ++i_0__) {
163:                 y_init[i_0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
164:             }
165:             current_statement_begin__ = 21;
166:             validate_non_negative_index("y", "N", N);
167:             validate_non_negative_index("y", "1", 1);
168:             context__.validate_dims("data initialization", "y", "double", context__.to_vec(N,1));
169:             validate_non_negative_index("y", "N", N);
170:             validate_non_negative_index("y", "1", 1);
171:             y = std::vector<std::vector<double> >(N,std::vector<double>(1,double(0)));
172:             vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("y");
173:             pos__ = 0;
174:             size_t y_limit_1__ = 1;
175:             for (size_t i_1__ = 0; i_1__ < y_limit_1__; ++i_1__) {
176:                 size_t y_limit_0__ = N;
177:                 for (size_t i_0__ = 0; i_0__ < y_limit_0__; ++i_0__) {
178:                     y[i_0__][i_1__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
179:                 }
180:             }
182:             // validate, data variables
183:             current_statement_begin__ = 18;
184:             check_greater_or_equal(function__,"N",N,0);
185:             current_statement_begin__ = 19;
186:             current_statement_begin__ = 20;
187:             current_statement_begin__ = 21;
188:             for (int k0__ = 0; k0__ < N; ++k0__) {
189:                 for (int k1__ = 0; k1__ < 1; ++k1__) {
190:                     check_greater_or_equal(function__,"y[k0__][k1__]",y[k0__][k1__],0);
191:                 }
192:             }
193:             // initialize data variables
196:             // validate transformed data
198:             // validate, set parameter ranges
199:             num_params_r__ = 0U;
200:             param_ranges_i__.clear();
201:             current_statement_begin__ = 25;
202:             validate_non_negative_index("theta", "1", 1);
203:             num_params_r__ += 1;
204:             current_statement_begin__ = 26;
205:             validate_non_negative_index("z_init", "1", 1);
206:             num_params_r__ += 1;
207:             current_statement_begin__ = 27;
208:             validate_non_negative_index("sigma", "1", 1);
209:             num_params_r__ += 1;
210:         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
211:             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
212:             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
213:             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
214:         }
215:     }
217:     ~model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c() { }
220:     void transform_inits(const stan::io::var_context& context__,
221:                          std::vector<int>& params_i__,
222:                          std::vector<double>& params_r__,
223:                          std::ostream* pstream__) const {
224:         stan::io::writer<double> writer__(params_r__,params_i__);
225:         size_t pos__;
226:         (void) pos__; // dummy call to supress warning
227:         std::vector<double> vals_r__;
228:         std::vector<int> vals_i__;
230:         if (!(context__.contains_r("theta")))
231:             throw std::runtime_error("variable theta missing");
232:         vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("theta");
233:         pos__ = 0U;
234:         validate_non_negative_index("theta", "1", 1);
235:         context__.validate_dims("initialization", "theta", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
236:         std::vector<double> theta(1,double(0));
237:         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
238:             theta[i0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
239:         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
240:             try {
241:             writer__.scalar_lb_unconstrain(0,theta[i0__]);
242:         } catch (const std::exception& e) { 
243:             throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error transforming variable theta: ") + e.what());
244:         }
246:         if (!(context__.contains_r("z_init")))
247:             throw std::runtime_error("variable z_init missing");
248:         vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("z_init");
249:         pos__ = 0U;
250:         validate_non_negative_index("z_init", "1", 1);
251:         context__.validate_dims("initialization", "z_init", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
252:         std::vector<double> z_init(1,double(0));
253:         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
254:             z_init[i0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
255:         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
256:             try {
257:             writer__.scalar_lb_unconstrain(0,z_init[i0__]);
258:         } catch (const std::exception& e) { 
259:             throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error transforming variable z_init: ") + e.what());
260:         }
262:         if (!(context__.contains_r("sigma")))
263:             throw std::runtime_error("variable sigma missing");
264:         vals_r__ = context__.vals_r("sigma");
265:         pos__ = 0U;
266:         validate_non_negative_index("sigma", "1", 1);
267:         context__.validate_dims("initialization", "sigma", "double", context__.to_vec(1));
268:         std::vector<double> sigma(1,double(0));
269:         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
270:             sigma[i0__] = vals_r__[pos__++];
271:         for (int i0__ = 0U; i0__ < 1; ++i0__)
272:             try {
273:             writer__.scalar_lb_unconstrain(0,sigma[i0__]);
274:         } catch (const std::exception& e) { 
275:             throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error transforming variable sigma: ") + e.what());
276:         }
278:         params_r__ = writer__.data_r();
279:         params_i__ = writer__.data_i();
280:     }
282:     void transform_inits(const stan::io::var_context& context,
283:                          Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
284:                          std::ostream* pstream__) const {
285:       std::vector<double> params_r_vec;
286:       std::vector<int> params_i_vec;
287:       transform_inits(context, params_i_vec, params_r_vec, pstream__);
288:       params_r.resize(params_r_vec.size());
289:       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
290:         params_r(i) = params_r_vec[i];
291:     }
294:     template <bool propto__, bool jacobian__, typename T__>
295:     T__ log_prob(vector<T__>& params_r__,
296:                  vector<int>& params_i__,
297:                  std::ostream* pstream__ = 0) const {
299:         T__ DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
300:         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
302:         T__ lp__(0.0);
303:         stan::math::accumulator<T__> lp_accum__;
305:         try {
306:             // model parameters
307:             stan::io::reader<T__> in__(params_r__,params_i__);
309:             vector<T__> theta;
310:             size_t dim_theta_0__ = 1;
311:             theta.reserve(dim_theta_0__);
312:             for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_theta_0__; ++k_0__) {
313:                 if (jacobian__)
314:                     theta.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0,lp__));
315:                 else
316:                     theta.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
317:             }
319:             vector<T__> z_init;
320:             size_t dim_z_init_0__ = 1;
321:             z_init.reserve(dim_z_init_0__);
322:             for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_z_init_0__; ++k_0__) {
323:                 if (jacobian__)
324:                     z_init.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0,lp__));
325:                 else
326:                     z_init.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
327:             }
329:             vector<T__> sigma;
330:             size_t dim_sigma_0__ = 1;
331:             sigma.reserve(dim_sigma_0__);
332:             for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_sigma_0__; ++k_0__) {
333:                 if (jacobian__)
334:                     sigma.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0,lp__));
335:                 else
336:                     sigma.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
337:             }
340:             // transformed parameters
341:             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
342:             validate_non_negative_index("z", "N", N);
343:             validate_non_negative_index("z", "1", 1);
344:             vector<vector<T__> > z(N, (vector<T__>(1)));
345:             stan::math::initialize(z, DUMMY_VAR__);
346:             stan::math::fill(z,DUMMY_VAR__);
347:             stan::math::assign(z,integrate_ode_bdf(dz_dt_functor__(), z_init, 0, ts, theta, rep_array(0.0,0), rep_array(0,0), pstream__, 1.0000000000000001e-05, 0.001, 500.0));
351:             // validate transformed parameters
352:             for (int i0__ = 0; i0__ < N; ++i0__) {
353:                 for (int i1__ = 0; i1__ < 1; ++i1__) {
354:                     if (stan::math::is_uninitialized(z[i0__][i1__])) {
355:                         std::stringstream msg__;
356:                         msg__ << "Undefined transformed parameter: z" << '[' << i0__ << ']' << '[' << i1__ << ']';
357:                         throw std::runtime_error(msg__.str());
358:                     }
359:                 }
360:             }
362:             const char* function__ = "validate transformed params";
363:             (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
364:             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
366:             // model body
368:             current_statement_begin__ = 38;
369:             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(get_base1(theta,1,"theta",1), -(2), 0.5));
370:             current_statement_begin__ = 39;
371:             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(sigma, -(1), 1));
372:             current_statement_begin__ = 40;
373:             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(get_base1(z_init,1,"z_init",1), -(1.3999999999999999), 0.5));
374:             current_statement_begin__ = 41;
375:             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(get_base1(y_init,1,"y_init",1), log(get_base1(z_init,1,"z_init",1)), get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1)));
376:             current_statement_begin__ = 42;
377:             lp_accum__.add(lognormal_log<propto__>(stan::model::rvalue(y, stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_omni(), stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_uni(1), stan::model::nil_index_list())), "y"), log(stan::model::rvalue(z, stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_omni(), stan::model::cons_list(stan::model::index_uni(1), stan::model::nil_index_list())), "z")), get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1)));
379:         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
380:             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
381:             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
382:             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
383:         }
385:         lp_accum__.add(lp__);
386:         return lp_accum__.sum();
388:     } // log_prob()
390:     template <bool propto, bool jacobian, typename T_>
391:     T_ log_prob(Eigen::Matrix<T_,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
392:                std::ostream* pstream = 0) const {
393:       std::vector<T_> vec_params_r;
394:       vec_params_r.reserve(params_r.size());
395:       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
396:         vec_params_r.push_back(params_r(i));
397:       std::vector<int> vec_params_i;
398:       return log_prob<propto,jacobian,T_>(vec_params_r, vec_params_i, pstream);
399:     }
402:     void get_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& names__) const {
403:         names__.resize(0);
404:         names__.push_back("theta");
405:         names__.push_back("z_init");
406:         names__.push_back("sigma");
407:         names__.push_back("z");
408:         names__.push_back("y_init_rep");
409:         names__.push_back("y_rep");
410:     }
413:     void get_dims(std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& dimss__) const {
414:         dimss__.resize(0);
415:         std::vector<size_t> dims__;
416:         dims__.resize(0);
417:         dims__.push_back(1);
418:         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
419:         dims__.resize(0);
420:         dims__.push_back(1);
421:         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
422:         dims__.resize(0);
423:         dims__.push_back(1);
424:         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
425:         dims__.resize(0);
426:         dims__.push_back(N);
427:         dims__.push_back(1);
428:         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
429:         dims__.resize(0);
430:         dims__.push_back(1);
431:         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
432:         dims__.resize(0);
433:         dims__.push_back(N);
434:         dims__.push_back(1);
435:         dimss__.push_back(dims__);
436:     }
438:     template <typename RNG>
439:     void write_array(RNG& base_rng__,
440:                      std::vector<double>& params_r__,
441:                      std::vector<int>& params_i__,
442:                      std::vector<double>& vars__,
443:                      bool include_tparams__ = true,
444:                      bool include_gqs__ = true,
445:                      std::ostream* pstream__ = 0) const {
446:         vars__.resize(0);
447:         stan::io::reader<double> in__(params_r__,params_i__);
448:         static const char* function__ = "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::write_array";
449:         (void) function__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
450:         // read-transform, write parameters
451:         vector<double> theta;
452:         size_t dim_theta_0__ = 1;
453:         for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_theta_0__; ++k_0__) {
454:             theta.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
455:         }
456:         vector<double> z_init;
457:         size_t dim_z_init_0__ = 1;
458:         for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_z_init_0__; ++k_0__) {
459:             z_init.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
460:         }
461:         vector<double> sigma;
462:         size_t dim_sigma_0__ = 1;
463:         for (size_t k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < dim_sigma_0__; ++k_0__) {
464:             sigma.push_back(in__.scalar_lb_constrain(0));
465:         }
466:             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
467:             vars__.push_back(theta[k_0__]);
468:             }
469:             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
470:             vars__.push_back(z_init[k_0__]);
471:             }
472:             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
473:             vars__.push_back(sigma[k_0__]);
474:             }
476:         if (!include_tparams__) return;
477:         // declare and define transformed parameters
478:         double lp__ = 0.0;
479:         (void) lp__;  // dummy to suppress unused var warning
480:         stan::math::accumulator<double> lp_accum__;
482:         double DUMMY_VAR__(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
483:         (void) DUMMY_VAR__;  // suppress unused var warning
485:         try {
486:             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
487:             validate_non_negative_index("z", "N", N);
488:             validate_non_negative_index("z", "1", 1);
489:             vector<vector<double> > z(N, (vector<double>(1, 0.0)));
490:             stan::math::initialize(z, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
491:             stan::math::fill(z,DUMMY_VAR__);
492:             stan::math::assign(z,integrate_ode_bdf(dz_dt_functor__(), z_init, 0, ts, theta, rep_array(0.0,0), rep_array(0,0), pstream__, 1.0000000000000001e-05, 0.001, 500.0));
496:             // validate transformed parameters
497:             current_statement_begin__ = 31;
499:             // write transformed parameters
500:             for (int k_1__ = 0; k_1__ < 1; ++k_1__) {
501:                 for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < N; ++k_0__) {
502:                 vars__.push_back(z[k_0__][k_1__]);
503:                 }
504:             }
506:             if (!include_gqs__) return;
507:             // declare and define generated quantities
508:             current_statement_begin__ = 46;
509:             validate_non_negative_index("y_init_rep", "1", 1);
510:             vector<double> y_init_rep(1, 0.0);
511:             stan::math::initialize(y_init_rep, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
512:             stan::math::fill(y_init_rep,DUMMY_VAR__);
513:             current_statement_begin__ = 47;
514:             validate_non_negative_index("y_rep", "N", N);
515:             validate_non_negative_index("y_rep", "1", 1);
516:             vector<vector<double> > y_rep(N, (vector<double>(1, 0.0)));
517:             stan::math::initialize(y_rep, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
518:             stan::math::fill(y_rep,DUMMY_VAR__);
521:             current_statement_begin__ = 49;
522:             stan::math::assign(get_base1_lhs(y_init_rep,1,"y_init_rep",1), lognormal_rng(log(get_base1(z_init,1,"z_init",1)),get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1), base_rng__));
523:             current_statement_begin__ = 50;
524:             for (int n = 1; n <= N; ++n) {
525:                 current_statement_begin__ = 51;
526:                 stan::math::assign(get_base1_lhs(get_base1_lhs(y_rep,n,"y_rep",1),1,"y_rep",2), lognormal_rng(log(get_base1(get_base1(z,n,"z",1),1,"z",2)),get_base1(sigma,1,"sigma",1), base_rng__));
527:             }
529:             // validate generated quantities
530:             current_statement_begin__ = 46;
531:             current_statement_begin__ = 47;
533:             // write generated quantities
534:             for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < 1; ++k_0__) {
535:             vars__.push_back(y_init_rep[k_0__]);
536:             }
537:             for (int k_1__ = 0; k_1__ < 1; ++k_1__) {
538:                 for (int k_0__ = 0; k_0__ < N; ++k_0__) {
539:                 vars__.push_back(y_rep[k_0__][k_1__]);
540:                 }
541:             }
543:         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
544:             stan::lang::rethrow_located(e, current_statement_begin__, prog_reader__());
545:             // Next line prevents compiler griping about no return
546:             throw std::runtime_error("*** IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE REPORT A BUG ***");
547:         }
548:     }
550:     template <typename RNG>
551:     void write_array(RNG& base_rng,
552:                      Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& params_r,
553:                      Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& vars,
554:                      bool include_tparams = true,
555:                      bool include_gqs = true,
556:                      std::ostream* pstream = 0) const {
557:       std::vector<double> params_r_vec(params_r.size());
558:       for (int i = 0; i < params_r.size(); ++i)
559:         params_r_vec[i] = params_r(i);
560:       std::vector<double> vars_vec;
561:       std::vector<int> params_i_vec;
562:       write_array(base_rng,params_r_vec,params_i_vec,vars_vec,include_tparams,include_gqs,pstream);
563:       vars.resize(vars_vec.size());
564:       for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i)
565:         vars(i) = vars_vec[i];
566:     }
568:     static std::string model_name() {
569:         return "model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c";
570:     }
573:     void constrained_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& param_names__,
574:                                  bool include_tparams__ = true,
575:                                  bool include_gqs__ = true) const {
576:         std::stringstream param_name_stream__;
577:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
578:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
579:             param_name_stream__ << "theta" << '.' << k_0__;
580:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
581:         }
582:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
583:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
584:             param_name_stream__ << "z_init" << '.' << k_0__;
585:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
586:         }
587:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
588:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
589:             param_name_stream__ << "sigma" << '.' << k_0__;
590:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
591:         }
593:         if (!include_gqs__ && !include_tparams__) return;
594:         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
595:             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
596:                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
597:                 param_name_stream__ << "z" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
598:                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
599:             }
600:         }
602:         if (!include_gqs__) return;
603:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
604:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
605:             param_name_stream__ << "y_init_rep" << '.' << k_0__;
606:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
607:         }
608:         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
609:             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
610:                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
611:                 param_name_stream__ << "y_rep" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
612:                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
613:             }
614:         }
615:     }
618:     void unconstrained_param_names(std::vector<std::string>& param_names__,
619:                                    bool include_tparams__ = true,
620:                                    bool include_gqs__ = true) const {
621:         std::stringstream param_name_stream__;
622:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
623:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
624:             param_name_stream__ << "theta" << '.' << k_0__;
625:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
626:         }
627:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
628:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
629:             param_name_stream__ << "z_init" << '.' << k_0__;
630:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
631:         }
632:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
633:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
634:             param_name_stream__ << "sigma" << '.' << k_0__;
635:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
636:         }
638:         if (!include_gqs__ && !include_tparams__) return;
639:         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
640:             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
641:                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
642:                 param_name_stream__ << "z" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
643:                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
644:             }
645:         }
647:         if (!include_gqs__) return;
648:         for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= 1; ++k_0__) {
649:             param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
650:             param_name_stream__ << "y_init_rep" << '.' << k_0__;
651:             param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
652:         }
653:         for (int k_1__ = 1; k_1__ <= 1; ++k_1__) {
654:             for (int k_0__ = 1; k_0__ <= N; ++k_0__) {
655:                 param_name_stream__.str(std::string());
656:                 param_name_stream__ << "y_rep" << '.' << k_0__ << '.' << k_1__;
657:                 param_names__.push_back(param_name_stream__.str());
658:             }
659:         }
660:     }
662: }; // model
664: }
666: typedef model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c stan_model;
668: #include <rstan/rstaninc.hpp>
669: /**
670:  * Define Rcpp Module to expose stan_fit's functions to R.
671:  */
672: RCPP_MODULE(stan_fit4model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_mod){
673:   Rcpp::class_<rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c,
674:                boost::random::ecuyer1988> >("stan_fit4model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c")
675:     // .constructor<Rcpp::List>()
676:     .constructor<SEXP, SEXP, SEXP>()
677:     // .constructor<SEXP, SEXP>()
678:     .method("call_sampler",
679:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::call_sampler)
680:     .method("param_names",
681:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_names)
682:     .method("param_names_oi",
683:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_names_oi)
684:     .method("param_fnames_oi",
685:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_fnames_oi)
686:     .method("param_dims",
687:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_dims)
688:     .method("param_dims_oi",
689:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_dims_oi)
690:     .method("update_param_oi",
691:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::update_param_oi)
692:     .method("param_oi_tidx",
693:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::param_oi_tidx)
694:     .method("grad_log_prob",
695:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::grad_log_prob)
696:     .method("log_prob",
697:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::log_prob)
698:     .method("unconstrain_pars",
699:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::unconstrain_pars)
700:     .method("constrain_pars",
701:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::constrain_pars)
702:     .method("num_pars_unconstrained",
703:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::num_pars_unconstrained)
704:     .method("unconstrained_param_names",
705:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::unconstrained_param_names)
706:     .method("constrained_param_names",
707:             &rstan::stan_fit<model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c_namespace::model5c082b6e424b_102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c, boost::random::ecuyer1988>::constrained_param_names)
708:     ;
709: }
711: // declarations
712: extern "C" {
713: SEXP file5c08635880ea( ) ;
714: }
716: // definition
718: SEXP file5c08635880ea(  ){
719:  return Rcpp::wrap("102de305ede91408d5b21b0b0095339c");
720: }
Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) : 
  Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created! In file included from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/Core:388:0,
                 from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/Dense:1,
                 from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/prim/mat/fun/Eigen.hpp:4,
                 from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/mat/fun/Eigen_NumTraits.hpp:4,
                 from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/core/matrix_vari.hpp:4,
                 from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/core.hpp:14,
                 from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math/rev/mat.hpp:4,
                 from /home/kpwp689/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/StanHeaders/include/stan/math.hpp:4,

I would not be using RStan 2.17.3. That version was not even supposed to exist and is incompatible with the C++14 requirements nowdays. I would upgrade to 2.19.2 and try again. If it is not working do

example(stan_model, run.dontrun = TRUE)

and paste the whole output.

I try to automatically upgrade Rstan but it’s still the same version. How can I upgrade?


I did that but I am afraid it installs the same version as before 2.17.3

What version of R are you using?

I am using 3.5.1


install.packages("", repos = NULL)

I get this message:

  • installing source package ‘rstan’ …
    ** package ‘rstan’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
    ** libs
    Error: package ‘BH’ 1.66.0-1 was found, but >= 1.69.0 is required by ‘rstan’
  • removing ‘/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rstan’
  • restoring previous ‘/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rstan’
    Warning in install.packages :
    installation of package ‘/tmp/Rtmpb2gdXu/downloaded_packages/rstan_2.19.2.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status

You need to upgrade the BH package. If


does not work then do.

install.packages("", repos = NULL)

Only the second worked for me. Now apparently StanHeaders needs to be upgraded. What command can I use other than install.pachage(StanHeaders) that installs the old one?