Equivalent of R's which?

Hello everyone,
Is there an equivalent of the R’s function which in Stan? I would like to obtain the indexes of a vector that meet a certain condition (if possible without a loop).
For example, in R, if I have a vector A = c(9, 3, 0, 3, 0, 2). Using the function which(A==0) will return 3 5. Is there an easy way to do that in Stan?
Thank you in advance!

Not an easy way, I believe. You’d have to write your own function, probably using the various sorting functions of Stan inside, and probably some if’s.

What’s your use case?

It’s difficult to imagine how such a function would fit into Stan currently due to the requirement that you give all variables a size ahead of time. What can you do with the result of a function like this, if you can’t assign it anywhere? Not much, unfortunately

For example,
I had a previous fonction looking like that, using real:

  real f(real t,  vector psi, int nb_param_str){
        real TS;
        vector[nb_param_str] psi;                
    if(t <= 0){TS = psi[1]*exp(psi[4]*t);}
    else{TS = psi[1]*(exp(psi[2]*t)+exp(-psi[3]*t)-1);}

That I wanted to transformed like that, using vector :

  vector f(vector t, vector psi, int nb_param_str){
                     vector [size(t)] TS;                    //Vector of the SLD measurement
                     vector [nb_param_str] psi;              //Individual Parameters
int start_neg_time = fmin(which(t <= 0));
int end_neg_time =   fmax(which(t <= 0));       
int start_pos_time = fmin(which(t > 0));
int end_pos_time =  fmax (which(t > 0));

                        TS[start_neg_time:end_neg_time] = psi[1]*exp(psi[4]*t[start_neg_time:end_neg_time]);
                        TS[start_pos_time:end_pos_time] = psi[1]*(exp(psi[2]*t[start_pos_time:end_pos_time])+exp(-psi[3]*t[start_pos_time:end_pos_time])-1);

But I didn’t not find a equivalent of which function in stan.
For that example I defined those variables (start_neg_time , end_neg_time , start_pos_time , end_pos_time) in my R files to give them to stan via the data block.
But in other case, I cannot define the variable via the data block like that. Should I then go back to a function with a real instead of a vector?
Thank you!

I was also missing such a function at some point. the whichequals function below should do it, don’t ask me about efficiency but I assume since it’s integers it’s no big deal…

  array[] int vecequals(array[] int a, int test, int comparisonType){ //do indices of a match test condition?
      array[size(a)] int check;
    for(i in 1:size(check)) check[i] = comparisonType ? (test==a[i]) : (test!=a[i]);
  // Function: whichequals
  // Parameters:
  //   - b: an array of integers
  //   - test: an integer value representing the test condition
  //   - comparisonType: an integer value representing the type of comparison (0 for !=, 1 for ==)
  // Returns:
  //   - An array of integers representing the indices of elements in b that match the test condition.
  array[] int whichequals(array[] int b, int test, int comparisonType){  //return array of indices of b matching test condition
    array[size(b)] int check = vecequals(b,test,comparisonType);
    array[sum(check)] int which;
    int counter = 1;
    if(size(b) > 0){
      for(i in 1:size(b)){
        if(check[i] == 1){
          which[counter] = i;
          counter += 1;

you can compute the size of it first and then assign it in a second go (unwieldy but still sometimes useful), or something like: x[which(y==2)] = z[which(y==2)]