I might be missing something in the documentation, but I’m trying to understand whether there is an easy way to undertake a regression (lm
) where all of my coefficients are subject to a common normal or student-t prior that is adapted as a free parameter.
Things I have looked at
From https://mc-stan.org/rstanarm/reference/stan_glm.html:
- One could use eg
, but these use fixed-width priors that are not fitted. (Even if the data is re-scaled so that the standard deviation of each column in the design matrix has a standard deviation of 1, this is still true). - One can use the hierarchical shrinkage families
but these have geometries that are difficult to sample from, and thus can be very slow
Basically what I’m looking for
Taking the example from 1.1 Linear regression | Stan User’s Guide and modifying it, I’m really looking for something that does the following, where “THIS LINE NEW” has been added as annotation.
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of data items
int<lower=0> K; // number of predictors
matrix[N, K] x; // predictor matrix
vector[N] y; // outcome vector
parameters {
real alpha; // intercept
vector[K] beta; // coefficients for predictors
real<lower=0> sigma_beta; // THIS LINE NEW
real<lower=0> nu_beta; // THIS LINE NEW
real<lower=0> sigma; // error scale
model {
beta ~ student_t(nu_beta, 0, sigma_beta); // THIS LINE NEW
y ~ normal(x * beta + alpha, sigma); // likelihood
Is there a way of easily doing this within rstanarm
or brms
? Or does this require a custom model like the one shown above?
Thank you!