I’m running into issues with divergent transitions in a modified version of the time-varying VAR model with stochastic volatility from Cogley and Sargent (2005). The problem occurs when the number of variables (K) in the VAR gets relatively large. Increasing adapt_delta does help reduce divergences, but even with adapt_delta=0.99999, I still get some chains with a few divergences when K is high. The chains with divergences tend to have relatively high step sizes.
The model is mathematically described by the following equations :
\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} z_t &= \theta_t z_{t-1} + u_t \\ \theta_t &= \theta_{t-1} + \nu_t \\ \log h_{it} &= \log h_{i,t-1} + \eta_{it} \end{aligned} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} u_t &\sim N(0, R_t) \\ \nu_t &\sim N(0, Q) \\ \eta_{it} &\sim N(0, \sigma^2_{\eta,i}) \\ R_t &= \text{diag}\left(\exp\left(\frac{h_{t}}{2}\right)\right) \Omega_R \text{diag}\left(\exp\left(\frac{h_{t}}{2}\right)\right) \\ Q &= \text{diag}\left(\sigma_Q\right) \Omega_Q \text{diag}\left(\sigma_Q\right) \end{aligned} \end{equation}
Below is the relevant Stan code I used:
data {
int<lower=1> T; // Number of time periods
int<lower=1> K; // Number of variables
matrix[T, K] y; // Observed data
parameters {
vector[K * K] theta_0_raw; // Raw initial state
vector<lower=0>[K * K] sigma_q_raw; // Raw state innovation standard deviations
cholesky_factor_corr[K * K] L_Omega_q; // Cholesky factor of state innovation correlation matrix
vector[K] h_0_raw; // Raw initial log volatilities
vector<lower=0>[K] sigma_eta_raw; // Raw std dev of log volatility innovations
cholesky_factor_corr[K] L_Omega_y; // Cholesky factor of observation correlation matrix
matrix[T, K * K] theta_std; // Non-centered theta innovations
matrix[T, K] h_std; // Non-centered h innovations
transformed parameters {
vector[K * K] theta_0 = 2 * theta_0_raw; // More conservative scaling
vector<lower=0>[K * K] sigma_q = 0.1 * sigma_q_raw; // Tighter prior scaling
vector[K] h_0 = -2 + 3 * h_0_raw; // More conservative range
vector<lower=0>[K] sigma_eta = 0.5 * sigma_eta_raw;
matrix[K * K, K * K] L_Q = diag_pre_multiply(sigma_q, L_Omega_q); // Cholesky factor of state innovation covariance
// Preallocate arrays for states and transformations
array[T] vector[K * K] theta; // States of theta over time
array[T] vector[K] h; // Log volatilities over time
array[T] vector[K] exp_half_h; // Exponential of half h for each time
array[T] matrix[K, K] L_R; // Cholesky factors of observation covariance
array[T] matrix[K, K] Theta_mat; // Theta matrices over time
matrix[T, K] y_hat; // Fitted values
// Initial states
theta[1] = theta_0;
h[1] = h_0;
exp_half_h[1] = exp(0.5 * h[1]);
L_R[1] = diag_pre_multiply(exp_half_h[1], L_Omega_y);
Theta_mat[1] = to_matrix(theta[1], K, K);
y_hat[1] = rep_row_vector(0, K); // Initialize y_hat[1] (not used in likelihood)
// Time evolution and precomputations
for (t in 2:T) {
// Update states
theta[t] = theta[t - 1] + L_Q * theta_std[t]';
h[t] = h[t - 1] + sigma_eta .* h_std[t]';
// Precompute transformations
exp_half_h[t] = exp(0.5 * h[t]);
L_R[t] = diag_pre_multiply(exp_half_h[t], L_Omega_y);
Theta_mat[t] = to_matrix(theta[t], K, K);
// Compute fitted values
y_hat[t] = y[t - 1] * Theta_mat[t]';
model {
// Priors
theta_0_raw ~ std_normal();
h_0_raw ~ std_normal();
sigma_q_raw ~ std_normal();
sigma_eta_raw ~ std_normal();
L_Omega_q ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1);
L_Omega_y ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1);
// Non-centered parameterization priors
to_vector(theta_std) ~ std_normal();
to_vector(h_std) ~ std_normal();
// Likelihood
for (t in 2:T) {
target += multi_normal_cholesky_lpdf(y[t] | y_hat[t], L_R[t]);
generated quantities {
matrix[K, K] Omega_y = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Omega_y);
matrix[K * K, K * K] Omega_q = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Omega_q);
matrix[K * K, K * K] Q = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Q);
Should I just keep increasing adapt_delta until I eliminate divergences, or are there tricks or adjustments I should implement to deal with them more effectively?