Divergence and treedepth issues in multilevel threshold autoregressive model estimation

Hi Stan expert group, I am new to Stan and is facing some serious problems while estimating parameters using MCMC approach for Multilevel threshold autoregressive model. I have shared both R code and associated Stan code. Every time after sampling, my results shows that at least 10 or more divergent issues with treedepth issues along with R hat is too low or Number of efficient samples are too low (between 2 to 5). I do not know why this happen, could you please help me out in this regard.

# the R code starts with creating function for data of MLTAR model
createdata_mltar <- function(
    seed                     = 12345678, 
    Npat                     = 50, 
    preslope.truemean        = 0.2,
    preslope.truesd          = 0.1,
    postslope.truemean       = 0.8, 
    postslope.truesd         = 0.1, 
    tau.truemean              = 15 , 
    tau.truesd                = 2  , 
    betatau.lowerbound        = 9  ,  
    betatau.upperbound        = 25 ,  
    error.truesd              = 2,  
    corr.preslope.postslope   = 0.5, 
    corr.preslope.tau         = 0.3,  
    corr.postslope.tau        = 0.2) 
  # Number of measurements per patient
  Ntimepoints<- 100 
  id.long          <- rep(1:Npat, times = Ntimepoints)
  # Measurement errors
  error            <- rnorm(n = length(id.long), mean = 0, sd = error.truesd)
  # create a dataframe
  dat1             <- data.frame(id=id.long, error=error)
  # True random effects (correlated): intercept, preslope, postslope, knot point
  id.short         <- rep(1:Npat)
  mu               <- c(preslope.truemean, 
  var1             <- preslope.truesd ^ 2
  var2             <- postslope.truesd ^ 2
  var3             <- tau.truesd ^ 2
  cov12            <- corr.preslope.postslope * preslope.truesd * postslope.truesd
  cov13            <- corr.preslope.tau * preslope.truesd * tau.truesd
  cov23            <- corr.postslope.tau * postslope.truesd * tau.truesd 
  covmatrix        <- matrix(c(var1, cov12, cov13,   
                               cov12, var2, cov23, 
                               cov13, cov23, var3), 
                             nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
  cormatrix        <- cov2cor(covmatrix)   
  simparms         <- mvrnorm(n = Npat, mu = mu, Sigma = covmatrix)
  # Short data (true random effect parameters: intercept, slopes and knot point)
  dat2             <- data.frame(id = id.short, simparms)       
  # Merge long and short data after that order data by id
  simdat           <- merge(dat1, dat2, by = "id")
  # ----------Simulating data for MLTAR(2,1,1) model-----------------------#
  y <- vector("numeric", nrow(simdat))   
  y[1]<- error[1]  # assigning first value for y
  for(i in 2:nrow(simdat)){
    df <- simdat[i,]
    ## Generate data y recursively from time 2 to observation
    if (y[(i-1)] <= simparms[df$id, 3]) ## Determine the location of the lagged y
      ## Simulate data from Regime 1
    {y[i]=sum(simparms[df$id, 3],simparms[df$id, 1]*(y[i-1]-simparms[df$id, 3]),
      ## Simulate data from Regime 2
    {y[i]=sum(simparms[df$id, 3],simparms[df$id, 2]*(y[i-1]-simparms[df$id, 3]),
  # Return data for Stan
    trueparms = c( 
      "beta[1]"       = preslope.truemean, 
      "beta[2]"       = postslope.truemean,
      "betakp"        = tau.truemean,
      "u_sigma[1,2]"  = corr.preslope.postslope * preslope.truesd * postslope.truesd,
      "u_sigma[1,3]"  = corr.preslope.tau * preslope.truesd * tau.truesd,
      "u_sigma[2,3]"  = corr.postslope.tau * postslope.truesd * tau.truesd,
      "y_sd"          = error.truesd),
standata = list(
      "N"             = nrow(simdat),
      "Npat"          = Npat,
      "fixedkp"       = tau.truemean,
      "zeros3"        = rep(0,3),
      "betatau_lower"  = betatau.lowerbound,
      "betatau_upper"  = betatau.upperbound,
      "id"             = simdat$id,
       "y"             = simdat$y)

# Create simulated data, and fit the MLTAR(2,1,1) model

# Create a single simulated dataset with specified seed
standata <- createdata_mltar(seed = 12345678)

# Specify the location of the Stan model code file
# Notes: The stancode.filepath object should be changed, so that it contains
#        the pathway to the Stan model code, wherever that file is installed 
#        on your PC.  

m <- stan_model('Stan_Code_MLTAR_MLAR.stan')
stanmonitor <- c("beta", 

# Fit the MLTAR(2,1,1) model to the simulated data

  stanfit <- sampling(m, data = standata$standata, 
                      pars    = stanmonitor, 
                      chains  = 2, 
                      cores   = 1, 
                      iter    = 10000, 
                      warmup  = 300,
                      thin    = 200, 
                      init_r  = 0.2,
                       control =  list(adapt_delta = 0.999, max_treedepth = 12), 
                      seed = 978245244)

#------------------stan code------------------#
data {
int<lower=1> N; // number of observations
int<lower=1> Npat; // number of individuals
real<lower=0> y[N]; // outcome data
int<lower=1,upper=Npat> id[N]; // patient id for each observation
vector<lower=0,upper=0>[3] zeros3; // mean vector for random effects dist
int<lower=1> betatau_lower; // lower bound for (prior on) mean threshold point
int<lower=1> betatau_upper; // upper bound for (prior on) mean thershold point

parameters {
vector[2] beta; // fixed effects, intercept and slopes
real<lower=betatau_lower,upper=betatau_upper> betakp; // fixed effects, knotpoint 
real<lower=0> y_sd; // level 1 error sd
matrix[3,Npat] u;
cov_matrix[3] u_sigma;

transformed parameters {
vector[3] alpha[Npat]; // random effects
real y_mu[N]; // mean parameter based on regression equation
// calculate random effects
//for (i in 1:Npat) {
//for (k in 1:2) alpha[i,k] <- beta[k] + u[id[i],k];
//alpha[i,3] <- betakp + u[id[i],3];

for (i in 1:Npat) {
for (k in 1:2) alpha[i,k] <- beta[k] + u[id[i],k];
alpha[i,3] <- betakp + u[id[i],3];

// regression equation

for (j in 2:N) {
  y_mu[1] <- 10 ;
  if (y_mu[(j-1)] <= alpha[id[j], 3])
//if (age[j] < alpha[id[j],4])
y_mu[j] <- alpha[id[j],3] + alpha[id[j],1]*(y_mu[(j-1)] - alpha[id[j],3]);
y_mu[j] <- alpha[id[j],3] + alpha[id[j],2]*(y[(j-1)] - alpha[id[j],3]);

// priors

  model {
         for (i in 1:Npat) {
            col(u,i) ~ multi_normal(zeros3,u_sigma);
         matrix[3,3] rateForWish;
         rateForWish[3,3] <- 1; 
         for (s in 1:2) {
           rateForWish[s,s] <- 1;
           for (z in (s+1):3){
             rateForWish[s,z]<- 0; rateForWish[z,s] <- 0;
beta[1] ~ normal(0, 0.000001); // prior: fixed effect, intercept
beta[2] ~ normal(0, 0.000001); // prior: fixed effect, slope before knot
u_sigma ~ inv_wishart(3,rateForWish);
betakp ~ normal(0,0.000001);
y_sd ~ gamma(0.001,0.001); // prior: level 1 error sd

// model likelihood

y ~ normal(y_mu, y_sd); // likelihood for the observed data


// end of the program
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A few things might help out here. Can you provide some simulated data or a data snippet? It makes it easier for folks to troubleshoot.

If you are somewhat new-ish to Stan Iā€™d really recommend building a simpler (or simplest but still interesting to you) model first and get that running. Then you can iterate on that and see at what point the model breaks. I still follow this process with new models I run.

Hi Ara_Winter,

Thank you so much for your kind reply. Hereafter I have provided a snippet/subset of simulated data.

Simulated Data.csv (5.8 KB)

Please help me.

Thank you

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