Dirichlet prior possible with stanvars?

Hi have a model that I’d like to fit:

y_{i} \sim \text{Ordered-Logit}(\mu_{i}, \tau) \\ \mu_{i} = \sum_{j = 1}^{J} \beta \phi_{j} x_{t-j} \\ \beta \sim \text{Normal}(0, 0.5) \\ \tau \sim \text{Normal}(0, 1.5) \\ \phi \sim \text{Dirichlet}(1)

Here, all x variables measure the same variable at different points in time. As such, the model treats y as a weighed average of x where \beta serves to convert between units of y and x and the simplex \phi represents the weight placed on each measurement period. For example, if we have 4 periods, so \phi might be {0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0}.

I have managed to fit the model in Stan, but would like to be able to use the various companion functions that come with brms. I know that dirichlet priors aren’t yet supported in brms. My question: is it possible to fit them anyway using the stanvars() function?

Yes, I think a stanvar for the model block should work. If there is a specific problem you have, feel free to report back. Best of luck!

@jackbailey Can you provide your raw Stan code?

Of course!

data {
  int<lower=0> N;               // Number of cases
  vector[N] v_05;               // Voted Labour 2005
  vector[N] v_10;               // Voted Labour 2010
  vector[N] v_15;               // Voted Labour 2015
  vector[N] v_17;               // Voted Labour 2017
  int<lower=0,upper=1> v_19[N]; // Voted Labour 2019
parameters {
  real a;
  real b;
  simplex[4] p;
model {
  // Specify priors
  target += normal_lpdf( a | 0, 1.5 );
  target += normal_lpdf( b | 0, 1.5 );
  target += dirichlet_lpdf( p | rep_vector( 0.5, 4 ) );
  // Specify model
  v_19 ~ bernoulli_logit(a + p[1]*b*v_17 + p[2]*b*v_15 + p[3]*b*v_10 + p[4]*b*v_05);


EDIT: @maxbiostat edited this post for syntax highlighting.

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EDIT2: The main problem is that brms does not support changing the declaration of parameters. Dirichlet prior by itself is no problem, but with a non-simplex parameter set it is useless.

Here is a workaround together with a similar dataset to make it work:

pacman::p_load(pacman, tidyverse, rio, magrittr, janitor, hablar, skimr, brms, pxweb, cmdstanr)

Data loading and preparation:

# PXWEB query 
pxweb_query_list <- 

# Download data 
px_data <- 
  pxweb_get(url = "http://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/sv/ssd/ME/ME0104/ME0104C/ME0104T3",
            query = pxweb_query_list)

# Convert to data.frame 
px_data_frame <- as.data.frame(px_data, column.name.type = "text", variable.value.type = "text")

px_data_frame %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  remove_constant() %>% 
  clean_names() %>% 
  rename(municipality = region, year = valar, proportion = andel_roster_av_giltiga_roster, count = antal_roster) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols=c(count, proportion)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = c(name, year), values_from = value) %>% 
  select(-count_2002, -count_2006, -count_2010, -count_2014) %>% 
  mutate(across(starts_with("proportion_"), ~.x/100),
         population_2018 = round(count_2018/proportion_2018)) %>% 
  select(-proportion_2018) -> s_data

The most important part:

stanvar(block = "parameters", 
        scode = "simplex[K_c] b_c;") -> 

bf(count_2018|trials(population_2018) ~ a + b*c)+
  lf(a ~ 1)+
  lf(b ~ 1)+
  lf(c ~ 0 + proportion_2002 + proportion_2006 + proportion_2010 + proportion_2014)+
  binomial() -> 

set_prior("normal(0, 1.5)", nlpar = "a")+
  set_prior("normal(0, 1.5)", nlpar = "b")+
  set_prior("dirichlet(rep_vector( 0.5, K_c ))", nlpar = "c", class="b") -> 

make_standata(formula = bf_formula, 
              prior = priors,
              data = s_data, 
              stanvars = s_code) -> 

NULL -> class(stan_data)

make_stancode(formula = bf_formula, 
              prior = priors,
              data = s_data, 
              stanvars = s_code) %>% 
  str_remove("vector\\[K_c\\] b_c\\;") %>% # remove the old declaration
  write_stan_file() %>% 
  cmdstan_model() -> 

cmdstanr_model$sample(data = stan_data, 
                      parallel_chains = 4) -> 

cmdstanr_fit$output_files() %>% 
  rstan::read_stan_csv() -> 

cmdstanr_model -> 

brm(formula = bf_formula, 
    prior = priors,
    backend = "cmdstanr", 
    data = s_data, 
    empty = TRUE) -> 

rstan_fit -> 

rename_pars(weighted_mean_model) -> 


EDIT: Restructured the code a bit.


Staffan! Thank you so much, this is great!

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