Dimension mismatch when passing matrix as initial data

I declared an array(length T) of J\times I matrix in stan code as the following:

matrix[J,I] X[T]; 

In the Stan code above, T=15000,J=3,I=3.
However, when passing data of X in R code, I’ve got the following error in my RStudio:
Error in mod$fit_ptr() :
Exception: mismatch in dimension declared and found in context; processing stage=data initialization; variable name=X; position=0; dims declared=(15000,3,3); dims found=(3,3,15000) (in ‘model28739f6392a_estimate_mixed_logit_bayes_simulated_choice_data’ at line 29)

failed to create the sampler; sampling not done.

In the R code, the array of matrix X is indeed an array of length 15000, and each element in the array X is a matrix of dimension 3\times3. I don’t understand why the R code report such an error as mismatch in dimension.

The complete Stan Code is:

// The input data is a vector 'y' of length 'N'.
data {
  int<lower=1> N;
  int<lower=1> I;
  //# of alternatives in each choice set
  int<lower=2> J;
  //# of choice situations
  //T为所有个体(N个)的所有choice sets/choice situations的数量;1个individual有多个choice sets
  int<lower=1> T;
  int<lower=1,upper=J> Y[T];
  int<lower=1,upper=N> id[T];          // respondent index
  //每个individual的每个choice set中有J个alternatives,每个alternative有I个betas,所以为J*I的矩阵
  //因为所有individual的所有choice sets一共有T个,所以有T个这样的J*I的矩阵
  matrix[J,I] X[T];                 // array of design matrices

// The parameters accepted by the model. Our model
// accepts two parameters 'mu' and 'sigma'.
parameters {
  vector[I] mu;
  vector<lower=0>[I] tau;
  //相关矩阵Omega的Cholesky factor
  cholesky_factor_corr[I] Cholesky_Omega;
  vector[I] beta[N];


transformed parameters {
  //Cholesky factor of covariance matrix 
  cholesky_factor_cov[I] Cholesky_Sigma;            // cholesky factors
  //array v的长度为S,每个元素为长度为J的vector;
  vector[J] V[T];                      // utility vector for each choice set
  //计算Cholesky factor of covariance matrix;
  //见p145,Stan Functions Reference
  Cholesky_Sigma = diag_pre_multiply(tau, Cholesky_Omega);

  for (t in 1:T) {
    V[t] = X[t] * beta[id[t]];

// The model to be estimated. We model the output
// 'y' to be normally distributed with mean 'mu'
// and standard deviation 'sigma'.
model {
  //prior for mu
  //elements in mu are iid normally distributed,with mean 0 and standard deviation 100
  //increment log-prior
  mu ~ normal(0, 100);
  //prior for tau
  //tau为separation strategy中对角矩阵的对角线元素组成的向量
  tau ~ cauchy(0,2.5);
  //prior for correlation matrix
  Cholesky_Omega ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1);
  //prior for beta
  for (n in 1:N){
    //其中Cholesky_Sigma为Cholesky factor of covariance matrix
    //见p151,Stan Functions Reference
    //Covariance matrix = Cholesky_Sigma*Cholesky_Sigma^T
    //当然,这里是累加log probability density
    beta[n] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(mu,Cholesky_Sigma);

 for (t in 1:T) {
    //Y[t]为一个标量,表示在第s个choice set或choice situation中,哪个alternative被选择
    //V[t]为长度为J的vector,其中的元素表示choice set s中的各alternatives(J个)的直接效用
    /*Y[t] ~ categorical_logit(V[t]);表示计算choice set s中被选择的alternative的chocie probability,
      并累加log probability mass
    //见p100,Stan Functions Reference
    //t -> Y[t] & V[t] -> V[t][j] & V[t] -> p[n][t],n=1,...,N; t=1,...,T
    /*choice set t确定了其中哪个alternative被选择(Y[t]),
      以及choice set t中各alternatives的直接效用(V[t]),
      而V[t][j]和V[t]又确定了被选择的alternative对应的choice probability(p[n][t])
    Y[t] ~ categorical_logit(V[t]);

And the complete R code is:

options(digits = 22)
setwd("/Users/tc/Desktop/Research/Parameter Estimation")

#因为simulated choice panel data.txt中存在header,所以read.table中必须添加header=TRUE
sim_dat <- read.table("/Users/tc/Desktop/Research/Simulation of Choice Data/simulated choice panel data.txt",header = TRUE)

N <- 300
I <- 3
#各choice sets中alternatives的数量
J <- 3
#各individual的choice sets的数量
M <- 50
T <- 15000

#将beta_0对应的自变量取值设为1,并生成design matrix
design_matrix <- model.matrix(~x1+x2,data=sim_dat)
design_matrix.vc <- as.vector(t(unname(design_matrix)))
X <- aperm(array(design_matrix.vc,dim = c(J,I,T)),perm=c(2,1,3))

#筛选choice==1的行,生成原data frame的subset
sim_dat_choice <- subset(sim_dat,choice==1)

Y <- sim_dat_choice$alt_id

id <- sim_dat_choice$indiv_id

fit = stan('estimate_mixed_logit_bayes_simulated_choice_data.stan',data=list(N=N,I=I,J=J,T=T,X=X,Y=Y,id=id),chains=1,cores=2,warmup = 500)
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Did you manage to resolve this? It appears that you just need to use aperm with different ordering of dimensions. Note that theT dimension is first, because in Stan array dimensions (after variable name) always go before matrix/vector dimensions…

Best of luck with your model!

Yes, I have figure it out.

The main problem is that in R elements in the matrices of an array are arranged by column. At first, I suppose that they were arranged by row.

In R, to construct a 3-dimensinal array containing matrces, one just needs to declare the length of the array as the last dimension of dim(I,J,T). Here it is T. And then transpose the order of the dimensions to whatever order the Stan code needs. Of course, it is also feasible to declare the dimension of the array by dim(T,I,J), and then transpose it using aperm().

Note that in R I changed the dim(J,I,T) to dim(I,J,T) to emphasize that elements of matices in an array are arranged by column, not by row. This is the reason why I’ve got an error in dimension mismatch in Stan code no matter how I transpose the dimensian in R.


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