I’ve been struggling with this model for awhile and have finally gotten around to making some fake data to post that’s similar to the real data I want to analyze.fake_stan_data.txt (308.0 KB)
I’m getting a ton of divergences when I run Stan, I’m guessing because the model is complex and maybe because I need stronger priors. I’ve tried the non-central parametrization of the hierarchical model, tried reparametrizing the Student t distribution as a normal gamma mixture (as described in the Stan manual).
I’m sure one answer is to reparametrize the model in some way, though I haven’t found any good suggestions on how to do that, but one issue with that is in my real case I have specific information I want to bring in with my priors and if I reparametrize the growth curves it could become more difficult to do that. The form I’d like to work with is:
f(x) = \frac{A}{1 + exp\left (\frac{4D(M - x)}{A}\right )}
Where A is the curve’s right asymptote, D is the curve’s the maximum derivative, and M is the location of the sigmoid curve. Things I know about my real data are that 1) all values are between 0 and 1, though the right asymptote is not necessarily 1; 2) D is greater than 0; 3) the experiment will lead to hierarchical data–each individual will yield two growth curves.
Below is the Stan code I wrote to try to make inferences about these parameters. My questions are, is there a better way to parametrize this that would still allow me to use what I know about parameters A, M and D? Is there a way to specify priors to find the breaking point (I’ve tried various way to tightening priors with little effect)?
int nptid;
int nobs;
int ptid_visit[nobs];
int ptid[nobs];
int visit[nobs];
vector[nobs] conc;
vector[nobs] val;
vector[nptid] with_cat;
real a;
real m;
real s;
vector[nptid] a1_raw;
real<lower=0> a1_sd;
vector[nptid] m1_raw;
real<lower=0> m1_sd;
vector[nptid] s1_raw;
real<lower=0> s1_sd;
vector[2] a2_raw[nptid];
real<lower=0> a2_sd;
vector[2] m2_raw[nptid];
real<lower=0> m2_sd;
vector[2] s2_raw[nptid];
real<lower=0> s2_sd;
real<lower=0> error;
transformed parameters{
vector[nptid] a1 = a1_sd * a1_raw;
vector[nptid] m1 = m1_sd * m1_raw;
vector[nptid] s1 = s1_sd * m1_raw;
vector[2] a2[nptid];
vector[2] m2[nptid];
vector[2] s2[nptid];
vector[2] asym[nptid];
vector[2] xmid[nptid];
vector[2] slope[nptid];
vector[2] scale[nptid];
for(i in 1:nptid){
a2[i] = a2_sd * a2_raw[i];
m2[i] = m2_sd * m2_raw[i];
s2[i] = s2_sd * s2_raw[i];
for(j in 1:2){
asym[i,j] = inv_logit(a + a1[i] + a2[i,j]);
xmid[i,j] = m + m1[i] + m2[i,j];
slope[i,j] = exp(s + s1[i] + s2[i,j]);
scale[i,j] = (4 * slope[i,j]) / asym[i,j];
vector[nobs] mu;
a ~ normal(0,2);
m ~ normal(0,4);
s ~ normal(0,1);
a1_raw ~ std_normal();
m1_raw ~ std_normal();
s1_raw ~ std_normal();
for(i in 1:nptid){
a2_raw[i] ~ std_normal();
m2_raw[i] ~ std_normal();
s2_raw[i] ~ std_normal();
a1_sd ~ student_t(5,0,1);
m1_sd ~ student_t(5,0,2);
s1_sd ~ student_t(5,0,0.5);
a2_sd ~ student_t(5,0,1);
m2_sd ~ student_t(5,0,2);
s2_sd ~ student_t(5,0,0.5);
error ~ student_t(5,0,1);
for(i in 1:nobs){
mu[i] = asym[ptid[i],visit[i]] / (1 + exp((xmid[ptid[i],visit[i]] - conc[i]) * scale[ptid[i],visit[i]]));
val ~ normal(mu, error);