I seem to be getting different results from pp_check(x, "loo_pit_overay")
vs. bayesplot::ppc_loo_pit_overlay()
for a multivariate model I’ve been working on using brms.
The model is conceptually straightforward, I think. There are 10 observed responses, each with the same fixed effect and two varying effects, such as:
bf_1 <- bf(Std ~ tune + (1 | matrix) + (1 | day_expt),
family = gaussian())
bf_2 <- bf(Alt ~ tune + (1 | matrix) + (1 | day_expt),
family = gaussian())
bf_10 <- bf(Ho1 ~ tune + (1 | matrix) + (1 | day_expt),
family = gaussian())
The brm statement is then:
mod1 <- brm(bf_1 + bf_2 + ,..., + bf_10 + set_rescor(TRUE)),
data = df_mv_as, ...)
The model seems to converge fine. Where I’m getting confused, however, is when I do pp_check(mod1, "loo_pit_overlay", resp = "Std")
, for example, I get plots that looks like this:
However, if I do:
l1 <- loo(mod1, save_psis = TRUE, cores =1)
yrep_1 <- posterior_predict(mod1, newdata = df_mv_as, cores = 1)
ppc_loo_pit_overlay(y = df_mv_as$Std,
yrep = yrep_1[,,1],
lw = weights(l1$psis_object),
samples = 100)
I get a plots that looks like:
Are these two plots telling me the same thing, but I just don’t see it? To me, the first one looks reasonable, but the second one suggests potential issues. Also, the two PIT lines just look like very different things.
Likewise, if I do pp_check(mod1, type = "dens_overlay", resp = "Std", nsamples = 20)
I get something like:
which makes it clearer that something isn’t quite right, so I’m more inclined to believe the second loo-pit plot.
Finally, there were 8 observations (of 352) where k > 0.7. I’m not sure how this could make a difference for this comparison, but I thought it could be important to point out. Actually, the reason I happened upon this potential issue is that I needed to reloo, so I had to do the ppc_loo_pit_overlay
by hand via bayesplot as opposed to just pp_check(mod1, "loo_pit_overlay")
on the brms model object.
I’m thinking I’m either (1) doing the loo + bayesplot check/code wrong; or (2) I’m just misunderstanding the plots, but it’d be great if someone could offer any suggestions.