I went to re-run a model (it had successful run before, but had 2 divergent transitions), I am suddenly getting this output:
Info: left-hand side variable (name=theta1) occurs on right-hand side of assignment, causing inefficient deep copy to avoid aliasing.”
This Info message is copied 4 times with different variable names, and this chunk of notes prints once before, and once after the “Compiling the C++ model” line.
Ultimately, it’s also failing to compile:
Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) :
Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created!
and then a list of paths.
Any thoughts about what is going wrong?
What does the Info message mean?
The model I am running is:
fit1_v4 ← brm(brmsformula(
intervals ~ 1 + phase +(1|male|male_id),
theta2 ~ 1 + phase + (1|male|male_id)),
family=mixture(Gamma(“log”), Gamma(“log”), order=TRUE),
prior = prior1,
control = list(adept_delta = 0.99),
warmup = 1000,
iter = 4000,
chains = 2,
cores = 2)
Please also provide the following information in addition to your question:
- Operating System: Windows 8.1
- brms Version: 2.5.0