Hi @jonah @rtrangucci -
I am going to use your hierarchical weighting method from your 2017 paper for an online survey project to do post-stratified inference. While the paper is pretty clear, the example code shown in the appendix isn’t as useful as it could be because the data referenced in the code isn’t available from the paper.
Do y’all have that data? It’s apparently from the ACS. I could dig up ACS data myself but I wanted to use the same dataset y’all used in the paper.
Also if you have your simulation code available, that would be really helpful too.
I’m posting on here as I assume others might be interested in being able to run the full example code. Also there is a function in the code, mrp_structured
, that is referenced in rstanarm but that I can’t find in rstanarm on Github or CRAN.
As a reference, code cut and pasted from the appendix is below:
model_based_cell_weights <- function(object, cell_table) {
colnames(cell_table) == c("N", "n")
draws <- as.matrix(object)
Sigma <- draws[, grep("^Sigma\\[", colnames(draws)), drop = FALSE]
sigma_theta_sq <- rowSums(Sigma)
sigma_y_sq <- draws[, "sigma"]^2
Ns <- cell_table[["N"]] # population cell counts
ns <- cell_table[["n"]] # sample cell counts
J <- nrow(cell_table)
N <- sum(Ns)
n <- sum(ns)
# implementing equation 7 in the paper (although i did some algebra first to
# simplify the expression a bit)
Nsy2 <- N * sigma_y_sq
ww <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(draws), ncol = J)
for (j in 1:J) {
ww[, j] <-
(Nsy2 + n * Ns[j] * sigma_theta_sq) / (Nsy2 + N * ns[j] * sigma_theta_sq)
# prepare population data: acs_ad has age, eth, edu and inc
acs_ad %>%
cell_id = paste0(age, eth, edu, inc)
) -> acs_ad
acs_design <- svydesign(id = ~1, weights = ~perwt, data = acs_ad)
agg_pop <-
svytable( ~ age + eth + edu + inc, acs_design) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
rename(N = Freq) %>%
cell_id = paste0(age, eth, edu, inc)
) %>%
filter(cell_id %in% acs_ad$cell_id)
# prepare data to pass to rstanarm
# SURVEYdata has 4 weighting variables: age, eth, edu and inc; and outcome Y
dat_rstanarm <-
SURVEYdata %>%
cell_id = paste0(age, eth, edu, inc)
group_by(age, eth, edu, inc) %>%
sd_cell = sd(Y),
n = n(),
Y = mean(Y),
cell_id = first(cell_id)
) %>%
mutate(sd_cell = if_else(is.na(sd_cell), 0, sd_cell)) %>%
left_join(agg_pop[, c("cell_id", "N")], by = "cell_id")
# Stan fitting under structured prior in rstanarm
fit <-
formula =
Y ~ 1 + (1 | age) + (1 | eth) + (1 | edu) + (1 | inc) +
(1 | age:eth) + (1 | age:edu) + (1 | age:inc) +
(1 | eth:edu) + (1 | eth:inc) +
(1 | age:eth:edu) + (1 | age:eth:inc),
data = dat_rstanarm, iter = 1000, chains = 4, cores = 4,
prior_covariance =
cell_size = dat_rstanarm$n,
cell_sd = dat_rstanarm$sd_cell,
group_level_scale = 1,
group_level_df = 1
seed = 123,
prior_aux = cauchy(0, 5),
prior_intercept = normal(0, 100, autoscale = FALSE),
adapt_delta = 0.99
# model-based weighting
cell_table <- fit$data[,c("N","n")]
weights <- model_based_cell_weights(fit, cell_table)
weights <- data.frame(w_unit = colMeans(weights),
cell_id = fit$data[["cell_id"]],
Y = fit$data[["Y"]],
n = fit$data[["n"]]) %>%
w = w_unit / sum(n / sum(n) * w_unit), # model-based weights
Y_w = Y * w
with(weights, sum(n * Y_w / sum(n)))# mean estimate
Thanks much for writing the method and for your help!