Cryptic error message:Expression: index >= 0 && index < size() - assertion failed - Solved

Sorry - I seem to spam the fora today.

I think I’m nearly there with my hierarchical ODE model, but not sure how to start debugging this error message (generated by cmdstan):

Chain 1 Assertion failed!
Chain 1 
Chain 1 Program: C:\Repos\Disim\Script\stan\SEIR_fitting_multiregion_hierarchical.exe
Chain 1 File: stan/lib/stan_math/lib/eigen_3.3.3/Eigen/src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h, Line 408
Chain 1 
Chain 1 Expression: index >= 0 && index < size()
Chain 2 Assertion failed!

Any pointers would be much appreciated! Model code below.

functions {
  real[] SEIR(
           real t,       // time
           real[] y,      // state
           real[] theta,  // parameters
           data real[] x_r,    // data (real)
           data int[] x_i) {   // data (integer)
    real dydt[6];
    // state
    real S;
    real E;
    real I_symp;
    real I_asymp;
    real R1;
    real R2;
    // parameters
    real epsilon;
    real p;
    real theta_local;
    // fixed parameters for the model
    real p_lower_inf;  // lower infection for asymptomatic ? 
    real eta;  //1 / latency phase 
    real p_symp; // probability of being symptomatic
    real gammaD;  // 1/length of infectiousness
    real gamma_pos;  // 1/length of being positive

    real N;
    real t_today;
    real b_t;
    S = y[1];
    E = y[2];
    I_symp = y[3];
    I_asymp = y[4];
    R1 = y[5];
    R2 = y[6];
    p_lower_inf= x_r[1];
    eta= x_r[2];
    gammaD= x_r[3];
    gamma_pos= x_r[4];
    N = x_i[2];
    p_symp= theta[4];

    b_t = ((1-p)/(1+exp(-epsilon*((t-t_today))))+p)*theta_local;
    dydt[1] = -b_t * S * I_symp/N - p_lower_inf*b_t * S * I_asymp/N;
    dydt[2] =  b_t * S * I_symp/N + p_lower_inf*b_t * S * I_asymp/N - eta*E;
    dydt[3] =  p_symp * eta * E      - gammaD * I_symp;
    dydt[4] =  (1 - p_symp)* eta * E - gammaD * I_asymp;
    dydt[5] = gammaD * (I_symp + I_asymp) - gamma_pos * R1;
    dydt[6] =  gamma_pos * R1;
    return dydt;

data {
  int<lower=1> nRegions;
  int<lower=1> maxObs;
  int<lower=1> nObs[nRegions]; // number of observations per region
  real i0[nRegions]; // starting (observed) incidence
  real  t0[nRegions];    // starting time
  matrix[maxObs,nRegions] ts; //time points for observations
  matrix[maxObs,nRegions] incidence;   // observed incidence values over time

  //int<lower=1> n_pred; //
  //real t_pred[n_pred]; // time points for predictions. 
   // fixed parameters for the model
  real p_lower_inf;  // lower infection for asymptomatic ? 
  real eta;  //1 / latency phase 
  real gammaD;  // 1/length of infectiousness
  real gamma_pos;  // 1/length of being positive

  int t_today;  // time point of lockdown
  int N[nRegions];       // Population size
  // Data for surveys 
  int n_surveys;
  int survey_counts[2,n_surveys];
  int survey_t[2,n_surveys];
  int survey_regions[n_surveys];
transformed data {
  real x_r[0]; 
  int x_i[0]; 
  vector[4] theta_fixed[nRegions];
  int theta_int[nRegions,2];
  for(r in 1:nRegions){
    theta_fixed[r][1] = p_lower_inf;
    theta_fixed[r][2] = eta;
    theta_fixed[r][3] = gammaD;
    theta_fixed[r][4] = gamma_pos;
    theta_int[r,1] = t_today;
    theta_int[r,2] = N[r];
parameters {
    // following 
    corr_matrix[4] Omega;
    vector<lower=0>[4] tau;

    vector[4] theta_untransformed[nRegions];
    real<lower=0> sigma;
    vector[4] gamma;           // group coeffs
    //vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p;        //  for infectivity function
    //vector[nRegions] epsilon;  //  for infectivity function
    //vector[nRegions] theta_local_t;  //  for infectivity function - on the whole real line
    //vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p_symp;  // proportion of symptomatic cases

transformed parameters{
    vector[4] theta[nRegions];
    vector[6] y0[nRegions]; // starting state of the SEIR
    matrix[maxObs,6] y_hat[nRegions];   // S,E,Is,Ia,R1,R2 values over time
    vector[maxObs] inc_hat[nRegions];
    real Pos_hat_surveys[n_surveys];
    vector[maxObs] Pos_hat[nRegions];  // estimated number that would test positive in a survey. 
    vector[maxObs] sq_err[nRegions];
    for(r in 1:nRegions){
    theta[r][1]=inv_logit(theta_untransformed[r][1]); //p
    theta[r][2]=theta_untransformed[r][2]; //epsilon
    theta[r][3]=exp(theta_untransformed[r][3]); //theta_local
    theta[r][4]=inv_logit(theta_untransformed[r][4]); //p_symp
    y0[r][1]= (N[r] - i0[r]*(1 + (1-theta[r][4])/theta[r][4]));
    y0[r][2] = 0;
    y0[r][3] = i0[r];
    y0[r][4] = i0[r]*(1-theta[r][4])/theta[r][4]; 
    y0[r][5] = 0;
    y0[r][6] = 0;
    y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],1:6] = to_matrix(integrate_ode_rk45(SEIR, to_array_1d(y0[r]), t0[r], to_array_1d(ts[1:nObs[r],r]), to_array_1d(theta[r]), 
    to_array_1d(theta_fixed[r][1:2]), to_array_1d(theta_int[r])));

    Pos_hat[r][1:nObs[r]]    =  to_vector(y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],3])+ to_vector(y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],4]) +
    inc_hat[r][1:nObs[r]]= (eta*theta[r][4])*to_vector(y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],2]); 
    for(t in 1:nObs[r]){
      sq_err[t,r]=(incidence[r][t] - inc_hat[r][t])^2;

  for(s in 1:n_surveys){
    Pos_hat_surveys[s] =  mean(Pos_hat[survey_regions[s]][survey_t[1,survey_regions[s]]:survey_t[2,survey_regions[s]]]);
model {
  tau ~ cauchy(0, 2.5);
  Omega ~ lkj_corr(2);
   to_vector(gamma) ~ normal(0, 5);

  for(r in 1:nRegions){      
  theta_untransformed[r] ~ multi_normal(gamma, quad_form_diag(Omega, tau));
  //epsilon~ normal(0,1);  //  for infectivity function
 // p ~ beta(3,1); //  for infectivity function
 // theta_local~ normal(log(1),log(3));  //  for infectivity function
//  p_symp~ beta(1,3); //beta(178,10000);  // proportion of symptomatic cases
 for(r in 1:nRegions){
  target += - nObs[r] * log(sum(to_vector(sq_err[r][1:nObs[r]])))/2;  
   for(s in 1:n_surveys){
  survey_counts[1,s] ~ binomial(survey_counts[2,s],Pos_hat_surveys[s]/N[survey_regions[s]]);
generated quantities {
    vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p;        //  for infectivity function
    vector[nRegions] epsilon;  //  for infectivity function
    vector[nRegions] theta_local;  //  for infectivity function - on the whole real line
    vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p_symp;  // proportion of symptomatic cases
     for(r in 1:nRegions){
     p[r]=theta[r][1] ;
     epsilon[r]=theta[r][2] ;
     theta_local[r]=theta[r][3] ;
     p_symp[r]=theta[r][4] ;

Update: I’ve tried tracing down the error, and for the time being removed all the multivariate normal stuff. Still no luck - same issue as before. Current version of code that causes issues below.

//Taken from

functions {
  // This largely follows the deSolve package
  real[] SEIR(
           real t,       // time
           real[] y,      // state
           real[] theta,  // parameters
           data real[] x_r,    // data (real)
           data int[] x_i) {   // data (integer)
    real dydt[6];
    // state
    real S;
    real E;
    real I_symp;
    real I_asymp;
    real R1;
    real R2;
    // parameters
    real epsilon;
    real p;
    real theta_local;
    // fixed parameters for the model
    real p_lower_inf;  // lower infection for asymptomatic ? 
    real eta;  //1 / latency phase 
    real p_symp; // probability of being symptomatic
    real gammaD;  // 1/length of infectiousness
    real gamma_pos;  // 1/length of being positive

    real N;
    real t_today;
    real b_t;
    S = y[1];
    E = y[2];
    I_symp = y[3];
    I_asymp = y[4];
    R1 = y[5];
    R2 = y[6];
    p_lower_inf= x_r[1];
    eta= x_r[2];
    gammaD= x_r[3];
    gamma_pos= x_r[4];
    N = x_i[2];
    p_symp= theta[4];

    b_t = ((1-p)/(1+exp(-epsilon*((t-t_today))))+p)*theta_local;
    dydt[1] = -b_t * S * I_symp/N - p_lower_inf*b_t * S * I_asymp/N;
    dydt[2] =  b_t * S * I_symp/N + p_lower_inf*b_t * S * I_asymp/N - eta*E;
    dydt[3] =  p_symp * eta * E      - gammaD * I_symp;
    dydt[4] =  (1 - p_symp)* eta * E - gammaD * I_asymp;
    dydt[5] = gammaD * (I_symp + I_asymp) - gamma_pos * R1;
    dydt[6] =  gamma_pos * R1;
    return dydt;

data {
  int<lower=1> nRegions;
  int<lower=1> maxObs;
  int<lower=1> nObs[nRegions]; // number of observations per region
  real i0[nRegions]; // starting (observed) incidence
  real  t0[nRegions];    // starting time
  matrix[maxObs,nRegions] ts; //time points for observations
  matrix[maxObs,nRegions] incidence;   // observed incidence values over time

  //int<lower=1> n_pred; //
  //real t_pred[n_pred]; // time points for predictions. 
   // fixed parameters for the model
  real p_lower_inf;  // lower infection for asymptomatic ? 
  real eta;  //1 / latency phase 
  real gammaD;  // 1/length of infectiousness
  real gamma_pos;  // 1/length of being positive

  int t_today;  // time point of lockdown
  int N[nRegions];       // Population size
  // Data for surveys 
  int n_surveys;
  int survey_counts[2,n_surveys];
  int survey_t[2,n_surveys];
  int survey_regions[n_surveys];
transformed data {
  vector[4] theta_fixed[nRegions];
  int theta_int[nRegions,2];
  for(r in 1:nRegions){
    theta_fixed[r][1] = p_lower_inf;
    theta_fixed[r][2] = eta;
    theta_fixed[r][3] = gammaD;
    theta_fixed[r][4] = gamma_pos;
    theta_int[r,1] = t_today;
    theta_int[r,2] = N[r];
parameters {
    // following   
    //cholesky_factor_corr[4] Omega;
    vector<lower=0>[4] tau;
    //cov_matrix[4] sigma_pars; 
    real<lower=0> sigma_pars;
    vector[4] gamma;           // group coeffs

    vector[4] theta_untransformed[nRegions];
    real<lower=0> sigma;
    //vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p;        //  for infectivity function
    //vector[nRegions] epsilon;  //  for infectivity function
    //vector[nRegions] theta_local_t;  //  for infectivity function - on the whole real line
    //vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p_symp;  // proportion of symptomatic cases

transformed parameters{
    vector[4] theta[nRegions];
    vector[6] y0[nRegions]; // starting state of the SEIR
    matrix[maxObs,6] y_hat[nRegions];   // S,E,Is,Ia,R1,R2 values over time
    vector[maxObs] inc_hat[nRegions];
    real Pos_hat_surveys[n_surveys];
    vector[maxObs] Pos_hat[nRegions];  // estimated number that would test positive in a survey. 
    vector[maxObs] sq_err[nRegions];
    //vector[4] zeros; //For now, means are zero
    //matrix[4,4] identity; //Identity for scaling matrix
    //cov_matrix[4] sigma_pars;
    //zeros = rep_vector(0, 4);
    //identity = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1.0,4)); 

    for(r in 1:nRegions){
    theta[r][1]=inv_logit(theta_untransformed[r][1]); //p
    theta[r][2]=theta_untransformed[r][2]; //epsilon
    theta[r][3]=exp(theta_untransformed[r][3]); //theta_local
    theta[r][4]=inv_logit(theta_untransformed[r][4]); //p_symp
    y0[r][1]= (N[r] - i0[r]*(1 + (1-theta[r][4])/theta[r][4]));
    y0[r][2] = 0;
    y0[r][3] = i0[r];
    y0[r][4] = i0[r]*(1-theta[r][4])/theta[r][4]; 
    y0[r][5] = 0;
    y0[r][6] = 0;
    y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],1:6] = to_matrix(integrate_ode_rk45(SEIR, to_array_1d(y0[r]), t0[r], to_array_1d(ts[1:nObs[r],r]), to_array_1d(theta[r]), 
    to_array_1d(theta_fixed[r][1:2]), to_array_1d(theta_int[r])));

    Pos_hat[r][1:nObs[r]]    =  to_vector(y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],3])+ to_vector(y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],4]) +
    inc_hat[r][1:nObs[r]]= (eta*theta[r][4])*to_vector(y_hat[r][1:nObs[r],2]); 
    for(t in 1:nObs[r]){
      sq_err[t,r]=(incidence[r][t] - inc_hat[r][t])^2;
  //sigma_pars = diag_pre_multiply(tau, Omega);
  for(s in 1:n_surveys){
    Pos_hat_surveys[s] =  mean(Pos_hat[survey_regions[s]][survey_t[1,survey_regions[s]]:survey_t[2,survey_regions[s]]]);
model {
  //using cholesky decomposition per 
  //sigma_pars ~ inv_wishart(zeros,identity);
  //tau ~ cauchy(0, 2.5);
  //Omega ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  to_vector(gamma) ~ normal(0, 5);
  for(r in 1:nRegions){      
  theta_untransformed[r] ~ normal(gamma, sigma_pars);//multi_normal_cholesky(gamma, sigma_pars);
  //epsilon~ normal(0,1);  //  for infectivity function
 // p ~ beta(3,1); //  for infectivity function   
 // theta_local~ normal(log(1),log(3));  //  for infectivity function
//  p_symp~ beta(1,3); //beta(178,10000);  // proportion of symptomatic cases
 for(r in 1:nRegions){
  target += - nObs[r] * log(sum(to_vector(sq_err[r][1:nObs[r]])))/2;  
  for(s in 1:n_surveys){
  survey_counts[1,s] ~ binomial(survey_counts[2,s],Pos_hat_surveys[s]/N[survey_regions[s]]);
generated quantities {
    vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p;        //  for infectivity function
    vector[nRegions] epsilon;  //  for infectivity function
    vector[nRegions] theta_local;  //  for infectivity function - on the whole real line
    vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nRegions] p_symp;  // proportion of symptomatic cases
     for(r in 1:nRegions){
     p[r]=theta[r][1] ;
     epsilon[r]=theta[r][2] ;
     theta_local[r]=theta[r][3] ;
     p_symp[r]=theta[r][4] ;

Final edit: solved. It was a stupid index problem ( the row
sq_err[t,r]=(incidence[r][t] - inc_hat[r][t])^2;
should say
sq_err[r][t]=(incidence[t,r] - inc_hat[r][t])^2;

Not sure why the error message was so cryptic and without reference to the offending variables, but the old-school approach of commenting out line-by-line worked.

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Yeah, that was a bug. I think that has been fixed in the latest cmdstan. I checked with a simple model and the out of index error looks like:

Exception: matrix[uni,uni] assign range: accessing element out of range. index 2 out of range; expecting index to be between 1 and 1

I opened an issue today with udfs and attempting 0 index, getting a similar error. Is that also fixed in the latest cmdstan?

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@spinkney looks like no. I just ran your model and got an Eigen error like you:

Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 0>::CoeffReturnType Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 0>::operator[](Eigen::Index) const [with Derived = Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1>; Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 0>::CoeffReturnType = const double&; Eigen::Index = long int]: Assertion `index >= 0 && index < size()' failed.

So this bug hasn’t gone away.

The thing I tested was:

transformed parameters {
  matrix[1, 1] sq_err;
  sq_err[2][5] = 1.0;

I switched to a vector and still got a reasonable error. Once I moved the indexing to a function I got the Eigen error again.

I’ll add on to your issue.

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