I am trying to model a rate as a function of a know numerator, and a denominator with error. When I run my program, I get the same estimate for my rate for all my observations. I would prefer to sample the rate for each of the observations.
I’m trying to use the measurement error model:
x_{true_i} \sim \text{Normal}(x_{observed_i}, \sigma_{observed_i})
then create my rate as:
\text{rate}_i = \text{observed}_i / x_{true_i}
But I only get one estimate for \text{rate}_i not one for each observation
Please share your Stan program and accompanying data if possible.
When including Stan code in your post it really helps if you make it as readable as possible by using Stan code chunks (```stan) with clear spacing and indentation. For example, use
int Nw;
vector[Nw] deaths;
vector[Nw] n;
vector[Nw] nsd;
//real mu_n;
//real<lower=0> sig_n;
real theta_n[Nw];
theta_n~normal(n, nsd);
generated quantities{
real rate[Nw];
for(i in 1:Nw){
rate[Nw]= deaths[Nw] ./theta_n[Nw];
st.dat = list(Nw=252L, deaths = c(536, 123, 727, 331, 78), n = c(42959, 15490,
68827, 21538, 8260), nsd = c(21669.0214651152, 5749.0795144234,
44115.5037814867, 11531.0423423287, 2115.87251751603))
I’m getting output of:
mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75%
rate[3] -0.009848539 0.01888375 0.8445071 -0.06281141 0.005117066 0.007575042 0.01257936
rate[4] -0.009848539 0.01888375 0.8445071 -0.06281141 0.005117066 0.007575042 0.01257936
rate[5] -0.009848539 0.01888375 0.8445071 -0.06281141 0.005117066 0.007575042 0.01257936
rate[6] -0.009848539 0.01888375 0.8445071 -0.06281141 0.005117066 0.007575042 0.01257936
rate[7] -0.009848539 0.01888375 0.8445071 -0.06281141 0.005117066 0.007575042 0.01257936
rate[8] -0.009848539 0.01888375 0.8445071 -0.06281141 0.005117066 0.007575042 0.01257936
All the same. Any ideas would be most welcome