Crazy looking trace plots, what's the matter?

Hey guys,

what could be the matter, when my trace plots look like this?

Thanks in advance,

Can you please post the model?

Sigma is probably to high and you model might need better priors.

  1. Check R hat (or trace plot) using only one chain,
  2. Using one chain, check each chain exactly converges or not via trace plot
  3. If each chain converges, then it is label switching, and model has problem.
    If label switching, increasing number of MCMC iterations gives such jump only one chain.
  4. If each chain does not converges, then the model has a problem.
  5. Try different seeds, then if it converges in some seed, then it has hope.

Thanks for your answers!

I already tried different priors… so i thinks it’s a different problem. It’s a mixed model and so i think it’s the converge-problem jean_billie talks about.

Thanks Jean_Billie! I tried one chain… i’m don’t really know sth about this converge-topic. now the trace-lots look like this:

Does it mean that it converges? Yeah, doesn’t it? I searched for example trace plots but i didn’t really find some.

Here is the pairs-plot:

I tried also double of the iteartions from 1000 to 2000… the traceplots didn’t really change to lower iterations.

Btw, i also get these warning messages:

Warning messages:
1: There were 2000 transitions after warmup that exceeded the maximum treedepth. Increase max_treedepth above 10. See
Runtime warnings and convergence problems
2: There were 2 chains where the estimated Bayesian Fraction of Missing Information was low. See
Runtime warnings and convergence problems
3: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems

I’ll now try the seed-thing…

Thanks very much in advance,

My honest suggestion is to post the model if you can, the community will help you pinpoint the problem in your model. Without model it is hard to know what is going on.


i made another topic about my model, so i didn’t want to spam. I’m so sorry if i do. If there are any problems with my two different topics let me know, maybe i can put them together then…
But actually the model code in the other topic is slightly different. So here is my model code:

data {
 int<lower=0> Ni;            // Number of observations (an integer) 
 int<lower=0> Nj;            // Number of clusters (an integer) 
 int<lower=1> cluster[Ni];   // Cluster IDs 
 vector[Ni] Y;               // output
 vector[Ni] X;               // X as in intervalls
 matrix[Nj, Ni] B;           // splines-matrix

parameters { 
  row_vector[Nj] a_raw;          //rows of the b-splines 
  real a0;                       //slope ??
  real<lower=0> sigma;           //
  real<lower=0> tau;             //coeff of b-splines
  vector[Ni] a_re;               //varying intercepts
  real mu_a_re;
  real<lower=0,upper=100> sigma_a_re;
transformed parameters  {
  row_vector[Nj] a;
  vector[Ni] Y_hat_sp;
  vector[Ni] Y_hat_re;               
  a = a_raw*tau;  
  for (i in 1:Ni){
    Y_hat_re[i] = a_re[cluster[i]];     //random effects
    Y_hat_sp =  a0*X + to_vector(a*B);   // linear model and splines

 model { 
  sigma_a_re ~ uniform(0, 100);         //random effects sigma
  a_re ~ normal(mu_a_re, sigma_a_re);   //random effects distribution
  a_raw ~ normal(0, 1);                 //splines 
  tau ~ normal(0, 1);                   //splines coeff distribution
  sigma ~ uniform(0, 100);              //model sigma
  for (i in 1:Ni)
  Y ~ normal(Y_hat_re + Y_hat_sp, sigma); //model


Thank you very much!

  1. In the last part of your stan code, I find that you forget [i] .

  2. In model block, sigma moves in range [0,100] .
    On the other hand, in parameter block, its range is [0, \infty], so, I add upper=1 for a parameter sigma

I cannot remove non-convergent issues but, it looks better to modify your codes about the above two points.


Modified Stan file

   data {
     int<lower=0> Ni;            // Number of observations (an integer) 
     int<lower=0> Nj;            // Number of clusters (an integer) 
     int<lower=1> cluster[Ni];   // Cluster IDs 
     vector[Ni] Y;               // output
     vector[Ni] X;               // X as in intervalls
     matrix[Nj, Ni] B;           // splines-matrix

    parameters { 
      row_vector[Nj] a_raw;          //rows of the b-splines 
      real a0;                       //slope ??
      real<lower=0,upper=1> sigma;           //
      real<lower=0> tau;             //coeff of b-splines
      vector[Ni] a_re;               //varying intercepts
      real mu_a_re;
      real<lower=0,upper=100> sigma_a_re;
    transformed parameters  {
      row_vector[Nj] a;
      vector[Ni] Y_hat_sp;
      vector[Ni] Y_hat_re;               
      a = a_raw*tau;  
      for (i in 1:Ni){
        Y_hat_re[i] = a_re[cluster[i]];     //random effects
        Y_hat_sp =  a0*X + to_vector(a*B);   // linear model and splines

     model { 
      sigma_a_re ~ uniform(0, 100);         //random effects sigma
      a_re ~ normal(mu_a_re, sigma_a_re);   //random effects distribution
      a_raw ~ normal(0, 1);                 //splines 
      tau ~ normal(0, 1);                   //splines coeff distribution
      sigma ~ uniform(0, 100);              //model sigma
      for (i in 1:Ni)
      Y[i] ~ normal(Y_hat_re[i] + Y_hat_sp[i], sigma); //model


R code

Ni <- 10L
   Nj <-3L
   cluster <-1:10
  Y <-runif(10)
   X <- runif(10)
   B <- matrix(1:30, nrow=3, ncol=10)
   dat <- list(
 Ni  =Ni,
 Nj   =Nj,
 cluster  =cluster,
 Y  =Y,
 X =X,
 B  =B
   model  <- rstan::stan_model("a.stan")
   fit <- rstan::sampling(model,data=dat, chains =3 )

Unfortunately with my simulated data the traceplots still stay the same…

here is how i simulated my data:

X1 <- seq(from=-5, to=5, length=150) # generating inputs
B2<- t(bSpline(X1, knots=seq(-4.9,5,1), degree=3, intercept = TRUE)) # creating the B-splines
num_data <- length(X1) 
num_basis <- nrow(B2)
a0 <- 0.2 # slope
a <- rnorm(num_basis, 0, 1) # coefficients of B-splines

#Random Effects
sigma_u0 <- 1
u_0j     <- rnorm(num_basis, mean = 0, sd = sigma_u0) # "Random intercepts"
beta_0j  <- rep(u_0j, length=num_data) # Varying intercepts
cluster  <- rep(1:num_basis, length=num_data) # Cluster indicator
Y_true2 <- beta_0j + as.vector(a0*X1 + a%*%B2)   # generating the output -> multiplication of intercept w/ X plus matrix multiplication of a and B (Splines)

# Combine
dat      <- list(Ni      = num_data,
                 Nj      = num_basis,
                 cluster = cluster,
                 Y       = Y_true2,
                 X       = X1,
                 B       = B2

Realy !? I tried with your data again, then R hat looks good.

Inference for Stan model: a.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

              mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
a_raw[1]     -0.05    0.05 0.85 -1.84 -0.59 -0.05  0.59  1.48   292 1.02
a_raw[2]     -0.12    0.05 0.86 -1.78 -0.65 -0.18  0.42  1.57   331 1.01
a_raw[3]     -0.17    0.06 0.88 -2.28 -0.76 -0.08  0.40  1.50   198 1.02
a0            0.47    0.02 0.42 -0.40  0.23  0.47  0.70  1.38   368 1.02
sigma         0.27    0.01 0.14  0.06  0.17  0.25  0.34  0.59   284 1.02
tau           0.06    0.01 0.07  0.00  0.01  0.04  0.10  0.22    55 1.08
a_re[1]       0.46    0.02 0.30 -0.18  0.30  0.46  0.63  1.03   233 1.01
a_re[2]       0.11    0.03 0.39 -0.63 -0.16  0.13  0.31  0.96   134 1.02
a_re[3]       0.36    0.03 0.32 -0.30  0.17  0.38  0.55  1.01   133 1.03
a_re[4]       0.24    0.03 0.30 -0.41  0.06  0.24  0.40  0.87   141 1.02
a_re[5]       0.23    0.03 0.33 -0.42  0.04  0.23  0.39  0.93   160 1.01
a_re[6]       0.22    0.03 0.32 -0.40  0.02  0.21  0.40  0.88   155 1.02
a_re[7]       0.28    0.03 0.37 -0.45  0.06  0.28  0.47  1.16   115 1.02
a_re[8]       0.14    0.04 0.40 -0.66 -0.10  0.18  0.39  0.94   123 1.03
a_re[9]       0.43    0.04 0.44 -0.44  0.15  0.44  0.68  1.31   115 1.02
a_re[10]      0.23    0.03 0.38 -0.50  0.01  0.22  0.44  1.10   163 1.02
mu_a_re       0.26    0.03 0.31 -0.38  0.08  0.28  0.42  0.92   120 1.03
sigma_a_re    0.25    0.01 0.16  0.04  0.15  0.22  0.32  0.68   162 1.01
a[1]          0.01    0.01 0.07 -0.10 -0.02  0.00  0.02  0.17   102 1.05
a[2]          0.00    0.01 0.08 -0.20 -0.03  0.00  0.01  0.20    79 1.04
a[3]         -0.01    0.01 0.10 -0.22 -0.02  0.00  0.01  0.12    64 1.06
Y_hat_sp[1]   0.08    0.02 0.17 -0.35  0.02  0.11  0.18  0.36    97 1.03
Y_hat_sp[2]   0.34    0.03 0.37 -0.47  0.14  0.36  0.54  1.09   210 1.02
Y_hat_sp[3]   0.16    0.02 0.27 -0.53  0.03  0.18  0.32  0.68   144 1.02
Y_hat_sp[4]  -0.08    0.02 0.20 -0.62 -0.17 -0.06  0.03  0.26   101 1.02
Y_hat_sp[5]   0.03    0.02 0.26 -0.63 -0.09  0.03  0.18  0.52   118 1.02
Y_hat_sp[6]  -0.08    0.02 0.27 -0.74 -0.22 -0.06  0.08  0.39   119 1.02
Y_hat_sp[7]   0.05    0.03 0.35 -0.71 -0.13  0.05  0.27  0.73   134 1.02
Y_hat_sp[8]   0.11    0.03 0.42 -0.79 -0.12  0.10  0.37  0.94   145 1.02
Y_hat_sp[9]   0.20    0.04 0.51 -0.89 -0.08  0.19  0.52  1.21   161 1.02
Y_hat_sp[10] -0.22    0.03 0.41 -1.11 -0.46 -0.19  0.04  0.53   150 1.02
Y_hat_re[1]   0.46    0.02 0.30 -0.18  0.30  0.46  0.63  1.03   233 1.01
Y_hat_re[2]   0.11    0.03 0.39 -0.63 -0.16  0.13  0.31  0.96   134 1.02
Y_hat_re[3]   0.36    0.03 0.32 -0.30  0.17  0.38  0.55  1.01   133 1.03
Y_hat_re[4]   0.24    0.03 0.30 -0.41  0.06  0.24  0.40  0.87   141 1.02
Y_hat_re[5]   0.23    0.03 0.33 -0.42  0.04  0.23  0.39  0.93   160 1.01
Y_hat_re[6]   0.22    0.03 0.32 -0.40  0.02  0.21  0.40  0.88   155 1.02
Y_hat_re[7]   0.28    0.03 0.37 -0.45  0.06  0.28  0.47  1.16   115 1.02
Y_hat_re[8]   0.14    0.04 0.40 -0.66 -0.10  0.18  0.39  0.94   123 1.03
Y_hat_re[9]   0.43    0.04 0.44 -0.44  0.15  0.44  0.68  1.31   115 1.02
Y_hat_re[10]  0.23    0.03 0.38 -0.50  0.01  0.22  0.44  1.10   163 1.02
lp__         13.41    0.80 6.36  0.86  8.99 13.44 17.80 25.48    64 1.05

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Wed Aug 07 17:48:07 2019.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).


599 of 3000 iterations ended with a divergence (19.9666666666667%).
Try increasing 'adapt_delta' to remove the divergences.

Tree depth:
0 of 3000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10.

E-BFMI indicated no pathological behavior.

R scripts

    X1 <- seq(from=-5, to=5, length=150) # generating inputs
    B2<- t(bSpline(X1, knots=seq(-4.9,5,1), degree=3, intercept = TRUE)) # creating the B-splines
    num_data <- length(X1) 
    num_basis <- nrow(B2)
    a0 <- 0.2 # slope
    a <- rnorm(num_basis, 0, 1) # coefficients of B-splines

    #Random Effects
    sigma_u0 <- 1
    u_0j     <- rnorm(num_basis, mean = 0, sd = sigma_u0) # "Random intercepts"
    beta_0j  <- rep(u_0j, length=num_data) # Varying intercepts
    cluster  <- rep(1:num_basis, length=num_data) # Cluster indicator
    Y_true2 <- beta_0j + as.vector(a0*X1 + a%*%B2)   # generating the output -> multiplication of intercept w/ X plus matrix multiplication of a and B (Splines)

    # Combine
    dat      <- list(Ni      = num_data,
                     Nj      = num_basis,
                     cluster = cluster,
                     Y       = Y_true2,
                     X       = X1,
                     B       = B2

       model  <- rstan::stan_model("a.stan")
       fit <- rstan::sampling(model,data=dat, chains =3 )

Stan file named a.stan in the above R code

data {
 int<lower=0> Ni;            // Number of observations (an integer) 
 int<lower=0> Nj;            // Number of clusters (an integer) 
 int<lower=1> cluster[Ni];   // Cluster IDs 
 vector[Ni] Y;               // output
 vector[Ni] X;               // X as in intervalls
 matrix[Nj, Ni] B;           // splines-matrix

parameters { 
  row_vector[Nj] a_raw;          //rows of the b-splines 
  real a0;                       //slope ??
  real<lower=0,upper=1> sigma;           //
  real<lower=0> tau;             //coeff of b-splines
  vector[Ni] a_re;               //varying intercepts
  real mu_a_re;
  real<lower=0,upper=100> sigma_a_re;
transformed parameters  {
  row_vector[Nj] a;
  vector[Ni] Y_hat_sp;
  vector[Ni] Y_hat_re;               
  a = a_raw*tau;  
  for (i in 1:Ni){
    Y_hat_re[i] = a_re[cluster[i]];     //random effects
    Y_hat_sp =  a0*X + to_vector(a*B);   // linear model and splines

 model { 
  sigma_a_re ~ uniform(0, 100);         //random effects sigma
  a_re ~ normal(mu_a_re, sigma_a_re);   //random effects distribution
  a_raw ~ normal(0, 1);                 //splines 
  tau ~ normal(0, 1);                   //splines coeff distribution
  sigma ~ uniform(0, 100);              //model sigma
  for (i in 1:Ni)Y[i] ~ normal(Y_hat_re[i] + Y_hat_sp[i], sigma); //model

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that’s crazy! i don’t know what’s going on with my computer/R/Rstan… :D i will close down R and open it again.

Please use my stan code.

  1. Copy and Paste my stan code and put it (named a.stan) in your working directory.
  2. Execute the above my R script
  3. Then you will get same trace plot

If you cannot get same one, then I will give up! :’-D

I don’t get it. It doesn’t work when i do it! Could it be that my stan version is too old or something? I absolutely don’t get it!

My rstan version is 2.19.2

I have the 2.18.2… i will update it, maybe this is the problem…?

I do not know., but if you remove and reinstall Rstan, then you should remove all tools related rstan.
If you remove only rstan, then it will cause installation error.

When I install stan, then I always remove all of R, and reinstall then.
Anyway Good Luck. Bye Bye.

Thank you so much for your help! I appreciate it.

Have a good day!

actually it seems like your stan code didn’t use my data, because a_raw is there just 3 times in your summary, and the other observations 10 times, as you simulated it before…? With my simulated data you should have 14x a_raw and the other observations 150 times.

and i think the point is, that you didn’t have the splines2 package installed and so it didn’t run the spline, and consequently it didn’t do the new Ni, Nj, and so on and so on…

You are correct!
I did not install spline2.

The convergent problem depends on data.
So, the stan file it self is correct for my data,
but for your data, it is something wrong.
I give up.

thank anyways! i will work on my data :)

Using your data X1 with length=26 instead length=150 , I get convergence.
If length is less than 26, then the model get a better convergence.
I am not sure the reason why model does not converge when the length is more greater.
I guess

if length is greater, then number of model parameter also increases,
On the other hand, almost all components of B2 is zero, so B2 does not contribute to estimates.
So lack of information gives non uniqueness of estimates and it causes the convergent issues.

Of course I do not know !!

length=26 is not so bad as following image;

length=150 is as following image;



# X1 <- seq(from=-5, to=5, length=150) # generating inputs

Here I use 26 instead of 150

X1 <- seq(from=-5, to=5, length=26 ) # generating inputs 

B2<- t(bSpline(X1, knots=seq(-4.9,5,1), degree=3, intercept = TRUE)) # creating the B-splines

num_data <- length(X1)
num_basis <- nrow(B2)
a0 <- 0.2 # slope
a <- rnorm(num_basis, 0, 1) # coefficients of B-splines


knots <- c(-4.9,5,1)
bsMat <- bSpline(X1, knots=seq(-4.9,5,1), degree=3, intercept = TRUE)

matplot( X1, bsMat, type = "l", ylab = "Piecewise constant B-spline bases")
abline(v = knots, lty = 2, col = "gray")

#Random Effects
sigma_u0 <- 1
u_0j     <- rnorm(num_basis, mean = 0, sd = sigma_u0) # "Random intercepts"
beta_0j  <- rep(u_0j, length=num_data) # Varying intercepts
cluster  <- rep(1:num_basis, length=num_data) # Cluster indicator
Y_true2 <- beta_0j + as.vector(a0*X1 + a%*%B2)   # generating the output -> multiplication of intercept w/ X plus matrix multiplication of a and B (Splines)

# Combine
dat      <- list(Ni      = num_data,
                 Nj      = num_basis,
                 cluster = cluster,
                 Y       = Y_true2,
                 X       = X1,
                 B       = B2,
                 Sparse  =10
                 # BB      = B3


 model  <- rstan::stan_model("a.stan")

fit <- rstan::sampling(model,data=dat, chains =3 ,seed =123456)
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