Considering spatial autocorrelation in hurdle model using brms

I’m trying to construct a hurdle model considering spatial autocorrelations.
But it returned an error; “Error: SAR terms are not implemented for this family.”

I search for examples applying SAR to hurdle model using brms, but there wasn’t. Does this error mean SAR has not been applied in hurdle models yet?

fbmodel <- brm(bf(total_2005 ~ 
                   Thickness.average + Depth.range + 
                    Depth.average +
                   sigma.BTM + sigma.S100 +
                   to.BTM + to.S100 + 
                  + sar(fish.nb, type = "error"), 
                  hu ~
                    Thickness.average + Depth.range + 
                    Depth.average + 
                    sigma.BTM + sigma.S100 +
                    to.BTM + to.S100 ), 
                   data      = ff,
                   data2 = list(fish.nb = fish.nb),
                   family    = hurdle_lognormal(),
                   prior   = c(set_prior("normal(0,10)", class = "b")),
                   warmup    = 500,
                   iter      = 1000,
                   chains    = 4,
                   cores     = 4,
                   inits = 0, 
                   save_all_pars = TRUE,
                   backend = "cmdstanr",
                   control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99, max_treedepth = 15),
                   save_model = "test_stanscript",
                   file = "test")
