[I’m using {cmdstanr} with CmdStan version 2.26.1]
vector map_find_fixedpoint_solution(vector benefit_cost, vector mu_rep,
real v_mu, vector lambda, vector mix_mean, real v_sd, vector mix_sd, real total_error_sd, real u_sd,
data int num_mix, data int use_u_in_delta, data real alg_sol_rel_tol, data real alg_sol_f_tol, data real alg_sol_max_steps) {
int num_clusters = num_elements(benefit_cost);
vector[3 * num_mix + 4] phi = append_row(v_mu, append_row(lambda, append_row(mix_mean, append_row(v_sd, append_row(mix_sd, [total_error_sd, u_sd]')))));
vector[2] thetas[num_clusters];
real x_rs[num_clusters, 3] = rep_array({ alg_sol_rel_tol, alg_sol_f_tol, alg_sol_max_steps }, num_clusters);
int x_is[num_clusters, 2] = rep_array({ num_mix, use_u_in_delta }, num_clusters);
for (cluster_index in 1:num_clusters) {
thetas[cluster_index] = [ benefit_cost[cluster_index], mu_rep[cluster_index] ]';
// return map_rect(find_fixedpoint_solution_rect, phi, thetas, x_rs, x_is);
return map_rect(find_fixedpoint_solution_rect, phi, thetas, rep_array({ alg_sol_rel_tol, alg_sol_f_tol, alg_sol_max_steps }, num_clusters) , x_is);
This is probably not a map_rect
issue but a more general function call issue (I see this with an algebra_solver
call). I’m trying to call map_rect
as shown above and I’m trying to pass it x_rs
and x_is
but first I need to construct them (here using rep_array
). When I use the x_rs
defined below (as in the line commented out) I get a compile error. Weirdly, this only happens with the real[]
argument and not the int[]
argument. I’m new to map_rect
so I wasn’t sure if there is a better way to pass data that is shared across parallel calls (as with the phi
Semantic error in '/home/karim/Code/takeup/stan_models/takeup_functions.stan', line 235, column 9, included from
'/home/karim/Code/rtemp/RtmpZYhz7M/model-35d4c13ab44f7.stan', line 2, column 0:
233: }
235: return map_rect(find_fixedpoint_solution_rect, phi, thetas, x_rs, x_is);
236: }
Ill-typed arguments supplied to function 'map_rect'. Available signatures:
((vector, vector, data real[], data int[]) => vector, vector, vector[], data real[,], data int[,]) => vector
Instead supplied arguments of incompatible type: (vector, vector, data real[], data int[]) => vector, vector, vector[], real[,], int[,].
make: *** [make/program:53: /home/karim/Code/rtemp/RtmpZYhz7M/model-35d4c13ab44f7.hpp] Error 1
Error: An error occured during compilation! See the message above for more information.