Cognitive (neuro) science StanConnect 2021

Thanks for the responses, based on the discourse thread and twitter, it seems there are quite a few people interested.
I now realize that there is a deadline quite soon for the proposal: April 26, 2021 (New York).

I guess it makes sense to send a call or at least a link to this thread to some lists, right? That will for increase the diversity of speakers (outside Stan discourse and my twitter bubble).
Maybe Mathpsych and CMCL (Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics) lists, any other ideas? It has to be in the next couple of days! Then at least 3 people need to commit, I understand that at least @mike-lawrence, @michael-franke, and @paul_a_bloom can commit, and I have another committed person by email.

After getting the final potential topics, we’ll need to either vote (for three) or to allow for more talks but shorter. I think that 10 minutes talks are also a possibility, but I’d like to hear opinions.

Another issue is the notebooks, does it make sense to have short notebooks for every talk, similar to what is was done for Stancon? Or is it an overkill?

Edit: A notebook is just an rmarkdown or jupyter document with the analysis.