`cmdstanr` on Apple M1 from conda-forge

Hi, I don’t often use conda or conda-forge but have been experimenting with it recently.

I’m using an Apple M1 Pro and I was able to get cmdstanpy working with no issues but am having trouble with cmdstanr.

cmdstanpy shows that it can run on any platform:


However, cmdstanr is showing specific platforms and it doesn’t include osx-arm64:

cmdstan itself is a good example where osx-arm64 is seen explicitly:

Any tips or advice would be appreciated. I have no idea how any of these packages are published to conda-forge so not sure where to start.


I maintain the cmdstan and cmdstanpy recipes, but not cmdstanr. You could try raising this issue to the maintainer at Issues · conda-forge/r-cmdstanr-feedstock · GitHub

Thanks for the tip! This was taken care of and is now setup as noarch like cmdstanpy.

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