CmdStanR not compiling!


I am new to CmdStanR, and running into the errors provided below when I try to create the CmdStan object in rstudio.

stan code: bsm-4a.stan
data {
int N;
vector[N] y;
vector [N] x;

parameters {
real a;
real b;
real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
for (n in 1:N) {
y[n] ~ normal(a+b*x[n] , sigma);

r code:
model ← cmdstan_model(file=‘~/Desktop/BSM/stan/bsm-4a.stan’)


model ← cmdstan_model(file=‘~/Desktop/BSM/stan/bsm-4a.stan’)
Error: Unable to create a CmdStanModel object. Both ‘stan_file’ and ‘exe_file’ are undefined.


When supplying a .stan file, the argument is stan_file not file cmdstanr docs

Thank you, @Garren_Hermanus . It worked.