Cmdstanr installation error: Command not found @win/processx.c:977

Given that it worked in the RStudio terminal but not powershell, I wonder if there was a difference between powershell and command prompt in these (since the RStudio terminal is command prompt).

@CLRR would you mind testing whether the calls to pacman and mingw32-make work in command prompt?

Sorry for my late reply.

Given that it worked in the RStudio terminal but not powershell, I wonder if there was a difference between powershell and command prompt in these (since the RStudio terminal is command prompt).

One clarification just in case: I used PowerShell via RStudio Terminal in the previous post by changing the β€œNew terminals open with:” option in Tools>Global Options>Terminal. Before sending the post, I used PowerShell as admin without opening from RStudio terminal (i.e. I opened only the PowerShell), this PowerShell did not recognise either pacman or mingw32-make, even though I had set the path to C:/rtools40/usr/bin;C:/rtools40/mingw64/bin in the way @rok_cesnovar mentioned in his post.

Now I changed the setting back to Command Prompt in the RStudio Terminal and both pacman and mingw32-make worked. However, when I opened the Command Prompt by itself without RStudio, neither pacman or mingw32-makewas available (again, I confirmed I have set the path).