Well, after successfully installing cmdstanr on my work windows 10, I’m having issues with the path. I suspect it has something to do with my path directory being a network drive.
When I try to run the following code, f, and fit are correctly created
f <- alist(
y ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu ~ dnorm( 0 , 10 ),
sigma ~ dexp( 1 )
fit <- quap(
f ,
data=list(y=c(-1,1)) ,
But when I run the following:
fit_stan <- ulam( f , data=list(y=c(-1,1)) )
I get the following error:
Error: CmdStan path has not been set yet. See ?set_cmdstan_path.
The path is set, however (actually…this wasn’t the error I was receiving after installation…I didn’t capture the error but it was something like cmdstan couldn’t find the right makefile).
file.path(Sys.getenv(“HOME”), “.cmdstan”)
[1] “//S-N-NSCHOME/nschomes/UID/Documents/.cmdstan”
That directory contains the directory cmdstan-2.31.0, which contains the makefile.
I suspect it has something to do with that location being on the network.
I have access to the C:drive, but I’m not sure how to force install_cmdstan to go there.
I have read a lot of these sorts of struggles but none seem to be what I need. Advice is appreciated