CmdStanR 0.6.0 released

We just released CmdStanR v0.6.0. The two biggest new features (thanks to @andrjohns) are:

  • Exposing Stan functions to R
  • Exposing other functionality to R including the model’s log-prob function, gradients, and parameter constraining / unconstraining

For a full list of changes see Changelog • cmdstanr.

Thank you to everyone who contributed!


To install the new version use the following (and double check that it installs version 0.6.0):

# we recommend running this is a fresh R session or restarting your current session
install.packages("cmdstanr", repos = c("", getOption("repos")))


We’re always looking for new contributors! If you’re interested in contributing to CmdStanR or any of our packages let us know.


Thanks to everyone who pointed out some bugs in 0.6.0. We’ve just released a minor update 0.6.1 to address those bugs plus a few other things: