I am happy to announce that the latest release candidates of Cmdstan and Stan are now available on Github!
This release cycle brings new differential-algebraic equation solver, new functions and distributions, function overloading, array type promotion, improved optimization in the Stan compiler, improved error messaging, new deprecation warnings and much more.
You can find the release candidate for cmdstan here. Instructions for installing are given at the bottom of this post.
Please test the release candidate with your models and report if you experience any problems. We also kindly invite you to test the new features and provide feedback. If you feel some of the new features could be improved or should be changed before the release, please do not hesitate to comment.
The Stan development team appreciates your time and help in making Stan more efficient while maintaining a high level of reliability.
If everything goes according to plan, the 2.29 version will be released in two weeks.
Below are some of the highlights of the new release.
Differential-Algebraic Equation solver
Stan now supports solving differential-algebraic equation systems (DAEs). DAEs can be considered as an extension of the concept of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), so that the system may contain algebraic equations that constrain the state variables and state derivatives, and the state derivatives may not be explicitly expressed as the right-hand-side of ODEs. Instead, the relationship of state variables and state derivatives could be implicitly expressed in a residual function. Similar to ODE solvers, the DAE solver dae
and dae_tol
support variadic signature.
This can be done using two new higher-order functions: dae()
and dae_tol()
. The interface of the new functions is similar to the one for ODEs. For more details see the docs that are currently available here. These docs will later be available in the typically online form.
New functions and function signatures:
Von Mises CDF functions:
. Provisional docs link -
Log-logistic distribution:
. Provisional docs link -
Inverse of the complementary error function:
. Provisional docs link -
function. Provisional docs link -
signatures:ordered_probit_lpmf(array[] int, real, vector) => real
ordered_probit_lpmf(array[] int, real, array[] vector) => real
signatures:normal_id_glm_lpdf(real, matrix, real, vector, real) => real
normal_id_glm_lpdf(real, matrix, vector, vector, real) => real
normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector, row_vector, real, vector, real) => real
normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector, row_vector, vector, vector, real) => real
Additional signatures for
. Now matching those supported by the deprecatedbinomial_coefficient_log
Function overloading
User-defined functions can now be overloaded and can overload core Stan functions. Multiple definitions of the same function name are allowed if the arguments are different in each definition.
Example of functions that will work with 2.29:
functions {
real foo(row_vector p, real a) {
return sum(p) + a;
real foo(vector p) {
return sum(p) + 1;
Example of an overloaded core stan function is
functions {
array[] row_vector transpose(array[] vector a) {
// ...
Stan compiler optimization levels
Stan-to-C++ compiler has had an experimental feature to optimize the model before compiling it to C++. With the 2.29 release, the optimization were split into 3 levels: --O0
, --O1
and --Oexperimental
. --O0
disables optimization and is currently used by default. --O1
uses optimizations that are simple, do not dramatically change the program, and are unlikely to noticeably slow down compile times are applied. These optimizations include dead code elimination, copy and constant propagation, automatic-differentiation level optimization and detection of opportunities to represent parameter vectors and matrices as structs-of-arrays (see below).
Finally, with --Oexperimental
the Stan compiler will use all available optimizations, some of which are not thorougly tested.
New optimization to better utilize vectorization and memory througput
By default Stan uses a so-called Array-of-Struct approach of representing vectors or matrices of parameters, meaning that the value and adjoint of each element of a container are stored next to each other in memory. The opposite approach is that the values for all parameters in the container are stored close to each other and then the adjoints in a similar fashion separately. This can be used when the vector or matrix is used in a vectorized way, and can vastly improve efficiency.
The Stan Math library, which Stan uses for automatic differentiation, has supported this new way of storing containers of parameters for a few versions now, but it has not been exposed to Stan users. With this release, Stan users be able to utilize this for models as well. This optimization can be turned on by using the --O1
stanc3 flag.
For more backstory see the design doc: https://github.com/stan-dev/design-docs/blob/master/designs/0005-static-matrices.md#summary
Automatic promotion of array of scalars
Users can now call functions that require array[] real
with integer arrays - array[] int
. The types are automatically promoted in the call to the function. Similarly, arrays of reals or integers can be used with functions that expect arrays of complex values.
Users need to take care when combining these pomotions with function overloading. More on that here.
Starting with this release, the Stan compiler issues warnings when using functions or features of the Stan language that are deprecated.
The warning also notes if the deprecated feature/function is scheduled to be removed and when that will occur.
Notable functions and features that will be removed in the next years January release (2.32 most likely):
- The old array syntax. For example
int a[5];
should be rewritten asarray[5] int
. - Using reserved words
. The use of these names as variable name will not be allowed in future versions. - Assignment with
and commenting the code with#
Models can automatically be updated to use non-deprecated functions/feature by using the canonicalizer (see below for more).
Improved user-facing error and warning messages:
- More informative error messages for ODE solvers.
- When an unknown identifier is encountered Stan will suggest nearby known names you might have meant.
- Improved error message when a user tries to declare a function argument as a constrained type.
- Improved error message for incorrect variable declarations.
Improved auto-formatting and canonicalizer
- Users can pass
when auto-formatting to customize the line length. - Canonicalizer adds brackets around single state statements in if-else/for/while.
- Modular canonicalizer: users can separately canonicalize for deprecations, braces, and/or parenthesis. Use
An online demo of the auto-formatter is currently available here and for the canonicalizer here. Some form of this demo will be available on the main Stan website in the future. Note that this demo compiles and formats everything locally, your model is not sent to a server.
Support for standalone function definitions - .stanfunctions
The compiler can now compile or format standalone function definitions in a
file. These are compiled as if a normal Stan program was compiled withstanc3 --standalone-functions
and can be used with#include
statements in thefunctions
block. -
Upgraded Sundials to 6.0.0.
How to install?
Download the tar.gz file from the link above, extract it and use it the way you use any Cmdstan release. We also have an online Cmdstan guide available at CmdStan User’s Guide
If you are using cmdstanpy you can install the release candidate using
With CmdStanR you can install the release candidate using
cmdstanr::install_cmdstan(version = "2.29.0-rc2", cores = 4)
And then select the RC with
cmdstanr::set_cmdstan_path(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".cmdstanr", "cmdstan-2.29.0-rc2"))