Check model conversion from rstanarm to rstan code

Hello, I’m new to rstan but i’ve used rstanarm before. I want to move to specifying the models in rstan format and I just want to make sure I’m on the right track here. I know i can get the stan code out of rstanarm but i feel like that confuses me for reason. Anyhow, what i want to do in rstanarm would look like this:

model ← stan_glmer(y ~ 1 + (1|age) + (1|regions) + sex

Sex is not a covariate, its a 2 factor fixed effect. Since its only 2 factors I’m not putting it as multilevel.
This is what I’ve done in rstan and its running fine but i want to make sure it is actually matching the rstanarm specification above.

  int<lower =0> N;
  int<lower =1, upper=8> age[N]; //8 age groups
  int<lower =1, upper= 12> regions[N]; //12 regions
  int<lower =1, upper =2> sex[N];
  vector[N] y;
  real alpha; //intercept
  real<lower =0> sigma_a; // variance for ages
  real<lower =0> sigma_r; // variance for regions
  real<lower=0> epsilon; //variance for sex
  real<lower =0> sigma_y; // model residual variance
  vector<multiplier = sigma_a[8]> alpha_a; //vector for age intercepts 
  vector<multiplier = sigma_r[12]> alpha_r; //vector for regions intercepts
 real mu_a; //mean of ages
 real mu_r; //mean of regions
model {
  vector[N] mu; //conditional mean
  mu = alpha + alpha_a[age] + alpha_r[regions] + [epsilon,-epsilon][sex]';
 mu_a ~ normal(0,1);
 mu_r ~ normal(0,1);
 sigma_a ~ normal(0,1);
 sigma_r ~ normal(0,1);
 sigma_y ~ normal(0,1);
 // 2nd level likelihood
 alpha_a ~ normal(mu_a, sigma_a);
 alpha_r ~ normal(mu_r, sigma_r);
 //level 1 likelihood
 y ~ normal(mu, sigma_y)

Additional question, if i want to then do rstanarm in the following format:

model ← stan_glmer(y ~ 1 + (1|age) + (1|regions) + sex + (1|age:regions)

Would the rstan code for this model spec correspond to the following?

  int<lower =0> N;
  int<lower =1, upper=8> age[N]; //8 age groups
  int<lower =1, upper= 12> regions[N]; //12 regions
  int<lower =1, upper =2> sex[N];
  vector[N] y;
  real alpha; //intercept
  real<lower =0> sigma_a; // variance for ages
  real<lower =0> sigma_r; // variance for regions
  real<lower=0> epsilon; //variance for sex
  real<lower =0> sigma_y; // model residual variance
  vector<multiplier = sigma_a[8]> alpha_a; //vector for age intercepts 
  vector<multiplier = sigma_r[12]> alpha_r; //vector for regions intercepts
 real<lower=0> sigma_ar; //variance for age region intercepts
 vector<multiplier = sigma_ar[96]> alpha_ar; //vectors for 8 age times 12 regions
 real mu_a; //mean of ages
 real mu_r; //mean of regions
 real mu_ar; //mean for the interaction
model {
  vector[N] mu; //conditional mean
  mu = alpha + alpha_a[age] + alpha_r[regions] + [epsilon,-epsilon][sex]' + alpha_ar[age * regions];
 mu_a ~ normal(0,1);
 mu_r ~ normal(0,1);
 mu_ar ~ normal(0,1);
 sigma_a ~ normal(0,1);
 sigma_r ~ normal(0,1);
 sigma_y ~ normal(0,1);
 sigma_ar ~ normal(0,1);
 // 2nd level likelihood
 alpha_a ~ normal(mu_a, sigma_a);
 alpha_r ~ normal(mu_r, sigma_r);
 alpha_ar ~ normal(mu_ar, sigma_ar);
 //level 1 likelihood
 y ~ normal(mu, sigma_y)

Finally, I’m not sure how to add a sex interaction to the above. So if i want to run the following in rstanarm:

model ← stan_glmer(y ~ 1 + (1|age) + (1|regions) + sex + (1|age:regions) + (1|regions:sex) + (1|age:sex)

How would i add the sex by regions and sex by age interactions following the epsilon controls? I took the epsilon from the rstan forums where it covers a multilevel regression MRP with sex being 2 factors, so in the code there it used the [epsilon, -epsilon][sex]’ but I’m not sure how do add this in the above model specs.

Hope the questions are ok! I’d like to move away from rstanarm so i can have a better control over priors specifications so I hope my understanding is on the right track. Any feedback, support and explanations would be appreciated! Thank you all!!