Car models and non-centred parameterisation

I have been using the following code, which is basically the same as in

However, I have been having problems when running it. Specifically:

[1] “n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters”
[1] “Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters”
[1] “0 of 16000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)”
[1] “4 of 16000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0.025%)”
[1] " Run again with max_depth set to a larger value to avoid saturation"
[1] “Chain 1: E-FMI = 0.0470903724171197”
[1] “Chain 2: E-FMI = 0.0797831522453168”
[1] “Chain 3: E-FMI = 0.0742560409244954”
[1] “Chain 4: E-FMI = 0.0735366147434497”
[1] " E-FMI below 0.2 indicates you may need to reparameterize your model"

I wonder if these problems could be solved by using a non-centered parameterization.

Has anyone implemented a non-centered parameterization for this model?

Thank you in advance for your help

functions {


* Return the log probability of a proper conditional autoregressive (CAR) prior

* with a sparse representation for the adjacency matrix


* @param phi Vector containing the parameters with a CAR prior

* @param tau Precision parameter for the CAR prior (real)

* @param alpha Dependence (usually spatial) parameter for the CAR prior (real)

* @param W_sparse Sparse representation of adjacency matrix (int array)

* @param n Length of phi (int)

* @param W_n Number of adjacent pairs (int)

* @param D_sparse Number of neighbors for each location (vector)

* @param eigen Eigenvalues of D^{-1/2}*W*D^{-1/2} (vector)


* @return Log probability density of CAR prior up to additive constant


real sparse_car_lpdf(vector phi, real tau, real alpha, array[,] int W_sparse, vector D_sparse, vector eigen, int n, int W_n) {

row_vector[n] phit_D; // phi' * D

row_vector[n] phit_W; // phi' * W

vector[n] ldet_terms;

phit_D = (phi .* D_sparse)';

phit_W = rep_row_vector(0, n);

for (i in 1 : W_n) {

phit_W[W_sparse[i, 1]] = phit_W[W_sparse[i, 1]] + phi[W_sparse[i, 2]];

phit_W[W_sparse[i, 2]] = phit_W[W_sparse[i, 2]] + phi[W_sparse[i, 1]];


for (i in 1 : n) {

ldet_terms[i] = log1m(alpha * eigen[i]);


return 0.5 * (n * log(tau) + sum(ldet_terms)

- tau * (phit_D * phi - alpha * (phit_W * phi)));



data {

real<lower=0> prior_a;

real<lower=0> prior_b;

int<lower=1> n;

array[n] int<lower=0> y;

matrix<lower=0, upper=1>[n, n] W; // adjacency matrix

int W_n; // number of adjacent region pairs


transformed data {

array[W_n, 2] int W_sparse; // adjacency pairs

vector[n] D_sparse; // diagonal of D (number of neigbors for each site)

vector[n] eigen; // eigenvalues of invsqrtD * W * invsqrtD


// generate sparse representation for W

int counter;

counter = 1;

// loop over upper triangular part of W to identify neighbor pairs

for (i in 1 : (n - 1)) {

for (j in (i + 1) : n) {

if (W[i, j] == 1) {

W_sparse[counter, 1] = i;

W_sparse[counter, 2] = j;

counter = counter + 1;





for (i in 1 : n) {

D_sparse[i] = sum(W[i]);



vector[n] invsqrtD;

for (i in 1 : n) {

invsqrtD[i] = 1 / sqrt(D_sparse[i]);


eigen = eigenvalues_sym(quad_form(W, diag_matrix(invsqrtD)));



parameters {

real<lower=0> tau;

real<lower=0, upper=1> alpha;

vector[n] phi;


model {

phi ~ sparse_car(tau, alpha, W_sparse, D_sparse, eigen, n, W_n);

tau ~ gamma(prior_a, prior_b);

alpha ~ uniform(0,1);

y ~ poisson_log(phi);


generated quantities{

vector<lower=0>[n] lambda; // To use as hotspot threshold

lambda = exp(phi);


Sorry this took so long to respond to—I’m surprised it’s still on our “dead links list” it’s so old.

That fit looks pretty good. You can try to simulate data and see if you recover it. I’m not sure what you think is centered here. Are you looking to turn the sparse_car into something like a Cholesky factor to multiply by a standard normal to get phi? You might be able to do that.

I had a hard time understanding the phit_W as it’s just going to redefine wherever W_sparse[i, 1:2] match. You could also really speed this up by vectorizing and transposing W_sparse so that W_sparse_t[i] = W_sparse[ , i]