I am hoping that this rings some bells here as I am out of ideas how to debug this problem: I am writing a R package which I have started by using the rstantools wrapper. The model has the name “blrm_exnex” and parallelization with cores=2 works fine under the terminal. However, under Rstudio I am running into trouble when cores>1. The error message I am getting is
Warning: namespace ‘anRpackage’ is not available and has been replaced
by .GlobalEnv when processing object ‘’
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
2 nodes produced errors; first error: object 'model_blrm_exnex' not found
This is somehow related to the use of parLapplyLB (and the cluster stuff). However, I really do not get whats up here. The thing is that rstanarm 2.17.3 works just fine in parallel and there I do not see what is supposed to be different.
I know this is a terrible request to ask for help here, but maybe this rings a bell to someone as to what could go wrong here. So the sampling call for the blrm_exnex model inside a function of my package does not work.
What is really confusing me is that I have another package where parallelization works under Rstudio, but I cannot find any striking difference here. Maybe there is something obvious I am overlooking.
Thanks for any pointers.