I feel slightly embarrassed to be asking this question but is it possible to specify a random effect for a predictor that is on the highest level of a multilevel model? I searched online but cannot find a clear answer. I have students (L1) nested in teachers (L2) and am looking at the effect of teaching practices (L2 variable) on some student-level outcome variables. Can these teaching practice effects be modelled as random or can only effects of student-level predictors be modelled as random? I tried the random effects with brms and the models all looked fine. Thanks!
Yes, instead of assuming a random effect of mean zero and estimated standard deviation, you can compute the mean as the result of an equation with covariates!
I am not sure you can implement this model in brms, though!
Good success,
Thanks for responding! I basically just modelled a random slope for the predictor on the highest level in the same way I did as for variables on the lowest level…
So something like this:
Outcome ~ 0 + Intercept + student_predictor + classroom_predictor + (0 + Intercept + student_predictor + classroom_predictor |p| classroom)
And the model converged fine. Does that seem OK then?
I just got confused because I cannot seem to find any papers in which they modelled highest-level predictors as random effects. So I thought that this is maybe not a thing.
I think modeling the teaching practice effects as random should be no problem. In general, I don’t see a problem with random effects on different nested levels. There are some options, though:
- You have to pay attention to the coding of the lower levels (students in your example). In lme4, there’s the nesting syntax
(1 | g1/g2)
which is equivalent to(1 | g1) + (1 | g1:g2)
(see Table 2 here) but I don’t know if that nesting syntax is also supported by brms. With the nesting syntax, it’s possible to have the same student codes within each teacher (e.g.stud1
, …) even thoughstud1
of teacher 1 is not the same person asstud1
of teacher 2. To be safe, I think it’s better to have students coded liketeacher1_stud1
, …,teacher2_stud1
, …). Then you also don’t need the nesting syntax. - brms offers argument
of functiongr()
which leads to separate variance-covariance matrices for each level of theby
variable. That might be interesting for you, too.
Note that I am assuming that each student has only one teacher since you said
I couldn’t really connect your formula
to your initial post so I can’t say anything about that.
Thank you. Sorry, I should have said teacher rather than classroom in the simplified example code. I actually have a cross-classified multiple membership structure, with students (L1) nested in classrooms (L2) and teachers (L2), whereby some students belonged to multiple classrooms and/or teachers over the course of the study. So much more complicated than this. But the important thing is that my main question has been a answered and I now know that it was not a mistake to model the effects on the highest level as random. Thanks so much!
Ok, that sounds rather like a multi-membership problem. See function brms::mm()
(perhaps also brms::mmc()
) for that. This vignette also partly deals with multi-membership models.