Calculating hazard ratios and interpreting differences in survival and between a multi-level covariate from rstanarm::stan_surv

Hi Stan forum

This is my first time posting on here and it seems a wonderful and friendly resource! Sorry for the verbose post I opted for full code reproducibility above brevity in places!

I am fitting a proportional-hazards model using the survival branch from rstanarm. I model survival of larvae that have been inoculated with bacteria to test for differences in virulence between treatments. My treatments have multiple levels and I want to know how to do pairwise contrasts of hazard ratios. Below is a full reproducible example produced using the R package reprex.

My key questions are:

  • How would you check for “significant” differences in survival between levels of a covariate?
  • How do you calculate hazard ratios between any two levels of a covariate? See section calculate hazard ratios for code implementing this.
  • Can you average over predictions of each random effect within each fixed effect to get overall predictions for each fixed effect level? See section visualise survival curve for code implementing this.
# load packages
# load in data
d <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  sample = c("T22","T22","T22","T22",
  plastic = c("T","T","T","T","T","T",
  time = c(24L,24L,24L,24L,24L,24L,
  status = c(1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,

# run a model where we look for differences in survival between plastics
mod <- stan_surv(
  Surv(time, status) ~ plastic + (1 | sample),
  data = d,
  chains = 3,
  cores = 3,
  seed = 42,
  iter = 3000

#> stan_surv
#>  baseline hazard: M-splines on hazard scale
#>  formula:         Surv(time, status) ~ plastic + (1 | sample)
#>  observations:    210
#>  events:          146 (69.5%)
#>  right censored:  64 (30.5%)
#>  delayed entry:   no
#> ------
#>                 Median MAD_SD exp(Median)
#> (Intercept)     -0.7    0.4     NA       
#> plasticT         1.4    0.6    4.1       
#> plasticV         1.4    0.6    4.2       
#> m-splines-coef1  0.0    0.0     NA       
#> m-splines-coef2  0.0    0.0     NA       
#> m-splines-coef3  0.0    0.0     NA       
#> m-splines-coef4  0.7    0.1     NA       
#> m-splines-coef5  0.0    0.0     NA       
#> m-splines-coef6  0.3    0.1     NA       
#> Error terms:
#>  Groups Name        Std.Dev.
#>  sample (Intercept) 1.1     
#> Num. levels: sample 21 
#> ------
#> * For help interpreting the printed output see ?print.stanreg
#> * For info on the priors used see ?prior_summary.stanreg
#> Model Info:
#>  function:        stan_surv
#>  baseline hazard: M-splines on hazard scale
#>  formula:         Surv(time, status) ~ plastic + (1 | sample)
#>  algorithm:       sampling
#>  sample:          4500 (posterior sample size)
#>  priors:          see help('prior_summary')
#>  observations:    210
#>  events:          146 (69.5%)
#>  right censored:  64 (30.5%)
#>  delayed entry:   no
#> Estimates:
#>                                         mean   sd   10%   50%   90%
#> (Intercept)                           -0.6    0.4 -1.2  -0.7  -0.1 
#> plasticT                               1.4    0.6  0.6   1.4   2.1 
#> plasticV                               1.4    0.6  0.7   1.4   2.2 
#> m-splines-coef1                        0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0 
#> m-splines-coef2                        0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0 
#> m-splines-coef3                        0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0 
#> m-splines-coef4                        0.7    0.1  0.6   0.7   0.7 
#> m-splines-coef5                        0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0 
#> m-splines-coef6                        0.3    0.1  0.2   0.3   0.4 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L22]             -0.1    0.6 -0.8  -0.1   0.7 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L23]              1.4    0.5  0.7   1.4   2.1 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L24]              0.5    0.6 -0.2   0.5   1.2 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L25]             -0.8    0.6 -1.6  -0.8   0.0 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L26]             -1.2    0.7 -2.1  -1.1  -0.3 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L27]             -0.4    0.6 -1.2  -0.4   0.4 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L28]             -0.1    0.6 -0.9  -0.1   0.7 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T22]              0.1    0.5 -0.6   0.1   0.7 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T23]              0.9    0.5  0.2   0.8   1.5 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T24]             -1.8    0.6 -2.6  -1.8  -1.0 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T25]              0.5    0.5 -0.1   0.5   1.2 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T26]              0.2    0.5 -0.5   0.2   0.8 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T27]              0.0    0.5 -0.7   0.0   0.6 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T28]              0.5    0.5 -0.1   0.5   1.2 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V22]              0.5    0.5 -0.2   0.5   1.1 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V23]              0.4    0.5 -0.3   0.4   1.0 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V24]             -2.5    0.8 -3.5  -2.5  -1.6 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V25]             -0.6    0.5 -1.3  -0.6   0.0 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V26]              0.8    0.5  0.1   0.8   1.5 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V27]              0.8    0.5  0.1   0.8   1.5 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V28]              0.8    0.5  0.2   0.8   1.5 
#> Sigma[sample:(Intercept),(Intercept)]  1.3    0.6  0.7   1.2   2.0 
#> MCMC diagnostics
#>                                       mcse Rhat n_eff
#> (Intercept)                           0.0  1.0  1521 
#> plasticT                              0.0  1.0  1401 
#> plasticV                              0.0  1.0  1531 
#> m-splines-coef1                       0.0  1.0  6213 
#> m-splines-coef2                       0.0  1.0  7303 
#> m-splines-coef3                       0.0  1.0  6066 
#> m-splines-coef4                       0.0  1.0  6160 
#> m-splines-coef5                       0.0  1.0  5926 
#> m-splines-coef6                       0.0  1.0  6817 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L22]             0.0  1.0  2357 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L23]             0.0  1.0  2126 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L24]             0.0  1.0  2312 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L25]             0.0  1.0  3121 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L26]             0.0  1.0  2501 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L27]             0.0  1.0  2730 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:L28]             0.0  1.0  2386 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T22]             0.0  1.0  1615 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T23]             0.0  1.0  1535 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T24]             0.0  1.0  2333 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T25]             0.0  1.0  1551 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T26]             0.0  1.0  1530 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T27]             0.0  1.0  1705 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:T28]             0.0  1.0  1534 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V22]             0.0  1.0  1939 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V23]             0.0  1.0  2131 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V24]             0.0  1.0  2880 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V25]             0.0  1.0  2156 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V26]             0.0  1.0  1955 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V27]             0.0  1.0  1960 
#> b[(Intercept) sample:V28]             0.0  1.0  2020 
#> Sigma[sample:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 0.0  1.0  1398 
#> log-posterior                         0.2  1.0   970 
#> For each parameter, mcse is Monte Carlo standard error, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence Rhat=1).

Visualise survival curve

# visualise survival curve for each plastic
# plot predictions for each plastic averaged over the random effect of each replicate for each treatment
# hoping this is equivalent to looking at reform=NA in brms and linear mixed effects models
d_preds <- select(d, plastic, sample) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  mutate(id = 1:n(),
         plastic2 = plastic) %>%
  nest_legacy(-c(plastic2)) %>%
  mutate(., preds = map(
    ~ posterior_survfit(
      newdata = .x,
      times = 0,
      standardise = TRUE,
      extrapolate = TRUE,
      dynamic = TRUE

d_preds <- unnest(d_preds, preds) %>%

         col = plastic2,
         fill = plastic2,
         group = plastic2
       )) +
  geom_line(aes(y = median)) +
    aes(time, ymin = ci_lb, ymax = ci_ub),
    col = NA,
    alpha = 0.2,
    show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
  ylim(c(0, 1)) +

Calculate pairwise hazard ratios

# so how do I do contrasts between samples to look at whether some plastics change differently to others...
# 1. compare hazard ratios between all pairs of plastics - credible intervals non-overlapping 1 indicate difference
# 2. calculate survival probability at the end of the experiment (time = 48) for each plastic and non-overlapping 95% credible intervals indicate differences

# get a list of the variables in the model
#>  [1] "(Intercept)"                          
#>  [2] "plasticT"                             
#>  [3] "plasticV"                             
#>  [4] "m-splines-coef1"                      
#>  [5] "m-splines-coef2"                      
#>  [6] "m-splines-coef3"                      
#>  [7] "m-splines-coef4"                      
#>  [8] "m-splines-coef5"                      
#>  [9] "m-splines-coef6"                      
#> [10] "b[(Intercept) sample:L22]"            
#> [11] "b[(Intercept) sample:L23]"            
#> [12] "b[(Intercept) sample:L24]"            
#> [13] "b[(Intercept) sample:L25]"            
#> [14] "b[(Intercept) sample:L26]"            
#> [15] "b[(Intercept) sample:L27]"            
#> [16] "b[(Intercept) sample:L28]"            
#> [17] "b[(Intercept) sample:T22]"            
#> [18] "b[(Intercept) sample:T23]"            
#> [19] "b[(Intercept) sample:T24]"            
#> [20] "b[(Intercept) sample:T25]"            
#> [21] "b[(Intercept) sample:T26]"            
#> [22] "b[(Intercept) sample:T27]"            
#> [23] "b[(Intercept) sample:T28]"            
#> [24] "b[(Intercept) sample:V22]"            
#> [25] "b[(Intercept) sample:V23]"            
#> [26] "b[(Intercept) sample:V24]"            
#> [27] "b[(Intercept) sample:V25]"            
#> [28] "b[(Intercept) sample:V26]"            
#> [29] "b[(Intercept) sample:V27]"            
#> [30] "b[(Intercept) sample:V28]"            
#> [31] "b[(Intercept) sample:_NEW_sample]"    
#> [32] "Sigma[sample:(Intercept),(Intercept)]"
#> [33] "accept_stat__"                        
#> [34] "stepsize__"                           
#> [35] "treedepth__"                          
#> [36] "n_leapfrog__"                         
#> [37] "divergent__"                          
#> [38] "energy__"
to_plot <- tidybayes::get_variables(mod)[1:6]

# check key mcmc trace plots
mcmc_trace(mod, pars = to_plot)

# extract draws
params <- spread_draws(mod,!!!syms(to_plot)) %>%

#> # A tibble: 6 x 9
#>   chain iteration  draw intercept plastic_t plastic_v m_splines_coef1
#>   <int>     <int> <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>           <dbl>
#> 1     1         1     1 -1.08         1.56      1.62         0.000373
#> 2     1         2     2 -0.632        1.59      1.17         0.00267 
#> 3     1         3     3 -0.521        1.57      1.02         0.00120 
#> 4     1         4     4 -0.431        1.10      1.19         0.00256 
#> 5     1         5     5 -0.000460     0.887     0.874        0.00127 
#> 6     1         6     6 -0.607        1.12      1.55         0.000773
#> # … with 2 more variables: m_splines_coef2 <dbl>, m_splines_coef3 <dbl>

# calculate hazard for each plastic not normalised to intercept (plastic_h)
params <- rename(params, plastic_h = intercept) %>%
  # calculate hazard for each plastic not normalised to intercept (plastic_h)
  mutate(across(plastic_l:plastic_w, function(x) {
    x + plastic_h
#> Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `..1`.
#> â„ą `..1 = across(...)`.
#> x Can't subset columns that don't exist.
#> x Column `plastic_l` doesn't exist.

# calculate a specific contrast... plastic_w vs plastic_p
params <-
    hazard_ratio_v_vs_t = exp(plastic_v - plastic_t),
    hazard_ratio_v_vs_l = exp(plastic_v - plastic_l)
#> Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `hazard_ratio_v_vs_l`.
#> â„ą `hazard_ratio_v_vs_l = exp(plastic_v - plastic_l)`.
#> x object 'plastic_l' not found

quantile(params$hazard_ratio_p_vs_w, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `hazard_ratio_p_vs_w`.
#>  2.5%   50% 97.5% 
#>    NA    NA    NA
# no difference
quantile(params$hazard_ratio_v_vs_l, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `hazard_ratio_v_vs_l`.
#>  2.5%   50% 97.5% 
#>    NA    NA    NA
# on average a 4 times higher hazard of death
# could do this for as many contrasts as I need

# calculate predicted survival at the end of the experiment
filter(d_preds, time == max(d_preds$time))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5
#>   plastic2  time median ci_lb ci_ub
#>   <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 T           48  0.165 0.115 0.224
#> 2 V           48  0.177 0.135 0.238
#> 3 L           48  0.577 0.476 0.672
# non-overlapping estimates mean significant differences in survival probability...

Created on 2021-05-17 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

PS. I also have the current problem that the models do not work: Running stan_surv() with example data crashes both R and RStudio · Issue #508 · stan-dev/rstanarm · GitHub, but curiously models with random effects do.

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@sambrilleman this is mainly aimed toward you and others developing the stan_surv() functions. Also your preprint is a fantastic resource.

You can calculate the difference in log hazard ratio just by subtracting the two complete predictors from each other. If the predictor acts only in one term (as you have for plastic), this immediately corresponds to model coefficients or their difference, as all the other terms in the formula are unaffected by changing this single predictor. So in your case, for plastic, the difference between the base level (L) and T or V is just the coefficient plasticT or plasticV respectively. The difference between V and T is then the difference in these two coefficents. This should give you posterior samples for the differences which you can summarise in many ways. You may for example check whethet the 95% posterior interval contains zero, which would correspond closely to a classical frequentist test. But (and that’s true also for frequentist analyses), a binary “significant” verdict is a very crude measure, so I would instead just interpret the borders of the 95% interval - can you exclude small effects? Can you exclude harm? And so on.

You can, but it should actually correspond very closely to just computing predictions while not including the random effects at all, because, by construction, the random effects should be centered at zero. For some models, there could be correlations between the overall effect/intercept and the random effect which would make the results different. So I am generally a fan of using predicitions directly instead of just looking at model coefficients, because posterior correlations can play tricks on you :-)

I hope that clarifies more than confuses (and feel free to ask for clarification)

Thanks Martin this does help a lot.

I think I am calculating the log hazard ratio in the correct way so thats a good start!

In terms of computing predictions while not including random effects at all, I am not sure that is actually possible in rstanarm::stan_surv models. Which is why I use the approach outlined above. See here and the answer after by Sam Brilleman.

Thanks for your help made a lot of sense.


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