I am running an N-mixture model (binomial mixture model) to calculate the abundance of animals from repeated counts at many sites. I have posted about this analysis before (https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/calculating-the-likelihood-for-loo-in-a-binomial-mixture-model/4787/4) relating to loo, but I have a new question regarding the best approach to calculating abundance (N) from the marginalized form (latent N not sampled as done with BUGS/JAGS/Nimble formulation).
The full code is below but the relevant parts are the likelihood:
// Likelihood
for (i in 1:R) {
vector[K[i] - max_y[i] + 1] lp;
for (j in 1:(K[i] - max_y[i] + 1))
lp[j] = poisson_log_lpmf(max_y[i] + j - 1 | log_lambda[i])
+ binomial_logit_lpmf(y[i] | max_y[i] + j - 1, logit_p[i]); // vectorized over T
target += log_sum_exp(lp);
where R
is the number of sites each visited T
times. K
is the maximum abundance to iterate through to marginalize N out of the likelihood. max_y
is the maximum number of individuals observed at a particular site on any of the T
visits. This can also be considered the minimum population size, since we know there are at least that many individuals but likely many more that we missed since they are hard to observe.
This all works great. We are in part interested in the true abundance N
(also about the coefficients on the variables affecting log_lambda
and logit_p
). To calculate N
, I was using:
N[i] = poisson_log_rng(log_lambda[i]);
But because it’s a random Poisson draw from lambda it can be a large range above and below that for large lambda. In some cases this means that N[i]
is less than max_y[i]
, the number we observed on a single visit (no chance of double counting with our methods). This is fine to get the expected abundance for any plot at that site and most of the posterior predictive checks look good. There is slight overestimate at low counts near zero and slight underestimate at very high counts when predicting new observations, but generally things look good. However, we know that at that plot, N should be at least the number observed so I changed the code to:
for (i in 1:R) {
N_rng[i] = poisson_log_rng(log_lambda[i]);
// Restrict N to be at least as big as the number of animals observed on a single night
if(N_rng[i] < max_y[i])
N[i] = max_y[i];
N[i] = N_rng[i];
p[i, 1:T] = inv_logit(logit_p[i, 1:T]);
At some sites this pushes all the lower estimates of N across iterations up to max_y
but obviously doesn’t change the rest of the distribution. Maybe this isn’t an issue or maybe it depend about the inference I want to make. My question is if anyone thinks this is a bad idea or has a better approach to estimating N in this model?
Thanks for any thoughts or ideas! The data and everything is at https://github.com/djhocking/GSMNP-Elevation, sorry I don’t have a simple reproducible example at the moment. I am planning to turn this into a tutorial for ecologists eventually with simulated data.
Full Stan model:
// Binomial mixture model with covariates
data {
int<lower=0> R; // Number of transects
int<lower=0> T; // Number of temporal replications
int<lower=0> nsites; // Number of sites
int<lower=1> sites[R]; // vector of sites
int<lower=0> y[R, T]; // Counts
vector[R] elev; // Covariate
vector[R] elev2; // Covariate
vector[R] litter; // Covariate
vector[R] twi; // Covariate
vector[R] stream; // Covariate
matrix[R, T] RH; // Covariate
matrix[R, T] precip; // Covariate
matrix[R, T] temp; // Covariate
matrix[R, T] temp2; // Covariate
vector[R] gcover; // Covariate
vector[R] gcover2; // Covariate
int<lower=0> K[R]; // Upper bound of population size
transformed data {
int<lower=0> max_y[R];
int<lower=0> N_ll;
int tmp[R];
for (i in 1:R) {
max_y[i] = max(y[i]);
tmp[i] = K[i] - max_y[i] + 1;
N_ll = sum(tmp);
parameters {
real alpha0;
real alpha1;
real alpha2;
real alpha3;
real alpha4;
real alpha5;
real alpha6;
real beta0;
real beta1;
real beta2;
real beta3;
real beta4;
real beta5;
real beta6;
vector[nsites] eps; // Random site effects
real<lower=0> sd_eps;
matrix[R, T] delta; // Random transect-visit effects
real<lower=0> sd_p;
transformed parameters {
vector[R] log_lambda; // Log population size
matrix[R, T] logit_p; // Logit detection probability
for (i in 1:R) {
log_lambda[i] = alpha0 + alpha1 * elev[i] + alpha2 * elev2[i] + alpha3 * twi[i] + alpha4 * litter[i] + alpha5 * gcover[i] + alpha6 * stream[i] + eps[sites[i]] * sd_eps; // non-centered formulation of random effect (see Monnahan et al. 2017)
for (t in 1:T) {
logit_p[i,t] = beta0 + beta1 * temp[i,t] + beta2 * temp2[i,t] + beta3 * precip[i,t] + beta4 * gcover[i] + beta5 * gcover2[i] + beta6 * RH[i,t] + delta[i, t] * sd_p; // non-centered formulation
model {
// Priors
// Improper flat priors are implicitly used on alpha0, alpha1, beta0 etc. if not specified
alpha0 ~ normal(0, 10);
alpha1 ~ normal(0, 10);
alpha2 ~ normal(0, 10);
alpha3 ~ normal(0, 10);
alpha4 ~ normal(0, 10);
alpha5 ~ normal(0, 10);
alpha6 ~ normal(0, 10);
beta0 ~ normal(0, 2);
beta1 ~ normal(0, 2);
beta2 ~ normal(0, 2);
beta3 ~ normal(0, 2);
beta4 ~ normal(0, 2);
beta5 ~ normal(0, 2);
beta6 ~ normal(0, 2);
eps ~ normal(0, 1);
sd_eps ~ cauchy(0, 2.5);
for (i in 1:R) {
for (t in 1:T) {
delta[i,t] ~ normal(0, 1);
sd_p ~ cauchy(0, 2.5); // even this might be more heavily tailed than we want on p. maybe half normal with sd = 3-5?
// Likelihood
for (i in 1:R) {
vector[K[i] - max_y[i] + 1] lp;
for (j in 1:(K[i] - max_y[i] + 1))
lp[j] = poisson_log_lpmf(max_y[i] + j - 1 | log_lambda[i])
+ binomial_logit_lpmf(y[i] | max_y[i] + j - 1, logit_p[i]); // vectorized over T
target += log_sum_exp(lp);
generated quantities {
int<lower=0> N[R]; // Abundance (must be at least max_y)
int<lower=0> N_rng[R]; // Abundance proposed by random draw from lambda
int totalN;
vector[R] log_lik;
real mean_abundance;
real mean_detection;
vector[R] mean_p;
real fit = 0;
real fit_new = 0;
matrix[R, T] p;
matrix[R, T] eval; // Expected values
int y_new[R, T];
int y_new_sum[R];
matrix[R, T] E;
matrix[R, T] E_new;
for (i in 1:R) {
vector[K[i] - max_y[i] + 1] ll;
for (j in 1:(K[i] - max_y[i] + 1)) {
ll[j] = poisson_log_lpmf(max_y[i] + j - 1 | log_lambda[i]) // remake lp because can't use from model statement in generated quantities
+ binomial_logit_lpmf(y[i] | max_y[i] + j - 1, logit_p[i]);
log_lik[i] = log_sum_exp(ll); // for use in loo and multimodel comparison
for (i in 1:R) {
N_rng[i] = poisson_log_rng(log_lambda[i]);
// Restrict N to be at least as big as the number of animals observed on a single night
if(N_rng[i] < max_y[i])
N[i] = max_y[i];
N[i] = N_rng[i];
p[i, 1:T] = inv_logit(logit_p[i, 1:T]);
// Bayesian p-value fit - Diff than JAGS but all parameters about the same. Not a great test anyway. Problem with RNG for poisson rather than sampling N directly. Makes a big diff with the chi-sq and other Bayesian P-value metrics. But other posterior predictive checks look great.
// Initialize E and E_new
for (i in 1:1) {
for(j in 1:T) {
E[i, j] = 0;
E_new[i, j] = 0;
for (i in 2:R) {
E[i] = E[i - 1];
E_new[i] = E_new[i - 1];
for (i in 1:R) {
mean_p[i] = mean(p[i]);
for (j in 1:T) {
// Assess model fit using Chi-squared discrepancy
// Compute fit statistic E for observed data
eval[i, j] = p[i, j] * N[i];
E[i, j] = square(y[i, j] - eval[i, j]) / (eval[i, j] + 0.5);
// Generate replicate data and
// Compute fit statistic E_new for replicate data
y_new[i, j] = binomial_rng(N[i], p[i, j]);
E_new[i, j] = square(y_new[i, j] - eval[i, j]) / (eval[i, j] + 0.5);
y_new_sum[i] = sum(y_new[i]);
totalN = sum(N); // Total pop. size across all sites
for (i in 1:R) {
fit = fit + sum(E[i]);
fit_new = fit_new + sum(E_new[i]);
mean_abundance = exp(alpha0);
mean_detection = 1 / (1 + exp(-1 * beta0));