I am new to phylogenetic methods and am hoping to brms phylogenetic model with repeated measurements (by species) on the following dataset.
IshanaRawData.csv (17.2 KB)
We want to test the prevalence of various sleeping strategies (the colored dots below) across habitats (a categorical variable: oceanic, terrestrial, etc) or trophic levels (a categorical variable: top predator, mesopredator, omnivore, herbivore) while controlling for phylogenetic relationships.
Here are some visualizations of the data:
I have read over the wonderful brms_phylogenetics vignette and executed the code, but I want to be sure I am handling my categorical variables sufficiently!
setwd("~/Publications/Submitted/Ishana Optimal Sleeping Theory/IshanaRawDataNEW")
ishana$Scientific.Name=gsub(" ","_",ishana$Scientific.Name)#replace "_" with " "
#change to long format and delete zeros
data_long=gather(data=ishana, key=SleepStrategy, value=PresenceAbsence, Grouping:Physiological, factor_key=TRUE)
#read in phylogeny data
setwd("C:/Users/roxan/Desktop/Ishana Full Phylogeny")
#construct a covariance matrix of species (Hadfield Nakagawa 2010) based on phylo
A=ape::vcv.phylo(Scientific.Name) #phylo
#this fixes #Error: Levels of the within-group covariance matrix for 'Scientific.Name' do not match names of the grouping levels.
needed=which(data_long$Scientific.Name %in% Scientific.Name$tip.label)
model_repeat1 <- brm(
SleepStrategy ~ Habitat + (1|gr(Scientific.Name, cov = A)) + (1|Latin.Name),
data = data_long,
family = "categorical",
data2 = list(A = A),
prior = prior(normal(0,1), "Intercept"),
sample_prior = TRUE, chains = 2, cores = 2,
iter = 4000, warmup = 1000 #set this high for final runs (see website)
Would anyone be willing to look this over? I’d be happy to offer you co-authorship on the resulting manuscript!
Many thanks :)