Brms multilevel with splines

Hi everyone!
New to the forum, first brms model.
I am triying to fit a multilevel model with random intercepts + slopes, and I am not sure how to add the splines to random efects in brms.

model<- brm(
bf( y ~ +Time + gender+ageonset +t x + Time:gender+ Time:ageonset+
(Time | ID)),
data = dat,
family = “gaussian”,
prior = c(
prior(normal( 0, 1), class = “Intercept”),
prior(normal( 1, 1), class = “b”, coef = “Timestd” ),
prior(normal(0, 1), class = “b”),
prior(exponential(1), class = “sd”),
prior(lkj(1), class = “cor”),
prior(exponential(1), class = “sigma”)),
control = list(adapt_delta = .95),
iter = 2000, warmup = 1000, chains = 4, cores = 4,
seed = 1215)

I read in previous post you can add s(Time, ageonset, bs = “cr”, k = 10) + s(Time, gender, bs = “cr”, k = 10) but do not know how to add that to the random effects (Time | ID).

Thanks for your help.

PS = is there something about strategies for selecting priors for splines?

Howdy. If you are looking for so-called ‘random smooths’ then you can use s(Time, ID, bs="fs")
Note that this can take an impractically long amount of time to fit if ID is of any decent size. You should probably have a look at the documentation for the mgcv package for factor.smooth and smooth.construct.fs.smooth.spec so that you know what is happening (smooths in brms are implemented through mgcv). There are multiple ways to have smooths vary by factor, and they all do something a bit different.
For priors, this post might help Better priors (non-flat) for GAMs (brms) - #4 by ucfagls

Hi, thanks a lot for the info, the post “Better priors” really clarifies many things.
I actually tried s(Time, ID, bs=“fs”) and took reaaaally long to run. Anyway I am not sure this allows varyiing intercepts for each ID. Also not sure if adding also (1 | ID) is appropiate (did not try, may run forever ).
I will continue trying to figure it out with mgcv document.
Thanks again

@Sebastian_camerlingo you might also see this post Does brms have issues with (perfect) linear dependencies between (smooth) covariates? - #2 by martinmodrak by @martinmodrak who seems to indicate that you could use the ‘splines’ package and work directly with non-penalized splines. I have never tried this, so I can’t vouch for how it works.

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