BRMS fit object to APA-ready table

Hi, is there a neat and quick way to convert a brms fit object into a table that can easily be formatted according to APA guidelines?
I have tried sjPlot’s tab_model(), as well as report’s report() functions, however, they typically require recompiling the model, which is a bit tiresome.

Suggestions would be much appreciated!


Besides the functions that you already mentioned, I’m not aware of any one-size-fits-all approach to transform a fitted brms model to an APA-ready table. I suppose the challenge is that it’s difficult to determine a priori what summary statistics should be included in the table, as the details of the model and the researcher’s goals can vary widely.

You could try to first obtain a data frame of summary statistics for your fitted brms model (say, fit), for example using posterior::summarise_draws(posterior::as_draws_array(fit)), then programmatically select the content you’re interested in, and then finally convert that to a table that can be exported, for example using apa_table from papaja.

I broadly agree with @frank_hezemans, and would only add that you might consider broom.mixed::tidy() as a first step.