Hey, dumb question:
I have average treatment effects which are a function of model j parameters theta_j and covariates X. Say there are three models ATE_1 = f(theta_1, X); ATE_2 = g(theta_2, X); ATE_3 = h(theta_3, X). Each model is mis-specified in a relatively benign way–the precise non-linear relationship between X and some outcome y is being modeled incorrectly. No unobserved variables; OLS will consistently estimate the ATE but won’t be too (statistically) efficient.
The idea is that the three candidate models all capture a part of the troublesome non-linearity, but not all aspects.
Now say I’ve fit the three models separately and have posteriors for the three average treatment effects. That is, I’ve not fit this as a mixture. Let’s say I have some probability that each model is correct (say, based on relative likelihood or Bayes factor or something). What I want is a posterior for my weighted (across models) average treatment effect.
Is it possible to obtain a weighted average treatment effect by creating new “draws” of the weighted treatment effect across all MCMC draws from the three models? My intuition is that this won’t work, as there is no correlation in the MCMC draws across the three models. But I want to just check I’m not overthinking things. I’ve been doing some simulation tests, and it does seem to be consistent. But I’m concerned that I’m fooling myself about its statistical efficiency because I’m averaging across uncorrelated draws (within draw, across models).