Thanks Ben, that is really helpful. Usually when I post on these forums, I try to generalize my problem to learn more about how specific things are done (which I did in this case). I think now I am going to pose my actual problem and ask for help in figuring out how to better parameterize my model.
I am solving Bayesian subset selection. I have three items: A, B
and C
. Now, there are 8 possible selections that may be made from these three items:
-A, -B, -C
none are selected,
-A, -B C
, only C
is selected
-A, B, -C
-A, B, C
A, -B, -C
A, -B, C
A, B, -C
A, B, C
, all three are selected.
Now, I want to understand the selection process in terms of the marginal distributions of each item (or pairs):
p(A), p(B), p(C), p(AB), p(AC), p(BC), p(ABC)
So I can model the outcome above as a multinomial with probability \theta \in \mathbb{R}^8 where \mathrm{sum}(\theta)=1.
Now, each of the above selections can be rewritten in terms of the marginals:
theta[1] = (1-pC)-(pB-pBC)-(pA-pAB-(pAC-pABC)); // p(-A,-B,-C)
theta[2] = pC-pAC-(pBC-pABC); // p(-A,-B,C)
theta[3] = pB-pBC-(pAB-pABC); // p(-A,B,-C)
theta[4] = pBC-pABC; // p(-A,B,C)
theta[5] = pA-AB-(pAC-pABC); // p(A,-B,-C)
theta[6] = pAC-pABC; // p(A,-B,C)
theta[7] = pAB-pABC; // p(A,B,-C)
theta[8] = pABC; // p(A,B,C)
so note that algebraically, the elements of \theta sum to 1. Now, to constrain each element of \theta to be positive, I can constrain the marginals:
real<lower=0,upper=1> pA;
real<lower=0,upper=1> pB;
real<lower=0,upper=1> pC;
real<lower=0,upper=fmin(pA,pB)> pAB;
real<lower=0,upper=fmin(pA,pC)> pAC;
real<lower=0,upper=fmin(pB,pC)> pBC;
real<lower=0,upper=fmin(pAB,fmin(pAC,pBC))> pABC;
but these constraints
- wont work with vector valued marginals
- only satisfy
theta[4], theta[6], theta[7], theta[8]
being positive.
Eventually, I would like to do beta regression for the marginals, so pA ~ beta(muA*phiA,(1-muA)*phiA)
, for muA = inv_logit (betaA^T x)
etc. An I would like to learn the betaA, betaB, ..., betaABC,
so I need constraints on the marginals to ensure Stan will initialize and run inference.
So looking back at the question you answered, I would like to know how to constrain
A v + b = theta
where theta
is a simplex, and v = [pA,pB,pC,pAB,pAC,pAB,pABC]
, and
A = [[-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1], [0,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,1], [0,1,0,-1,0,-1,1], [0,0,0,0,0,1,-1], [1,0,0,-1,-1,0,1], [0,0,0,0,1,0,-1], [0,0,0,1,0,0,-1], [0,0,0,0,0,0,1], ]
and b = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0]