Just to add to @stevebronder’s comment. This is not even a non-informative prior if you apply the inverse logit (plogis
in R
) to the prior, you can think of this as your prior information about the intercept on the probability that your outcome is 1.
plot(density(plogis(rnorm(100000,rnorm(1, 0, 25), 1/rgamma(1, 0.01, 0.01)))))
The priors are basically saying that the model is really sure that you either have mostly 1 or mostly 0 for a given time. With a binomial model, my rule of thumb for my work in social sciences is that a regression coefficient of 10 (when predictors are standardized) is basically the same as infinity. I adjust my priors so that there is little probability mass above 5 and below -5.