Anchor point in induced dirichlet model (for ordinal regression) not arbitrary?

In @betanalpha 's post on ordinal regression here, the induced dirichlet prior has some anchor point, \phi, which I thought was arbitrary, and I have been using 0 for all my models. However, recently I changed it to different values to see what would happen and I get very different estimates. E.g. when changing the anchor point from 0 to 1 the sensitivities (cumulative probabilities) in my model change:

For \phi = 0:

For \phi=1

Stan code:

functions {
          // Function to do partial pooling on correlation matrices
          // See

real phi_logit_approx(real b) {
          real a;
          a = inv_logit( 1.702*b );
  vector phi_logit_approx_vec(vector b) {
          int N = num_elements(b);
          vector[N] a;
          a = inv_logit( 1.702*b );
  real inv_phi_logit_approx(real b) {
          real a;
          a = (1/1.702)*logit(b);    

// Induced dirichlet from Betancourt, 2019. 
// See
real induced_dirichlet_lpdf(vector c, vector alpha, real phi) {
    int K = num_elements(c) + 1;
    vector[K - 1] anchoredcutoffs = c - phi;

    vector[K] sigma;
    vector[K] p;
    matrix[K, K] J = rep_matrix(0, K, K);

    sigma[1:(K-1)] = phi_logit_approx_vec(anchoredcutoffs); 
    sigma[K] = 1;
    p[1] =  sigma[1];
    for (k in 2:(K - 1))
      p[k] = sigma[k] - sigma[k - 1];
    p[K] = 1 - sigma[K - 1];
    // Baseline column of Jacobian
    for (k in 1:K) J[k, 1] = 1;
    // Diagonal entries of Jacobian
    for (k in 2:K) {
      // rho is the PDF of the latent distribution
        real rho = 1.702 * sigma[k - 1] * (1 - sigma[k - 1]);
      J[k, k] =  - rho;
      J[k - 1, k] = + rho;
    return dirichlet_lpdf(p | alpha)
           + log_determinant(J);

data {
          int n_binary_tests; // number of binary tests
          int n_ordinal_tests; // number ordinal of tests
          int<lower=1> n_tests; // number of tests
          int<lower=1> N; // number of individuals 
          int<lower=1> Thr[n_tests]; // number of thresholds for each test
          int<lower=0> y[N, n_tests]; // N individuals and n_tests tests, n_studies studies 
        //  int r[choose(n_tests,2), 4];
        //  int numg;
          real se_bin_mu;
          real se_bin_sd;
          real sp_bin_mu;
          real sp_bin_sd;

parameters {
              vector[n_tests] mu[2]; 
              real<lower=0,upper=1> u_d[N,n_tests]; // nuisance that absorbs inequality constraints
              real<lower=0,upper=1> u_nd[N,n_tests]; // nuisance that absorbs inequality constraints
              cholesky_factor_corr[n_tests] L_Omega_nd;
              cholesky_factor_corr[n_tests] L_Omega_d;
              real<lower=0,upper=1> p; // disease prevalence  
              // need to manually make n_ordinal_tests lots of C_d_i, C_nd_i, phi_d_i, phi_nd_i (i= test index) vectors, 
              // as unfortunately no way to generate them automatically (I think...)
              // e.g. if 2 ordinal tests: 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+1]] C_d_1; 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+1]] C_nd_1; 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+2]] C_d_2; 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+2]] C_nd_2; 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+3]] C_d_3; 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+3]] C_nd_3; 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+4]] C_d_4; 
              ordered[Thr[n_binary_tests+4]] C_nd_4; 

transformed parameters { 
              vector[N] log_lik; 

              vector[max(Thr)] C_d_vec[n_ordinal_tests]; 
              vector[max(Thr)] C_nd_vec[n_ordinal_tests]; 
              for (k in 1:Thr[n_binary_tests+1]) {
                C_d_vec[1,k] = C_d_1[k];
                C_nd_vec[1,k] = C_nd_1[k];
              for (k in 1:Thr[n_binary_tests+2]) {
                C_d_vec[2,k] = C_d_2[k];
                C_nd_vec[2,k] = C_nd_2[k];
              for (k in 1:Thr[n_binary_tests+3]) {
                C_d_vec[3,k] = C_d_3[k];
                C_nd_vec[3,k] = C_nd_3[k];
              for (k in 1:Thr[n_binary_tests+4]) {
                C_d_vec[4,k] = C_d_4[k];
                C_nd_vec[4,k] = C_nd_4[k];


      // Parameters for likelihood function. Based on code upoaded by Ben Goodrich which uses the 
      // GHK algorithm for generating TruncMVN. See:
          for (n in 1:N) {
              real lp1;
              real lp0;
              vector[n_tests] z_d;
              vector[n_tests] z_nd;
              vector[n_tests] y1d;
              vector[n_tests] y1nd;
              real prev_d = 0;
              real prev_nd = 0;
            for (t in 1:n_tests) { 
             if (Thr[t] == 1) { //// Binary Likelihoods (tests w/ 1 threshold) - make sure binary tests are at the start 
                    real u_d1 =   u_d[n,t];
                    real u_nd1 = u_nd[n,t];
                    real bound_d_bin;  
                    real bound_nd_bin;
                    bound_d_bin  = phi_logit_approx(  -(  (mu[1,t])  + prev_d ) / L_Omega_d[t,t] ); 
                    bound_nd_bin = phi_logit_approx(  -(  (mu[2,t]) + prev_nd )  / L_Omega_nd[t,t] );
                      if (y[n,t] == 1) {
                        z_d[t]   = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d_bin + (1 - bound_d_bin)*u_d1);      
                        z_nd[t]  = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd_bin + (1 - bound_nd_bin)*u_nd1);    
                        y1d[t]   = log1m(bound_d_bin);  // Jacobian adjustment
                        y1nd[t]  = log1m(bound_nd_bin); // Jacobian adjustment
                      else {  // y == 0
                        z_d[t]   = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d_bin*u_d1);
                        z_nd[t]  = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd_bin*u_nd1);
                        y1d[t]   = log(bound_d_bin);  // Jacobian adjustment
                        y1nd[t]  = log(bound_nd_bin); // Jacobian adjustment
                                 //  if (t < n_binary_tests)   prev_d    = L_Omega_d[t+1,1:t] * head(z_d,t);  
                                 //  if (t < n_binary_tests)   prev_nd  = L_Omega_nd[t+1,1:t] * head(z_nd,t);
              else {  // ordinal likelihoods (tests w/ > 1 threshold)               
                    real u_d1 =   u_d[n,t];
                    real u_nd1 = u_nd[n,t];
                    vector[Thr[t]] bound_d; 
                    vector[Thr[t]] bound_nd;
                    bound_d[1:Thr[t]]  =  phi_logit_approx_vec( ( C_d_vec[t-n_binary_tests,1:Thr[t]]   - ( mu[1,t]  + prev_d  ) ) /   L_Omega_d[t,t]  ); // diseased
                    bound_nd[1:Thr[t]] =  phi_logit_approx_vec( ( C_nd_vec[t-n_binary_tests,1:Thr[t]]  - ( mu[2,t]  + prev_nd ) ) /   L_Omega_nd[t,t]   ); // non-diseased
                     int K =   (Thr[t] + 1) ; 
                        if (y[n,t] == K) {
                          z_d[t]   = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d[K-1] + (1 - bound_d[K-1])*u_d1);      
                          z_nd[t]  = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd[K-1] + (1 - bound_nd[K-1])*u_nd1);    
                          y1d[t]   = log1m(bound_d[K-1]);  // Jacobian adjustment
                          y1nd[t]  = log1m(bound_nd[K-1]); // Jacobian adjustment
                       for (J in 2:(K-1)) {
                        if (y[n,t] == J) {
                          z_d[t]   = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d[J-1] + (bound_d[J] - bound_d[J-1])*u_d1);      
                          z_nd[t]  = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd[J-1] + (bound_nd[J] - bound_nd[J-1])*u_nd1);    
                          y1d[t]   = log(  (bound_d[J] - bound_d[J-1]) );  // Jacobian adjustment
                          y1nd[t]  = log( (bound_nd[J] - bound_nd[J-1]) );  // Jacobian adjustment
                        if (y[n,t] == 1) {
                        z_d[t]   = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d[1]* u_d1);
                        z_nd[t]  = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd[1]* u_nd1);
                        y1d[t]   = log(bound_d[1]); // Jacobian adjustment
                        y1nd[t]  = log(bound_nd[1]); // Jacobian adjustment
                             if (t < n_tests)   prev_d    = L_Omega_d[t+1,1:t] * head(z_d,t);  
                             if (t < n_tests)   prev_nd  = L_Omega_nd[t+1,1:t] * head(z_nd,t);
                            // Jacobian adjustments imply z is truncated standard normal
                            // thus utility --- mu + L_Omega * z --- is truncated multivariate normal
                            lp1  = sum(y1d)  +   bernoulli_lpmf(1 | p); 
                            lp0  = sum(y1nd) +   bernoulli_lpmf(0 | p); 
                           log_lik[n] =  log_sum_exp(lp1 , lp0); 




model {

                   C_d_1  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[2]+1), 1);
                   C_d_2  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[3]+1), 1);
                   C_d_3  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[4]+1), 1);
                   C_d_4  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[5]+1), 1);
                   C_nd_1  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[2]+1), 0);
                   C_nd_2  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[3]+1), 0);
                   C_nd_3  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[4]+1), 0);
                   C_nd_4  ~  induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, Thr[5]+1), 0);
          mu[1,1] ~ normal(se_bin_mu, se_bin_sd); 
          mu[2,1] ~ normal(sp_bin_mu, sp_bin_sd);  
          for (t in 2:n_tests) 
             mu[, t] ~ std_normal();

          L_Omega_d  ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(4);
          L_Omega_nd ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(4);

            for (n in 1:N) 
               target +=  log_lik[n]; 

generated quantities {
    vector[n_binary_tests] Se_bin; 
    vector[n_binary_tests] Sp_bin; 
    vector[max(Thr)] Se_ord[n_ordinal_tests]; 
    vector[max(Thr)] Sp_ord[n_ordinal_tests]; 
    corr_matrix[n_tests] Omega_nd;
    corr_matrix[n_tests] Omega_d;

      Omega_d  =  multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Omega_d);
      Omega_nd =  multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Omega_nd);

      //  Estimates for binary tests
   for (t in 1:n_binary_tests) {
      Se_bin[t]  =        phi_logit_approx( mu[1,t]  );
      Sp_bin[t]  =    1 - phi_logit_approx( mu[2,t]  );
      //  Estimates for ordinal tests
   for (t in 1:n_ordinal_tests) {
     for (k in 1:Thr[t+ n_binary_tests]) {
      Se_ord[t,k]  =     1-   phi_logit_approx( C_d_vec[t,k]  -  mu[1,t + n_binary_tests]  );
      Sp_ord[t,k]  =     phi_logit_approx( C_nd_vec[t,k] -  mu[2,t + n_binary_tests]  );


R code (data file attached):

data <- readRDS("data.rdata")

m = t(matrix(data = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                      0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                      0, 0, 1, 1, 1,
                      0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 5, ncol = 5))

init = list(
  mu = t(matrix(data = c(2,2,2,2,2,
                             -2,-2,-2,-2,-2), ncol = 2)),
   C_d_1 = seq(-2,2, length=6), 
   C_d_2 = seq(-2,2, length=5),
   C_d_3 = seq(-2,2, length=28),
   C_d_4 = seq(-2,2, length=15),
   C_nd_1 = seq(-2,2, length=6), 
   C_nd_2 = seq(-2,2, length=5),
   C_nd_3 = seq(-2,2, length=28),
   C_nd_4 = seq(-2,2, length=15), 
  L_Omega_d = m, 
  L_Omega_nd = m

meta_model2 <- mod$sample(
  data = data,
  seed = 123,
  chains = 4,
  parallel_chains = 4,
  iter_warmup = 200,
  iter_sampling = 200, 
  refresh = 50, 
  init = list(init,init,init,init), 
  adapt_delta = 0.90, 
  max_treedepth = 9)

meta_model2$cmdstan_diagnose() # view sampler diagnostics

meta_model2r <- rstan::read_stan_csv(meta_model2$output_files())  # convert to rstan CSV

print(meta_model2r, pars= c("Se_bin", "Sp_bin", "Se_ord", "Sp_ord",
                            "mu", "C_d_vec", "C_nd_vec","p"))

data.rdata (582 Bytes)

The anchor point in the induced Dirichlet distribution is absolutely not arbitrary! As I discuss in the case study the anchor point distinguishes a particular point on the latent space that will change the behavior and interpretation of other latent variables.

Consider, for example, the ordered logistic model

y_{n} \sim \text{ordered_logistic}(gamma, cut_points).

The affinity parameter gamma and the cut points are non-identified – shifting them consistently by any amount results in the same category probabilities. The induced Dirichlet prior model breaks this degeneracy by centering the cut points around the anchor point, but this also anchors gamma to that same point. In particular in order to give balanced category probabilities gamma has to be close to the anchor point.

As with any model the immediate way to avoid subtle complications like this is to work through prior predictive checks. Fix an anchor point and then look at the prior distribution over categorical probabilities to make sure that they’re consistent with your domain expertise. Indeed this might identify a better anchor point than the zero to which you have been defaulting, at least for some applications.

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