Hello, I am running a beta_binomial model in brms, and due to the mi() function not working when I use this format i opted for the Blimp Software created by Craig Enders to do the imputations.
I saved n = 10 datasets, and I now have 1 file in long format where all the information from the 10 datasets are stored. The dataset now contains 1 column indicating which of the 10 datasets the values are from, along with my imputed values.
I have seen the tutorial using the MICE package, but I am unsure of how I best should adapt the syntax given my data.
fit_binom ←
data = impute,
family = beta_binomial,
y | trials(27) ~ 1 + group*time + (time|ID),
prior = priors_list,
cores = 4, seed = 1