AFT model with logistic distribution with brms

I would to ask you if it is possible to use a logistic distribution in an AFT model with brm… l can’t find a suitable function in the manual… @paul.buerkner

model <- brm(time | cens(1-status) ~ factor(trt),
             data = data,
             family = xxxxx ()  )


The following might help:

(1) Define Custom Response Distributions with brms
(2) 19.8 Logistic distribution | Stan Functions Reference

It is challenging for me. I have tried this, but the result does not seem to much flexsurv.
Can anybody tell me how to fix this stan code to get the logistic distribution please?


data= veteran

stan_code <- "
  real my_logistic_lpdf(real y, real mu, real sigma) {
    return -log(sigma) - 2*log1p_exp((y - mu) / sigma) - ((y - mu) / sigma);
  real my_logistic_lcdf(real y, real mu, real sigma) {
    return -log1p_exp(-(y - mu) / sigma);
  real my_logistic_lccdf(real y, real mu, real sigma) {
    return log1p_exp(-(y - mu) / sigma);

custom_stan_funs <- stanvar(scode = stan_code, block = "functions")

logistic_family <- custom_family(
  dpars = c("mu", "sigma"), 
  links = c("identity", "log"), 
  lb = c(NA, 0), 
  type = "real"

custom_stan_funs <- stanvar(scode = stan_code, block = "functions")

aft_model <- brm(
  formula = time | cens(1 - status) ~ trt, 
  data = data, 
  family = logistic_family,
  stanvars = custom_stan_funs,
  chains = 1, 
  iter = 1000, 
  seed = 42

flexsurv_model <- flexsurvreg(
  Surv(time, status) ~ trt, 
  data = data,
  dist = "llogis"  